a. Select Template: "Hiring Managers - Add Availability"
b. Location: If the RFI states it will be phone interviews, choose the phone location. If the RFI states it will be in person, select the office that the interviews will be taking place at
c. Staff: This should be preset to whatever hiring manager you selected to email
d. Interview Type: If the RFI stated it will be phone interviews, choose the "Phone Interview - HM" option. If the RFI states it will be in person, select the "In Person Interview - HM" option
e. Job Coordinator Staff: This will generally be set to the name of whatever staff is logged in an triggering the email to go out to the hiring manager. This will make it so that once the hiring manager finishes entering his/her information, the staff selected here will get notified.
f. Position: If this option is available in the account, select the job position that corresponds with the RFI you received
fg. Requisition number: If this option is available in the account, select the requisition number that corresponds with the RFI you received
gh. Employment Type: If this is turned on on the account you are under, just leave as is. No need to select anything in particular here for Hiring Manager's email.
hi. Employment Term: Same thing applies here as what applies to Employment Type. If this is turned on on the account you are under, just leave as is. No need to select anything in particular here for Hiring Manager's email.
ij. Attachment Folders: leave set to "Do not apply attachments"
jk. Send Reminder: check this check box. This will make it so that if the hiring manager doesn't enter their availability in X number of hours, TimeTap will automatically send them a reminder email to come enter it.
kl. Send Reminder after: Enter the number of hours after the initial email sends that you want to send a reminder email to the hiring manager, if they haven't already entered and submitted their availability
lm. Reminder template: Choose the "Hiring Managers - Add Availability Reminder" template
Once you've configured those settings, click the green "Select Template" button on the pop up:
You'll then get a sample of the email that you can edit if need be before sending it out. The email should already contain all the necessary information for the hiring manager, but feel free to read through it and make sure that everything sounds okay before clicking the "Send Email" button at the bottom of the page: