Added option to see appointments in a list format for each view (day / week / month).
Added ability to edit “Package Reminder” messaging template.
Added ability to bulk SMS message available staff to accept or decline appointments added from the back office.
All appointments in a recurring series can now be color coded upon creation.
Added appointment ID to audit trail exports.
Added a "Join Wait List" feature on the scheduler that lets clients join a wait list for times outside of availability.
Created a Time Off Summary API where TimeTap can calculate the total amount of time off scheduled from a synced calendar.
Added ability to quick add appointments/class session/time off by clicking time slot in the calendar in the new back office.
Added print button to calendar views.
Added ability to add clone email templates on new back office.
Added ability some users to upload attachments to email templates.
Updated new back office to allow for sending test emails from email template profiles.
Streamlined default wording for Wait Lists.
Bugs Fixed:
Appointments that have been edited by staff before being approved were sending a Changed/Rescheduled email instead of a New Appointment email.
Quick reboot button in the Repeating Appointment Detail screen was not redirecting to start the booking process.
Cancelling an appointment along with all following appointments in a repeating appointment series deleted the first appointments but kept the following appointments still showing on the calendar.
Wait list time options were appearing for all appointment times even though no appointments had been booked during the open staff availability for that day.
When users added a custom time frame to join a wait list, end times were not being populating by their corresponding service duration time.
Your Information page wasn’t loading when all three panels (staff, location, services) were not in the panel flow and client tried to add themselves to the wait list.
When a client changed their timezone when adding themselves to a wait list, the appointments displayed showed in the timezone of the business instead of the client’s.
When joining a wait list the dates and times registered for were showing up multiple times on the Your Information page.
Wait List Confirmation Panel Title was not displaying the set text.
Users were seeing an error when trying to add themselves to the wait list for all day.
When groups were included in the panel flow the page would endlessly load when attempting to join Wait List.
Join Wait List button on Wait List confirmation panel was unresponsive.
Accounts that did not have wait list functionality with turned on for any classes/services. experienced an unresponsive loading screen when clicking “Join Wait List”.
Joining a wait list time slot and then going back to see other available wait list times caused additional times to not be added to the counter.
Time Zone rules were not being applied to scheduler if Location was not included in the panel flow.
"First Available" was appearing as a registration type on Join Wait List screen, even though "Allow wait list first available" was set to false in the back office.
Some users were unable to view All Appointments from Client Profile but could view Individual Status (Open, Completed, Cancelled).
Joining a wait list and then clicking back to select more additional slots caused the additional slots to not show up on the final wait list confirmation page.
If “First Available” was enabled as a wait list option, then the list at the bottom of selection page was displaying the text of “First available date and time” instead of the actual appointment times.
Users in a different time zone than staff members were seeing three different displays of their time zone when joining the waitlist for a virtual location that allowed changing time zone.
Users is in a different time zone than the location they were booking for were seeing appointment times in the wrong time zone format on the Wait List Registration page when the location is set to not show time zones.
Wait List registration page list was displaying incorrect time when the location was set to “do not allow to change time zone”.
Reminders were not being sent out when the quantity of appointments left in a package reached the notification threshold number set by the user.
Class times were displaying in the scheduler based on business time zone if those classes were created before time zones information was added for staff and locations.
Date selections were not loading when joining a wait list if a client changed to First Available, then changed back to specific dates and times.
Recurring classes were still showing on the location class recurring schedule page even after their status was changed to cancelled.
Wait List confirmation text was not matching the set text.
Calendar was not loading in the new back office if all filters were deselected.