The option to request a text reminder on “Your Information” page of the client scheduler was potentially showing as checked by default, even when set to be optional in the Backoffice
The “Charge Card” button on invoice pages was not charging the card for authorized payments when selected
When an additional staff was added to an appointment, that appointment was not showing in their appointment list view
No error message was being displayed in the Backoffice when booking a service that was above the quota limit
Changes to the “Auto Advance To Payment Gateway on Booking" setting in the Backoffice were not being reflecting on the scheduler
Appointments that ended at midnight were having their end date set 2 days ahead, which was causing that appointment to take up the whole next day on the calendar view and two whole days on the availability view
When registering for a course set where payment was required, a client was still able to pay for the course set after the appointments had been cancelled due to non-payment