These are the endpoints that are available under the /schedulerPreference path, which allows you to view or modify the scheduler preferences on your business' account.
Endpoint | Description |
GET /schedulerPreference | Returns a schedulerPreference object for your business' account. |
PUT /miniwebsite | Updates the schedulerPreference object on your business' account. Request body/payload: Must pass a schedulerPreference object in the request body/payload. For these calls, you need to pass a schedulerPreference object with all required fields and any fields you want to update filled in the body of the payload. We have an example of a schedulerPreference object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page. |
Scheduler Preference API Parameters
There are no parameters associated with schedulerPreference calls.Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "acceptPaymentOnBooking": true, "additionalGuestText": "Additional Guests", "addressReq": -1, "allowTZChange": 1, "animate": true, "appMode": 1, "appointmentDetailText": null, "appointmentFieldList": null, "apptDayMax": 90, "apptHrMin": 1, "askClientSMSRemind": true, "autoAdvanceWhenSingle": false, "bookNewApptLabel": "Book a New Appointment", "businessId": 43111, "calendarEngine": 5, "cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel", "cancelHrs": 1, "cancelReasonOptional": null, "cancelledApptBtnLabel": "Cancelled", "cancelledApptTitle": "Cancelled Appointments", "classCalendar": true, "classDayMax": 90, "classHrMin": 1, "classMaxSeat": 40, "classMinSeat": 0, "clientBlacklistError": "The email address you have entered has been put on our list of blocked clients. At this time, you cannot create an appointment with our office. Thank you", "clientBlacklistMode": "GOBBLE", "clientCancelTimeframeError": null, "commentsReq": 0, "companyReq": -1, "completedApptBtnLabel": "Completed", "completedApptTitle": "Completed Appointments", "continueShoppingUrl": null, "countyReqcreatedDate": -11522268785000, "createdDatecreatedUser": 1522268785000null, "createdUsercurrency": null, "currencydefaultScheduler": nulltrue, "debugexpiredInvitationText": falsenull, "defaultSchedulerfilterButton": true, "emailReq": 1, "expiredInvitationText": null, "filterButton": "Search", "filterHint": null, "filterLabel": "Filter by zip code:", "filterMode": 2, "firstDayOfWeek": 1, "fullNameShowhidePrice": false, "heightinfoBookingSummary": null, "hidePriceinfoBookingSummaryWaitList": falsenull, "hintMobileinfoText": null, "hintPhoneinfoTitle": "Your nullInformation", "infoBookingSummarylabelBack": null"Back", "infoBookingSummaryWaitListlabelBookAnother": null"Book another appointment", "infoTextlabelJson": null, "infoTitlelabelMap": "Your Information"null, "labelBacklabelNext": "BackNext", "labelBookAnotherlabelNoPreference": "Book* anotherNo Preference appointment*", "labelCompanylabelSave": "CompanySave", "labelCreditCardlocationGroupText": "Pay Now"null, "labelEmaillocationGroupTitle": "Email"null, "labelFirstNamelocationSuperGroupText": "First Name"null, "labelJsonlocationSuperGroupTitle": null, "labelLastName"locationText: "Last Name<p>test</p>", "labelMaplocationTitle": null"Location", "labelNameloggedInWelcomeText": "Full Name", "labelNext": "Next", "labelNoPreference": "* No Preference *<div style='text-align:center;'><p>Now that you've logged into our scheduler, you can:↵<ul><li>Schedule a new appointment</li><li>View and manage past and future appointments</li></p><p>Select a button below to get started:</p></div>", "labelSaveloggedinWelcomeScreen": false, "SaveloginReq": 0, "labelStatelogoutLabel": null"Logout", "labelZiplookBusy": nullfalse, "locationGroupTextmaxActiveApptClient": null-1, "locationGroupTitlemaxAdditionalGuests": null0, "locationSuperGroupTextmaxClasses": null, "locationSuperGroupTitlemaxClientRescheduleCount": null, "locationTextmodifiedDate": "<p>test</p>"1542386234000, "locationTitlemodifiedUser": "LocationJoeSchmo", "loggedInWelcomeTextnoAppointmentText": "<div style='text-align:center;'><p>Now that you've logged into our scheduler, you can:↵<ul><li>Schedule a new appointment</li><li>View and manage past and future appointments</li></p><p>Select a button below to get started:</p></div>", "loggedinWelcomeScreen": false, "loginReq": 0, "logoutLabel": "Logout", "lookBusy": false, "maxActiveApptClient": -1, "maxAdditionalGuests": 0, "maxClasses": null, "maxClientRescheduleCount": null, "mobileReq": 0, "modifiedDate": 1542386234000, "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo", "name": "Default", "newCustomFields": true, "noAppointmentText": "All appointment times are currently reserved. Please check back again later.", "noStaffError": "There is currently no availability for you to make an appointment through this scheduler. Please check back again later.", "noshowApptBtnLabel": "No Show", "noshowApptTitle": "No Show Appointments", "onlyAllowBookingByInvitation": false, "openApptTitle": "Open appointments", "payByCreditCard": false, "phoneReq": 0, "poweredBy": null, "preventDupClassBooking": null, "quotaFullMsg": null, "recurringClass": false, "rescheduleBtnLabel": "Reschedule", "rescheduleHrs": 1, "restrictReschedToSameStaff": false, "schedButtonsTopNav": false, "schedulerLink": null, "schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList": [{schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId: 375724, businessId: 43111, code: "UDF", dataType: "TXT",…},…], "schedulerPrefernceId": 36450, "selectStaffSorted": false, "serviceGroupText": nullAll appointment times are currently reserved. Please check back again later.", "noStaffError": "There is currently no availability for you to make an appointment through this scheduler. Please check back again later.", "serviceGroupTitlenoshowApptBtnLabel": "ServiceNo GroupShow", "serviceSuperGroupTextnoshowApptTitle": null"No Show Appointments", "serviceSuperGroupTitleonlyAllowBookingByInvitation": nullfalse, "serviceTextopenApptTitle": "Open nullappointments", "serviceTitle": "Service"payByCreditCard": false, "shortDayListpoweredBy": null, "shortMonthListpreventDupClassBooking": null, "showAltTimeslotquotaFullMsg": 0null, "showBookAnotherrecurringClass": truefalse, "showClassOnLocationTabrescheduleBtnLabel": false"Reschedule", "showClassRoomOnTimePanelrescheduleHrs": null1, "showClientInvoicesrestrictReschedToSameStaff": false, "showDurationschedButtonsTopNav": truefalse, "showLocationGroupschedulerLink": falsenull, "showLocationMapschedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList": true[{schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId: 375724, businessId: 43111, code: "showOnlyStartTimeUDF", dataType: true"TXT",…},…], "showOpenSlotsschedulerPrefernceId": true36450, "showPoweredByselectStaffSorted": truefalse, "showServiceGroupserviceGroupText": falsenull, "showServiceSuperGroupserviceGroupTitle": "Service falseGroup", "showStaffGroupserviceSuperGroupText": falsenull, "smsHintserviceSuperGroupTitle": null, "staffGroupTextserviceText": null, "staffGroupTitleserviceTitle": null"Service", "staffNoPreferenceshortDayList": -1null, "staffTextshortMonthList": null, "staffTitleshowAltTimeslot": "Staff"0, "thanksCoursesshowBookAnother": "<p><strong>Yourtrue, registration for %REASON% is successful</strong><br/> <br />Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br />Set: %SET_NAME%<br /> <br />Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br />%LOCATION_ADDRESS%</p>" "showClassOnLocationTab": false, "showClassRoomOnTimePanel": null, "thanksInfoshowClientInvoices": "<br><br><b>Yourfalse, appointment has been scheduled!</b><br> <br>Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br>Time: %APPT_DATE_TIME%<br>Service: %REASON%<br> <BR>Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br>%LOCATION_ADDRESS%<BR>""showDuration": true, "showLocationGroup": false, "thanksInfoConfirmshowLocationMap": "Your appointment is awaiting staff confirmation. You will receive an email shortly to let you know whether the staff person has confirmed or declined your appointment request." true, "showOnlyStartTime": true, "showOpenSlots": true, "showServiceGroup": false, "showServiceSuperGroup": false, "showStaffGroup": false, "thanksInfoPaymentsmsHint": "<br><br><b>Yournull, appointment is not yet scheduled.</b><br> <br>Please click on the button below to make payment. Failure to do that will result in cancellation of your appointment.<br>%PAYMENT_BUTTON%" "staffGroupText": null, "staffGroupTitle": null, "staffNoPreference": -1, "staffText": null, "thanksPaymentTitlestaffTitle": "Pay NowStaff", "thanksTitlethanksCourses": "Thank You!", "thanksWaitListTitle": "You are on the Waitlist "<p><strong>Your registration for %REASON% is successful</strong><br/> <br />Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br />Set: %SET_NAME%<br /> <br />Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br />%LOCATION_ADDRESS%</p>", "timeFormat24HrsthanksInfo": false,"<br><br><b>Your appointment has been "timeText"scheduled!</b><br> <br>Staff: null, %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br>Time: %APPT_DATE_TIME%<br>Service: %REASON%<br> <BR>Location: "timeTitle": "Time %LOCATION_NAME%<br>%LOCATION_ADDRESS%<BR>", "timezonethanksInfoConfirm": null,"Your appointment is awaiting staff "titleBgColor": null, "titleFontColor": null, "upcomingApptBtnLabel": "Upcoming", "viewApptLabel": "View Appointmentsconfirmation. You will receive an email shortly to let you know whether the staff person has confirmed or declined your appointment request.", "viewInvoiceLabelthanksInfoPayment": "View<br><br><b>Your Invoices",appointment is not "waitListAcceptScreenHeader": "Claim Appointment", "waitListAcceptScreenText": "If you would like to claim the appointment with %STAFF_FULLNAME% at %LOCATION_NAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%, please click the confirm button.yet scheduled.</b><br> <br>Please click on the button below to make payment. Failure to do that will result in cancellation of your appointment.<br>%PAYMENT_BUTTON%", "thanksPaymentTitle": "Pay Now", "waitListFirstAvailablethanksTitle": false"Thank You!", "waitListFirstAvailableTextthanksWaitListTitle": "ClickYou are hereon tothe getWaitlist", notified on first available opening"timeFormat24Hrs": false, "waitListSuccessTexttimeText": "Younull, have been added to the waiting list. Should an appointment become available you will be contacted by email or phone."timeTitle": "Time", "timezone": null, "upcomingApptBtnLabel": "Upcoming", "waitListTextviewApptLabel": "ClickView hereAppointments", to join the Wait List for another date/time."viewInvoiceLabel": "View Invoices", "welcomeTextwaitListAcceptScreenHeader": "<font size='5'>Please click through the next few screens to select an appropriate time slot for your appointment.<BR/> Once your appointment is set, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also get a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.<BR/> Thank You!<BR/></font>Claim Appointment", "waitListAcceptScreenText": "If you would like to claim the appointment with %STAFF_FULLNAME% at %LOCATION_NAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%, please click the confirm button.", "welcomeTitlewaitListFirstAvailable": "Welcome"false, "widthwaitListFirstAvailableText": "Click here null } | ||||||||
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "acceptPaymentOnBooking": trueto get notified on first available opening", "additionalGuestTextwaitListSuccessText": "AdditionalYou Guests", "addressReq": -1, "allowTZChange": 1, "animate": true, "appMode": 1have been added to the waiting list. Should an appointment become available you will be contacted by email or phone.", "appointmentDetailTextwaitListText": null,"Click here to join the "appointmentFieldList": null, "apptDayMax": 90Wait List for another date/time.", "apptHrMinwelcomeText": 1, "askClientSMSRemind": true, "autoAdvanceWhenSingle": false, "bookNewApptLabel": "Book a New Appointment", "businessId": 43111, "calendarEngine": 5, "cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel "<font size='5'>Please click through the next few screens to select an appropriate time slot for your appointment.<BR/> Once your appointment is set, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also get a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.<BR/> Thank You!<BR/></font>", "cancelHrswelcomeTitle": 1, "Welcome", } |
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "cancelReasonOptionalacceptPaymentOnBooking": nulltrue, "cancelledApptBtnLabeladditionalGuestText": "CancelledAdditional Guests", "cancelledApptTitleallowTZChange": "Cancelled Appointments"1, "classCalendaranimate": true, "classDayMaxappMode": 901, "classHrMinappointmentDetailText": 1null, "classMaxSeatappointmentFieldList": 40null, "classMinSeatapptDayMax": 090, "clientBlacklistErrorapptHrMin": "The email address you have entered has been put on our list of blocked clients. At this time, you cannot create an appointment with our office. Thank you1, "askClientSMSRemind": true, "autoAdvanceWhenSingle": false, "bookNewApptLabel": "Book a New Appointment", "clientBlacklistModebusinessId": "GOBBLE"43111, "clientCancelTimeframeErrorcancelBtnLabel": null"Cancel", "commentsReqcancelHrs": 01, "companyReqcancelReasonOptional": -1null, "completedApptBtnLabelcancelledApptBtnLabel": "CompletedCancelled", "completedApptTitlecancelledApptTitle": "CompletedCancelled Appointments", "continueShoppingUrlclassCalendar": nulltrue, "countyReqclassDayMax": -190, "couponReqclassHrMin": 01, "createdDateclassMaxSeat": 152226878500040, "createdUserclassMinSeat": null0, "currencyclientBlacklistError": null, "debug": false, "defaultScheduler": true, "emailReq": 1, "expiredInvitationText": null "The email address you have entered has been put on our list of blocked clients. At this time, you cannot create an appointment with our office. Thank you", "filterButtonclientBlacklistMode": "SearchGOBBLE", "filterHintclientCancelTimeframeError": null, "filterLabelcompletedApptBtnLabel": "Filter by zip code:Completed", "filterMode": 2"completedApptTitle": "Completed Appointments", "firstDayOfWeekcontinueShoppingUrl": 1null, "fullNameShowcouponReq": false0, "heightcreatedDate": null1522268785000, "hidePricecreatedUser": falsenull, "hintMobilecurrency": null, "hintPhonedefaultScheduler": nulltrue, "infoBookingSummaryexpiredInvitationText": null, "infoBookingSummaryWaitListfilterButton": null"Search", "infoTextfilterHint": null, "infoTitlefilterLabel": "Your InformationFilter by zip code:", "labelBackfilterMode": "Back"2, "labelBookAnotherfirstDayOfWeek": "Book another appointment"1, "hidePrice": false, "labelCompanyinfoBookingSummary": "Company"null, "labelCreditCardinfoBookingSummaryWaitList": "Pay Now"null, "labelEmailinfoText": "Email"null, "labelFirstNameinfoTitle": "FirstYour NameInformation", "labelJsonlabelBack": null"Back", "labelLastNamelabelBookAnother": "LastBook another Nameappointment", "labelMaplabelJson": null, "labelNamelabelMap": "Full Name"null, "labelNext": "Next", "labelNoPreference": "* No Preference *", "labelSave": "Save", "labelState": null, "labelZip": null, "locationGroupText": null, "locationGroupTitle": null, "locationSuperGroupText": null, "locationSuperGroupTitle": null, "locationText": "<p>test</p>", "locationTitle": "Location", "loggedInWelcomeText": "<div style='text-align:center;'><p>Now that you've logged into our scheduler, you can:↵<ul><li>Schedule a new appointment</li><li>View and manage past and future appointments</li></p><p>Select a button below to get started:</p></div>", "loggedinWelcomeScreen": false, "loginReq": 0, "logoutLabel": "Logout", "lookBusy": false, "maxActiveApptClient": -1, "maxAdditionalGuests": 0, "maxClasses": null, "maxClientRescheduleCount": null, "mobileReq": 0, "modifiedDate": 1542386234000, "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo", "name": "Default", "newCustomFields": true", "noAppointmentText": "All appointment times are currently reserved. Please check back again later.", "noStaffError": "There is currently no availability for you to make an appointment through this scheduler. Please check back again later.", "noshowApptBtnLabel": "No Show", "noshowApptTitle": "No Show Appointments", "onlyAllowBookingByInvitation": false, "openApptTitle": "Open appointments", "payByCreditCard": false, "phoneReq": 0, "poweredBy": null, "preventDupClassBooking": null, "quotaFullMsg": null, "recurringClass": false, "rescheduleBtnLabel": "Reschedule", "rescheduleHrs": 1, "restrictReschedToSameStaff": false, "schedButtonsTopNav": false, "schedulerLink": null, "schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList": [{schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId: 375724, businessId: 43111, code: "UDF", dataType: "TXT",…},…], "schedulerPrefernceId": 36450, "selectStaffSorted": false, "serviceGroupText": null, "serviceGroupTitle": "Service Group", "serviceSuperGroupText": null, "serviceSuperGroupTitle": null, "serviceText": null, "serviceTitle": "Service", "shortDayList": null, "shortMonthList": null, "showAltTimeslot": 0, "showBookAnother": true, "showClassOnLocationTab": false, "showClassRoomOnTimePanel": null, "showClientInvoices": false, "showDuration": true, "showLocationGroup": false, "showLocationMap": true, "showOnlyStartTime": true, "showOpenSlots": true, "showPoweredBy": true, "showServiceGroup": false, "showServiceSuperGroup": false, "showStaffGroup": false, "smsHint": null, "staffGroupText": null, "staffGroupTitle": null, "staffNoPreference": -1, "staffText": null, "staffTitle": "Staff", "thanksCourses": "<p><strong>Your registration for %REASON% is successful</strong><br/> <br />Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br />Set: %SET_NAME%<br /> <br />Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br />%LOCATION_ADDRESS%</p>", "thanksInfo": "<br><br><b>Your appointment has been scheduled!</b><br> <br>Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br>Time: %APPT_DATE_TIME%<br>Service: %REASON%<br> <BR>Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br>%LOCATION_ADDRESS%<BR>", "thanksInfoConfirm": "Your appointment is awaiting staff confirmation. You will receive an email shortly to let you know whether the staff person has confirmed or declined your appointment request.", "thanksInfoPayment": "<br><br><b>Your appointment is not yet scheduled.</b><br> <br>Please click on the button below to make payment. Failure to do that will result in cancellation of your appointment.<br>%PAYMENT_BUTTON%", "thanksPaymentTitle": "Pay Now", "thanksTitle": "Thank You!", "thanksWaitListTitle": "You are on the Waitlist", "timeFormat24Hrs": false, "timeText": null, "timeTitle": "Time", "timezone": null, "titleBgColor": null, "titleFontColor": null, "upcomingApptBtnLabel": "Upcoming", "viewApptLabel": "View Appointments", "viewInvoiceLabel": "View Invoices", "waitListAcceptScreenHeader": "Claim Appointment", "waitListAcceptScreenText": "If you would like to claim the appointment with %STAFF_FULLNAME% at %LOCATION_NAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%, please click the confirm button.", "waitListFirstAvailable": false, "waitListFirstAvailableText": "Click here to get notified on first available opening", "waitListSuccessText": "You have been added to the waiting list. Should an appointment become available you will be contacted by email or phone.", "waitListText": "Click here to join the Wait List for another date/time.", "welcomeText": "<font size='5'>Please click through the next few screens to select an appropriate time slot for your appointment.<BR/> Once your appointment is set, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also get a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.<BR/> Thank You!<BR/></font>", "welcomeTitle": "Welcome", "width": null } |
Property name | Type | Description | ||||
acceptPaymentOnBooking | boolean | Indicates whether or not business is set to accept payment on booking. | ||||
additionalGuestText | string | |||||
addressReq | integer | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
allowTZChange | integer | Displays as what is set for Client Timezones under Time Setting - a value of -1 indicates that it is set to "Allow clients to change timezones", a level of 0 that it's set to "Do not allow clients to change timezones", and a level of 1 that it's set to "Do not show timezones to clients". | ||||
animate | boolean | |||||
appMode | integer | |||||
appointmentDetailText | string | Displays as what is set to show on the Appointment Detail Page under Mini Website Design. | ||||
appointmentFieldList | array | Displays an array of strings that have been added to the Appointment List Columns under Mini Website Design. | ||||
apptDayMax | integer | |||||
apptHrMin | integer | |||||
askClientSMSRemind | boolean | Indicates whether or not the "Clients can request text message" box has been checked. | ||||
autoAdvanceWhenSingle | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Auto Advance box is checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic. | ||||
bookNewApptLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Book a New Appointment Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||||
businessId | integer | Provides unique numeric ID of the business that has specified scheduler preferences. | calendarEngine | integer | CACHE MECAHNISM FOR SCHEDULER; LET'S NOT INCLUDE IN DOCUMENTATION. | |
cancelBtnLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Cancel Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||||
cancelHrs | integer | Displays as the number of hours prior to an appointment that clients can cancel. | ||||
cancelReasonOptional | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Cancel Reason Optional box is checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic. | ||||
cancelledApptBtnLabel | string | Displays as what is set to show on the Cancelled Appointments Button under Mini Website Design. | ||||
cancelledApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Cancelled Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. | ||||
classCalendar | boolean | |||||
classDayMax | integer | Displays as the maximum number of days that a class can be set up to elapse. | ||||
classHrMin | integer | |||||
classMaxSeat | integer | Displays as the maximum number of seats available for classes. | ||||
classMinSeat | integer | Displays as the minimum number of seats available for classes. | ||||
clientBlacklistError | string | Displays as what is set as Client Blacklist Mode under Client Info Settings. Has available options "GOBBLE" and "BLOCK". | ||||
clientBlacklistMode | string | Displays as what is set as Client Blacklist Mode under Client Info Settings. | ||||
clientCancelTimeframeError | string | commentsReq | integer | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||
companyReq | integer | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
completedApptBtnLabel | string | Displays as the what is set to show on the Completed Appointment Button under Mini Website Design. | ||||
completedApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Completed Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. | ||||
continueShoppingUrl | string | Displays as what is set as the Button Redirect URL under Confirmation Panel Settings. | countyReq | integer | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | |
couponReq | integer | |||||
createdDate | integer | Displays as date the specified business was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. | ||||
createdUser | string | Displays as the username of the user who created the specified business. | ||||
currency | object | Displays as the currency object connected to the specified business - for more info, see Currency API page. | debug | boolean | THIS IS IN USE, BUT SHOULDN'T GET SET BY USER – REMOVE | |
defaultScheduler | boolean | emailReq | integer | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||
expiredInvitationText | string | |||||
filterButton | string | Displays as what is set to show on the Filter Search Button under Scheduler Rules & Logic. | ||||
filterHint | string | Displays as what is set as the Filter Hint under Scheduler Rules & Logic. | ||||
filterLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Filter Label under Scheduler Rules & Logic. | filterMode | integer | firstDayOfWeek | integer |
fullNameShow | boolean | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
height | integer | RETIRED. | ||||
filterMode | integer | |||||
firstDayOfWeek | integer | |||||
hidePrice | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Hide Price box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings.hintMobile | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||
hintPhone | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
infoBookingSummary | string | |||||
infoBookingSummaryWaitList | array | |||||
infoText | string | Displays as what is set as the Clients Info Header Text under Client Info Settings. | ||||
infoTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Clients Info Panel Title under Client Info Settings. | ||||
labelBack | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Back' Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||||
labelBookAnother | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Book Again' Button Label under Confirmation Panel Settings. | ||||
labelCompany | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
labelCreditCard | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
labelEmail | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
labelFirstName | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
labelJson | string | labelLastName | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW' Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||
labelBookAnother | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Book Again' Button Label under Confirmation Panel Settings. | ||||
labelJson | string | |||||
labelMap | object | Acts as a map that contains all the labels that have been edited.labelName | ||||
string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | labelNext | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Next' Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||
labelNoPreference | string | Displays as what is set as the "No preference label" under Staff Panel Settings. | ||||
labelSave | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Save' Button Label under Client Info Settings. | ||||
labelState | string | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||||
locationGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Group Header Text under Location Panel Settings. | ||||
locationGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Group Panel Title under Location Panel Settings. | ||||
locationSuperGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Super Group Header Text under Location Panel Settings. | ||||
locationSuperGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Super Group Panel Title under Location Panel Settings. | ||||
locationText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Location Panel Settings. | ||||
locationTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Location Panel Settings. | ||||
loggedInWelcomeText | string | Displays as what is set as the Logged In Header Text under Mini Website Design. | ||||
loggedinWelcomeScreen | boolean | |||||
logoutLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Logout Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||||
lookBusy | boolean | SETTINGS > TIME > SERVICE TIME DISPLAY | ||||
maxActiveApptClient | integer | Displays as the number that is set as the "Max number of open appointments" under Mini Website Design. | ||||
maxAdditionalGuests | integer | Displays as the number that is set for Additional Gusts under Client Info Settings. | ||||
maxClasses | integer | |||||
maxClientRescheduleCount | integer | mobileReq | integerRETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | |||
modifiedDate | integer | Displays as date specified business was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. | ||||
modifiedUser | string | Displays as username of user who last modified specified business. | ||||
newCustomFields | boolean | MAY STILL BE IN USE BUT SHOULDN'T BE WRITTEN TO – REMOVE | ||||
noAppointmentText | string | Displays as what is set as the "No appointments error message" under Time Panel Settings. | ||||
noStaffError | string | Displays as what is set as the No Staff Error Message under Staff Panel Settings. | ||||
noshowApptBtnLabel | string | Displays as the label appearing on the No Show Appointment Button under Mini Website Design. | ||||
noshowApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the No Show Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. | ||||
onlyAllowBookingByInvitation | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Booking by Invitation Only box has been checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic. | ||||
openApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Open Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. | ||||
payByCreditCard | boolean | phoneReq | integer | RETIRED - USING SCHEDULER FIELD LIST NOW | ||
poweredBy | string | |||||
preventDupClassBooking | boolean | |||||
quotaFullMsg | string | |||||
recurringClass | boolean | |||||
rescheduleBtnLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Reschedule Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||||
rescheduleHrs | integer | Displays as the number of hours that Rescheduling is set to under Scheduler Rules & Logic. | ||||
restrictReschedToSameStaff | boolean | Indicates whether or not scheduler preference is set to restrict rescheduled appointments to the same staff. | ||||
schedButtonsTopNav | boolean | |||||
schedulerLink | string | |||||
schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList | array | |||||
schedulerPrefernceId | integer | Provides unique numeric ID for specified scheduler preferences. | ||||
selectStaffSorted | boolean | |||||
serviceGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the Group Panel Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||||
serviceGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Group Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||||
serviceSuperGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the Super Group Panel Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||||
serviceSuperGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Super Group Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||||
serviceText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||||
serviceTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||||
shortDayList | array | |||||
shortMonthList | array | |||||
showAltTimeslot | integer | |||||
showBookAnother | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show 'Book Again' Button box is checked under Confirmation Panel Settings. | ||||
showClassOnLocationTab | boolean | |||||
showClassRoomOnTimePanel | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Classroom box is checked under Class Time Display. | ||||
showClientInvoices | boolean | Indicates whether or not the "Show clients invoices when they login" box has been checked under Payment Settings. | ||||
showDuration | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Display Duration box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||||
showLocationGroup | boolean | |||||
showLocationMap | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Location Map View box is checked under Location Panel Settings. | ||||
showOnlyStartTime | boolean | |||||
showOpenSlots | boolean | Indicates whether or not the "Show open class seats" box is checked under Class Time Display.showPoweredBy | ||||
boolean | MAY STILL BE IN USE BUT SHOULDN'T BE WRITTEN TO – REMOVE | showServiceGroup | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Groups in Flow box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings. | ||
showStaffGroup | boolean | Not set up yet | ||||
smsHint | string | Displays as what is set as the Text Message Hint under Client Info Settings. | ||||
staffGroupText | string | Not set up yet | ||||
staffGroupTitle | string | Not set up yet | ||||
staffNoPreference | integer | Indicates whether it is set to Show or Hide 'No Preference' Option under Staff Panel Settings. | ||||
staffText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Staff Panel Settings. | ||||
staffTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Staff Panel Settings. | ||||
thanksCourses | string | Displays as what is set as the Appointment Saved Message (for courses) under Confirmation Panel Settings. | ||||
thanksInfo | string | Displays as what is set as the Appointment Saved Message under Confirmation Panel Settings. | ||||
thanksInfoConfirm | string | Displays as what is set as the Appointment Awaiting Staff Confirmation Message Message under Confirmation Panel Settings. | ||||
thanksInfoPayment | string | Displays as what is set as the Confirmation Message under Payment Settings. | ||||
thanksPaymentTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Confirmation Title under Payment Settings. | ||||
thanksTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Confirmation Panel Title under Confirmation Pane Settingsl. | ||||
thanksWaitListTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Confirmation Panel Title under Waitlist Settings. | ||||
timeFormat24Hrs | boolean | Indicates whether or not specified the 24 Hour Format box is checked under Time Panel Settings. | ||||
timeText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Time Panel Settings. | ||||
timeTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Time Panel Settings. | ||||
timezone | object | Displays the timezone object for timezone of business - for more info, see Timezones API page. | ||||
titleBgColor | string | RETIRED | ||||
titleFontColor | string | RETIRED | ||||
viewApptLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the View Appointments Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||||
viewInvoiceLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the View Invoices Button Label under Mini Website Design. | ||||
waitListAcceptScreenHeader | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Appointment Landing Page Header under Waitlist Settings. | ||||
waitListAcceptScreenText | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Appointment Landing Page Screen Text under Waitlist Settings. | ||||
waitListFirstAvailable | boolean | Indicates whether or not specified scheduler preference is set to Allow Waitlist First Available. | ||||
waitListFirstAvailableText | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist First Available Text Description under Waitlist Settings. | ||||
waitListSuccessText | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Confirmation Message under Waitlist Settings. | ||||
waitListText | string | Displays as what is set as the Join Waitlist Link Text under Waitlist Settings. | ||||
welcomeText | string | Displays as what is set as the Welcome Message under Mini Website Design. | ||||
welcomeTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Welcome Panel Title. | width | integer | RETIRED |