These are the endpoints that are available under the /schedulerPreference path, which allows you to view or modify the schedulerPreference object on your business' account.
Endpoint | Description |
GET /schedulerPreference | Returns the schedulerPreference object for your business' account. |
PUT /miniwebsiteschedulerPreference | Updates the schedulerPreference object on your business' account. Request body/payload: Must pass a schedulerPreference object in the request body/payload. For these calls, you need to pass a schedulerPreference object with all required fields and any fields you want to update filled in the body of the payload. We have an example of a schedulerPreference object in the responses section below. |
Scheduler Preference API Parameters
There are no parameters associated with schedulerPreference calls.Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "acceptPaymentOnBooking": true, "additionalGuestText": "Additional Guests", "allowTZChange": 1, "appMode": 1, "appointmentDetailText": null, "appointmentFieldList": null, "apptDayMax": 90, "apptHrMin": 1, "askClientSMSRemind": true, "autoAdvanceWhenSingle": false, "bookNewApptLabel": "Book a New Appointment", "businessId": 43111, "cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel", "cancelHrs": 1, "cancelReasonOptional": null, "cancelledApptBtnLabel": "Cancelled", "cancelledApptTitle": "Cancelled Appointments", "classCalendar": true, "classDayMax": 90, "classHrMin": 1, "classMaxSeat": 40, "classMinSeat": 0, "clientBlacklistError": "The email address you have entered has been put on our list of blocked clients. At this time, you cannot create an appointment with our office. Thank you", "clientBlacklistMode": "GOBBLE", "completedApptBtnLabel": "Completed", "completedApptTitle": "Completed Appointments", "continueShoppingUrl": null, "createdDate": 1522268785000, "createdUser": null, "currency": null, "expiredInvitationText": null, "filterButton": "Search", "filterHint": null, "filterLabel": "Filter by zip code:", "filterMode": 2, "hidePrice": false, "infoText": null, "infoTitle": "Your Information", "labelBack": "Back", "labelBookAnother": "Book another appointment", "labelJson": null, "labelMap": null, "labelNext": "Next", "labelNoPreference": "* No Preference *", "labelSave": "Save", "locationGroupText": null, "locationGroupTitle": null, "locationSuperGroupText": null, "locationSuperGroupTitle": null, "locationText: "<p>test</p>", "locationTitle": "Location", "loggedInWelcomeText": "<div style='text-align:center;'><p>Now that you've logged into our scheduler, you can:↵<ul><li>Schedule a new appointment</li><li>View and manage past and future appointments</li></p><p>Select a button below to get started:</p></div>", "loginReq": 0, "logoutLabel": "Logout", "lookBusy": false, "maxActiveApptClient": -1, "maxAdditionalGuests": 0, "maxClientRescheduleCount": null, "modifiedDate": 1542386234000, "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo", "noAppointmentText": "All appointment times are currently reserved. Please check back again later.", "noStaffError": "There is currently no availability for you to make an appointment through this scheduler. Please check back again later.", "noshowApptBtnLabel": "No Show", "noshowApptTitle": "No Show Appointments", "onlyAllowBookingByInvitation": false, "openApptTitle": "Open appointments", "quotaFullMsg": null, "recurringClass": false, "rescheduleBtnLabel": "Reschedule", "rescheduleHrs": 1, "restrictReschedToSameStaff": false, "schedButtonsTopNav": false, "schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList": [{schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId: 375724, businessId: 43111, code: "UDF", dataType: "TXT",…},…], "schedulerPrefernceId": 36450, "selectStaffSorted": false, "serviceGroupText": null, "serviceGroupTitle": "Service Group", "serviceSuperGroupText": null, "serviceSuperGroupTitle": null, "serviceText": null, "serviceTitle": "Service", "showAltTimeslot": 0, "showBookAnother": true, "showClassOnLocationTab": false, "showClassRoomOnTimePanel": null, "showClientInvoices": false, "showDuration": true, "showLocationMap": true, "showOnlyStartTime": true, "showOpenSlots": true, "showServiceGroup": false, "showServiceSuperGroup": false, "showStaffGroup": false, "smsHint": null, "staffGroupText": null, "staffGroupTitle": null, "staffNoPreference": -1, "staffText": null, "staffTitle": "Staff", "thanksCourses": "<p><strong>Your registration for %REASON% is successful</strong><br/> <br />Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br />Set: %SET_NAME%<br /> <br />Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br />%LOCATION_ADDRESS%</p>", "thanksInfo": "<br><br><b>Your appointment has been scheduled!</b><br> <br>Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br>Time: %APPT_DATE_TIME%<br>Service: %REASON%<br> <BR>Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br>%LOCATION_ADDRESS%<BR>", "thanksInfoConfirm": "Your appointment is awaiting staff confirmation. You will receive an email shortly to let you know whether the staff person has confirmed or declined your appointment request.", "thanksInfoPayment": "<br><br><b>Your appointment is not yet scheduled.</b><br> <br>Please click on the button below to make payment. Failure to do that will result in cancellation of your appointment.<br>%PAYMENT_BUTTON%", "thanksPaymentTitle": "Pay Now", "thanksTitle": "Thank You!", "thanksWaitListTitle": "You are on the Waitlist", "timeFormat24Hrs": false, "timeText": null, "timeTitle": "Time", "timezone": null, "upcomingApptBtnLabel": "Upcoming", "viewApptLabel": "View Appointments", "viewInvoiceLabel": "View Invoices", "waitListAcceptScreenHeader": "Claim Appointment", "waitListAcceptScreenText": "If you would like to claim the appointment with %STAFF_FULLNAME% at %LOCATION_NAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%, please click the confirm button.", "waitListFirstAvailable": false, "waitListFirstAvailableText": "Click here to get notified on first available opening", "waitListSuccessText": "You have been added to the waiting list. Should an appointment become available you will be contacted by email or phone.", "waitListText": "Click here to join the Wait List for another date/time.", "welcomeText": "<font size='5'>Please click through the next few screens to select an appropriate time slot for your appointment.<BR/> Once your appointment is set, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also get a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.<BR/> Thank You!<BR/></font>", "welcomeTitle": "Welcome", } |
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "acceptPaymentOnBooking": true, "additionalGuestText": "Additional Guests", "allowTZChange": 1, "appMode": 1, "appointmentDetailText": null, "appointmentFieldList": null, "apptDayMax": 90, "apptHrMin": 1, "askClientSMSRemind": true, "autoAdvanceWhenSingle": false, "bookNewApptLabel": "Book a New Appointment", "businessId": 43111, "cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel", "cancelHrs": 1, "cancelReasonOptional": null, "cancelledApptBtnLabel": "Cancelled", "cancelledApptTitle": "Cancelled Appointments", "classCalendar": true, "classDayMax": 90, "classHrMin": 1, "classMaxSeat": 40, "classMinSeat": 0, "clientBlacklistError": "The email address you have entered has been put on our list of blocked clients. At this time, you cannot create an appointment with our office. Thank you", "clientBlacklistMode": "GOBBLE", "completedApptBtnLabel": "Completed", "completedApptTitle": "Completed Appointments", "continueShoppingUrl": null, "couponReq": 0, "createdDate": 1522268785000, "createdUser": null, "currency": null, "expiredInvitationText": null, "filterButton": "Search", "filterHint": null, "filterLabel": "Filter by zip code:", "filterMode": 2, "hidePrice": false, "infoText": null, "infoTitle": "Your Information", "labelBack": "Back", "labelBookAnother": "Book another appointment", "labelJson": null, "labelMap": null, "labelNext": "Next", "labelNoPreference": "* No Preference *", "labelSave": "Save", "locationGroupText": null, "locationGroupTitle": null, "locationSuperGroupText": null, "locationSuperGroupTitle": null, "locationText": "<p>test</p>", "locationTitle": "Location", "loggedInWelcomeText": "<div style='text-align:center;'><p>Now that you've logged into our scheduler, you can:↵<ul><li>Schedule a new appointment</li><li>View and manage past and future appointments</li></p><p>Select a button below to get started:</p></div>", "loginReq": 0, "logoutLabel": "Logout", "lookBusy": false, "maxActiveApptClient": -1, "maxAdditionalGuests": 0, "maxClientRescheduleCount": null, "modifiedDate": 1542386234000, "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo", "noAppointmentText": "All appointment times are currently reserved. Please check back again later.", "noStaffError": "There is currently no availability for you to make an appointment through this scheduler. Please check back again later.", "noshowApptBtnLabel": "No Show", "noshowApptTitle": "No Show Appointments", "onlyAllowBookingByInvitation": false, "openApptTitle": "Open appointments", "quotaFullMsg": null, "recurringClass": false, "rescheduleBtnLabel": "Reschedule", "rescheduleHrs": 1, "restrictReschedToSameStaff": false, "schedButtonsTopNav": false, "schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList": [{schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId: 375724, businessId: 43111, code: "UDF", dataType: "TXT",…},…], "schedulerPrefernceId": 36450, "selectStaffSorted": false, "serviceGroupText": null, "serviceGroupTitle": "Service Group", "serviceSuperGroupText": null, "serviceSuperGroupTitle": null, "serviceText": null, "serviceTitle": "Service", "showAltTimeslot": 0, "showBookAnother": true, "showClassOnLocationTab": false, "showClassRoomOnTimePanel": null, "showClientInvoices": false, "showDuration": true, "showLocationMap": true, "showOnlyStartTime": true, "showOpenSlots": true, "showServiceGroup": false, "showServiceSuperGroup": false, "showStaffGroup": false, "smsHint": null, "staffGroupText": null, "staffGroupTitle": null, "staffNoPreference": -1, "staffText": null, "staffTitle": "Staff", "thanksCourses": "<p><strong>Your registration for %REASON% is successful</strong><br/> <br />Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br />Set: %SET_NAME%<br /> <br />Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br />%LOCATION_ADDRESS%</p>", "thanksInfo": "<br><br><b>Your appointment has been scheduled!</b><br> <br>Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br>Time: %APPT_DATE_TIME%<br>Service: %REASON%<br> <BR>Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br>%LOCATION_ADDRESS%<BR>", "thanksInfoConfirm": "Your appointment is awaiting staff confirmation. You will receive an email shortly to let you know whether the staff person has confirmed or declined your appointment request.", "thanksInfoPayment": "<br><br><b>Your appointment is not yet scheduled.</b><br> <br>Please click on the button below to make payment. Failure to do that will result in cancellation of your appointment.<br>%PAYMENT_BUTTON%", "thanksPaymentTitle": "Pay Now", "thanksTitle": "Thank You!", "thanksWaitListTitle": "You are on the Waitlist", "timeFormat24Hrs": false, "timeText": null, "timeTitle": "Time", "timezone": null, "upcomingApptBtnLabel": "Upcoming", "viewApptLabel": "View Appointments", "viewInvoiceLabel": "View Invoices", "waitListAcceptScreenHeader": "Claim Appointment", "waitListAcceptScreenText": "If you would like to claim the appointment with %STAFF_FULLNAME% at %LOCATION_NAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%, please click the confirm button.", "waitListFirstAvailable": false, "waitListFirstAvailableText": "Click here to get notified on first available opening", "waitListSuccessText": "You have been added to the waiting list. Should an appointment become available you will be contacted by email or phone.", "waitListText": "Click here to join the Wait List for another date/time.", "welcomeText": "<font size='5'>Please click through the next few screens to select an appropriate time slot for your appointment.<BR/> Once your appointment is set, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also get a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.<BR/> Thank You!<BR/></font>", "welcomeTitle": "Welcome", } |
Scheduler Preference
Property name | Type | Description |
acceptPaymentOnBooking | boolean | Indicates whether or not the business is set to accept payment on booking. |
additionalGuestText | string | Displays as the label provided for Additional Guests under Client Information. |
allowTZChange | integer | Displays as what is set for Client Timezones under Time Setting - a value of -1 indicates that it is set to "Allow clients to change timezones", a value of 0 that it's set to "Do not allow clients to change timezones", and a value of 1 that it's set to "Do not show timezones to clients". |
appMode | integer | Corresponds with the Panel Flow setting under Scheduler Rules & Logic - for more info on the different appMode settings, see the appMode key below. |
appointmentDetailText | string | Displays as what is set to show on the Appointment Detail Page under Mini Website Design. |
appointmentFieldList | array | Displays an array of strings that have been added to the Appointment List Columns under Mini Website Design. |
apptDayMax | integer | Displays as the number of days that the Advanced Service Booking is set to under Service Appointment Time Display. |
apptHrMin | integer | Displays as the number of hours that the Latest Appointment is set to under Service Appointment Time Display. |
askClientSMSRemind | boolean | Indicates whether or not the "Clients can request text message" box is checked under Client Info Settings. |
autoAdvanceWhenSingle | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Auto Advance box is checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
bookNewApptLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Book a New Appointment Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
businessId | integer | Provides unique numeric ID of the business that has specified scheduler preferences. |
cancelBtnLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Cancel Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
cancelHrs | integer | Displays as the number of hours that Cancellations is set to under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
cancelReasonOptional | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Cancel Reason Optional box is checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
cancelledApptBtnLabel | string | Displays as what is set to show on the Cancelled Appointments Button under Mini Website Design. |
cancelledApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Cancelled Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. |
classCalendar | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Monthly Calendar box is checked under Class Time Display. |
classDayMax | integer | Displays as what is set as for Advanced Class Booking under Class Time Display, where 1 month gets treated like 30 days. |
classHrMin | integer | Displays as the number of hours that Latest Class is set to under Class Time Display. |
classMaxSeat | integer | Displays as the maximum number of seats available for classes. |
classMinSeat | integer | Displays as the minimum number of seats available for classes. |
clientBlacklistError | string | Displays as what is set as Client Blacklist Mode under Client Info Settings. Has available options "GOBBLE" and "BLOCK". |
clientBlacklistMode | string | Displays as what is set as Client Blacklist Mode under Client Info Settings. |
completedApptBtnLabel | string | Displays as the what is set to show on the Completed Appointment Button under Mini Website Design. |
completedApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Completed Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. |
continueShoppingUrl | string | Displays as what is set as the Button Redirect URL under Confirmation Panel Settings. |
couponReq | integer | Displays as the integer associated with whether or not the specified business is set to Accept Coupons on Scheduler under Manage Coupons, where 0 indicates Yes and -1 indicates No. |
createdDate | integer | Displays as the date the specified business was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. |
createdUser | string | Displays as the username of the user who created the specified business. |
currency | object | Displays as the currency object connected to the specified business - for more info, see Currency API page. |
expiredInvitationText | string | Displays as what is set as the Invitation Campaign Expired Error Message under Messaging Settings. |
filterButton | string | Displays as what is set to show on the Filter Search Button under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
filterHint | string | Displays as what is set as the Filter Hint under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
filterLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Filter Label under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
filterMode | integer | Displays as what is set for the Zip Code Filter under Scheduler Rules & Logic - a value of -1 indicates that it is set to "Do not apply zip code filter, a value of 1 indicates that it's set to "Apply zip code filter to location, and a value of 2 indicates that it's set to "Apply zip code filter to staff" |
hidePrice | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Hide Price box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
infoText | string | Displays as what is set as the Clients Info Header Text under Client Info Settings. |
infoTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Clients Info Panel Title under Client Info Settings. |
labelBack | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Back' Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
labelBookAnother | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Book Again' Button Label under Confirmation Panel Settings. |
labelJson | string | Displays as a string representation of the JSON object describing the Labels under Client Info Settings. |
labelMap | array | Acts as an array that contains objects representing all the labels that have been edited by the user. |
labelNext | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Next' Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
labelNoPreference | string | Displays as what is set as the "No preference label" under Staff Panel Settings. |
labelSave | string | Displays as what is set as the 'Save' Button Label under Client Info Settings. |
locationGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Group Header Text under Location Panel Settings. |
locationGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Group Panel Title under Location Panel Settings. |
locationSuperGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Super Group Header Text under Location Panel Settings. |
locationSuperGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Location Super Group Panel Title under Location Panel Settings. |
locationText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Location Panel Settings. |
locationTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Location Panel Settings. |
loggedInWelcomeText | string | Displays as what is set as the Logged In Header Text under Mini Website Design. |
loginReq | integer | Displays as what is set for Client Login under Mini Website Design - a value of -1 indicates that it is set to "Don't Allow Clients to Login", a value of 0 that it's set to "Allow Clients to Login", a value of 1 that it's set to "Clients Must Login to Book an Appointment", and a value of 2 that it's set to "Only Registered Clients Can Book an Appointment". |
logoutLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Logout Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
lookBusy | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Look Busy box is checked under Service Appointment Time Display. |
maxActiveApptClient | integer | Displays as the number that is set as the "Max number of open appointments" under Mini Website Design. |
maxAdditionalGuests | integer | Displays as the number that is set for Additional Gusts under Client Info Settings. |
maxClientRescheduleCount | integer | Displays as the number of times that the Max Rescheduling Limit is set to under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
modifiedDate | integer | Displays as the date specified business was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. |
modifiedUser | string | Displays as the username of user who last modified specified business. |
noAppointmentText | string | Displays as what is set as the "No appointments error message" under Time Panel Settings. |
noStaffError | string | Displays as what is set as the No Staff Error Message under Staff Panel Settings. |
noshowApptBtnLabel | string | Displays as the label appearing on the No Show Appointment Button under Mini Website Design. |
noshowApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the No Show Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. |
onlyAllowBookingByInvitation | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Booking by Invitation Only box has been checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
openApptTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Open Appointments Title under Mini Website Design. |
preventDupClassBooking | boolean | Indicates whether or not the scheduler is set to check if the client who is booking is already registered for a class session, and will not let them register for the same class session multiple times - this requires that the business account has their clients login to the scheduler. |
recurringClass | boolean | Indicates whether or not the "Recurring class booking" box is checked under Class Time Display. |
rescheduleBtnLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the Reschedule Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
rescheduleHrs | integer | Displays as the number of hours that Rescheduling is set to under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
restrictReschedToSameStaff | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Restrict Rescheduling to Same Staff is checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic. |
schedButtonsTopNav | boolean | Indicates what is set as the Next & Back Button Position under Mini Website Design, where true indicates "Display in header" and false indicates "Display in footer". |
schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList | array | Displays as an array of different schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId objects that represent the schedulerFields objects - for more info, see Scheduler Fields API page. |
schedulerPrefernceId | integer | Provides unique numeric ID for specified scheduler preferences. |
selectStaffSorted | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Book Staff in Order box is checked under Staff Panel Settings. |
serviceGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the Group Panel Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
serviceGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Group Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
serviceSuperGroupText | string | Displays as what is set as the super Group Panel Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
serviceSuperGroupTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Reason Super Group Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
serviceText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
serviceTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
showAltTimeslot | integer | Displays as what is set for Appointment Start Times under Service Appointment Time Display - a value of 0 indicates that it is set to "Show start times based on service durations", a value of 1 that it's set to "Show start times on the hour", a value of 2 that it's set to "Show start times every 30 minutes (half hour)", a value of 3 that it's set to "Show start times every 15 minutes (quarter hour)", a value of 4 that it's set to "Show start times every 10 minutes", and a value of 5 that it's set to "Show start times every 5 minutes". |
showBookAnother | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show 'Book Again' Button box is checked under Confirmation Panel Settings. |
showClassOnLocationTab | boolean | If the Services & Classes panel appears before the Locations panel in the scheduling flow, this property indicates whether or not the web scheduler will show a list of the class sessions coming up at that location. |
showClassRoomOnTimePanel | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Classroom box is checked under Class Time Display. |
showClientInvoices | boolean | Indicates whether or not the "Show clients invoices when they login" box has been checked under Payment Settings. |
showDuration | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Display Duration box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
showLocationMap | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Location Map View box is checked under Location Panel Settings. |
showOnlyStartTime | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Appointment End Time box is checked under Time Panel Settings. |
showOpenSlots | boolean | Indicates whether or not the "Show open class seats" box is checked under Class Time Display. |
showServiceGroup | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Groups in Flow box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
showServiceSuperGroup | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Show Reason Super Groups in Flow box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings. |
showStaffGroup | boolean | Not set up yet |
smsHint | string | Displays as what is set as the Text Message Hint under Client Info Settings. |
staffGroupText | string | Not set up yet |
staffGroupTitle | string | Not set up yet |
staffNoPreference | integer | Indicates whether it is set to Show or Hide 'No Preference' Option under Staff Panel Settings. |
staffText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Staff Panel Settings. |
staffTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Staff Panel Settings. |
thanksCourses | string | Displays as what is set as the Appointment Saved Message (for courses) under Confirmation Panel Settings. |
thanksInfo | string | Displays as what is set as the Appointment Saved Message under Confirmation Panel Settings. |
thanksInfoConfirm | string | Displays as what is set as the Appointment Awaiting Staff Confirmation Message Message under Confirmation Panel Settings. |
thanksInfoPayment | string | Displays as what is set as the Confirmation Message under Payment Settings. |
thanksPaymentTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Confirmation Title under Payment Settings. |
thanksTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Confirmation Panel Title under Confirmation Pane Settings. |
thanksWaitListTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Confirmation Panel Title under Waitlist Settings. |
timeFormat24Hrs | boolean | Indicates whether or not specified the 24 Hour Format box is checked under Time Panel Settings. |
timeText | string | Displays as what is set as the Header Text under Time Panel Settings. |
timeTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Panel Title under Time Panel Settings. |
timezone | object | Displays the timezone object for timezone of business - for more info, see Timezones API page. |
upcomingApptBtnLabel | string | Displays as the label that is set to appear on the Open Appointments Button under Mini Website Design. |
viewApptLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the View Appointments Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
viewInvoiceLabel | string | Displays as what is set as the View Invoices Button Label under Mini Website Design. |
waitListAcceptScreenHeader | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Appointment Landing Page Header under Waitlist Settings. |
waitListAcceptScreenText | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Appointment Landing Page Screen Text under Waitlist Settings. |
waitListFirstAvailable | boolean | Indicates whether or not the Allow Waitlist First Available box is checked under Waitlist Settings. |
waitListFirstAvailableText | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist First Available Text Description under Waitlist Settings. |
waitListSuccessText | string | Displays as what is set as the Waitlist Confirmation Message under Waitlist Settings. |
waitListText | string | Displays as what is set as the Join Waitlist Link Text under Waitlist Settings. |
welcomeText | string | Displays as what is set as the Welcome Message under Mini Website Design. |
welcomeTitle | string | Displays as what is set as the Welcome Panel Title under Mini Website Design. |
appMode key
appMode # | Description |
1 | Location > Staff > Services & Classes |
2 | Location > Services & Classes > Staff |
3 | Staff > Location > Services & Classes |
4 | Staff > Services & Classes > Location |
5 | Services & Classes > Staff > Location |
6 | Services & Classes > Location > Staff |
8 | Location > Services & Classes |
10 | Staff > Services & Classes |
11 | Services & Classes > Staff |
12 | Services & Classes > Location |
15 | Services & Classes |
17 | Location Group > Location > Staff > Services & Classes |
18 | Location Group > Staff > Services & Classes |
19 | Location Group > Location > Services & Classes > Staff |
20 | Location Group > Services & Classes > Staff |
21 | Staff > Location Group > Location > Services & Classes |
22 | Staff > Location Group > Services & Classes |
23 | Staff > Services & Classes > Location Group > Location |
24 | Staff > Services & Classes > Location Group |
25 | Services & Classes > Staff > Location Group > Location |
26 | Services & Classes > Staff > Location Group |
27 | Services & Classes > Location Group > Location > Staff |
28 | Services & Classes > Location Group > Staff |
29 | Location Group > Location > Services & Classes |
30 | Location Group > Services & Classes |
31 | Services & Classes > Location Group > Location |
32 | Services & Classes > Location Group |
33 | Staff > Services & Classes > Location Super Group > Location Group > Location |
34 | Staff > Services & Classes > Location Super Group > Location Group |
35 | Services & Classes > Staff > Location Super Group > Location Group > Location |
36 | Services & Classes > Staff > Location Super Group > Location Group |
37 | Services & Classes > Location Super Group > Location Group > Location > Staff |
38 | Services & Classes > Location Super Group > Location Group > Staff |
39 | Location Super Group > Location Group > Location > Services & Classes |
40 | Location Super Group > Location Group > Services & Classes |
41 | Services & Classes > Location Super Group > Location Group > Location |
42 | Services & Classes > Location Super Group > Location Group |