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The Scheduler Preference API is used to access and modify the schedulerPreference object on your business' account. A business' scheduler preferences are used to determine the settings of that business.

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Scheduler Preference API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that are available under the /schedulerPreference path, which allows you to view or modify the scheduler preferences on your business' account. 



GET /schedulerPreference

Returns a schedulerPreference object for your business' account.

PUT /miniwebsite

Updates the schedulerPreference object on your business' account.

Request body/payload:  Must pass a schedulerPreference object in the request body/payload. 

For these calls, you need to pass a schedulerPreference object with all required fields and any fields you want to update filled in the body of the payload. We have an example of a schedulerPreference object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page.

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Scheduler Preference API Parameters

There are no parameters associated with schedulerPreference calls.

Scheduler Preference API Responses

GET /schedulerPreference
    "acceptPaymentOnBooking": true,
    "additionalGuestText": "Additional Guests",
    "addressReq": -1,
    "allowTZChange": 1,
    "animate": true,
    "appMode": 1,
    "appointmentDetailText": null,
    "appointmentFieldList": null,
    "apptDayMax": 90,
    "apptHrMin": 1,
    "askClientSMSRemind": true,
    "autoAdvanceWhenSingle": false,
    "bookNewApptLabel": "Book a New Appointment",
    "businessId": 43111,
    "calendarEngine": 5,
    "cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
    "cancelHrs": 1,
    "cancelReasonOptional": null,
    "cancelledApptBtnLabel": "Cancelled",
    "cancelledApptTitle": "Cancelled Appointments",
    "classCalendar": true,
    "classDayMax": 90,
    "classHrMin": 1,
    "classMaxSeat": 40,
    "classMinSeat": 0,
    "clientBlacklistError": "The email address you have entered has been put on our list of blocked clients. At this time, you cannot create an appointment with our office. Thank you",
    "clientBlacklistMode": "GOBBLE",
    "clientCancelTimeframeError": null,
    "commentsReq": 0,
    "companyReq": -1,
    "completedApptBtnLabel": "Completed",
    "completedApptTitle": "Completed Appointments",
    "continueShoppingUrl": null,
    "countyReq": -1,
    "createdDate": 1522268785000,
    "createdUser": null,
    "currency": null,
    "debug": false,
    "defaultScheduler": true,
    "emailReq": 1,
    "expiredInvitationText": null,
    "filterButton": "Search",
    "filterHint": null,
    "filterLabel": "Filter by zip code:",
    "filterMode": 2,
    "firstDayOfWeek": 1,
    "fullNameShow": false,
    "height": null,
    "hidePrice": false,
    "hintMobile": null,
    "hintPhone": null,
    "infoBookingSummary": null,
    "infoBookingSummaryWaitList": null,
    "infoText": null,
    "infoTitle": "Your Information",
    "labelBack": "Back",
    "labelBookAnother": "Book another appointment",
    "labelCompany": "Company",
    "labelCreditCard": "Pay Now",
    "labelEmail": "Email",
    "labelFirstName": "First Name",
    "labelJson": null,
    "labelLastName": "Last Name",
    "labelMap": null,
    "labelName": "Full Name",
    "labelNext": "Next",
    "labelNoPreference": "* No Preference *",
    "labelSave": "Save",
    "labelState": null,
    "labelZip": null,
    "locationGroupText": null,
    "locationGroupTitle": null,
    "locationSuperGroupText": null,
    "locationSuperGroupTitle": null,
    "locationText: "<p>test</p>",
    "locationTitle": "Location",
    "loggedInWelcomeText": "<div style='text-align:center;'><p>Now that you've logged into our scheduler, you can:↵<ul><li>Schedule a new appointment</li><li>View and manage past and future appointments</li></p><p>Select a button below to get started:</p></div>",
    "loggedinWelcomeScreen": false,
    "loginReq": 0,
    "logoutLabel": "Logout",
    "lookBusy": false,
    "maxActiveApptClient": -1,
    "maxAdditionalGuests": 0,
    "maxClasses": null,
    "maxClientRescheduleCount": null,
    "mobileReq": 0,
    "modifiedDate": 1542386234000,
    "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "name": "Default",
    "newCustomFields": true,
    "noAppointmentText": "All appointment times are currently reserved. Please check back again later.",
    "noStaffError": "There is currently no availability for you to make an appointment through this scheduler. Please check back again later.",
    "noshowApptBtnLabel": "No Show",
    "noshowApptTitle": "No Show Appointments",
    "onlyAllowBookingByInvitation": false,
    "openApptTitle": "Open appointments",
    "payByCreditCard": false,
    "phoneReq": 0,
    "poweredBy": null,
    "preventDupClassBooking": null,
    "quotaFullMsg": null,
    "recurringClass": false,
    "rescheduleBtnLabel": "Reschedule",
    "rescheduleHrs": 1,
    "restrictReschedToSameStaff": false,
    "schedButtonsTopNav": false,
    "schedulerLink": null,
    "schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList": [{schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId: 375724, businessId: 43111, code: "UDF", dataType: "TXT",…},…],
    "schedulerPrefernceId": 36450,
    "selectStaffSorted": false,
    "serviceGroupText": null,
    "serviceGroupTitle": "Service Group",
    "serviceSuperGroupText": null,
    "serviceSuperGroupTitle": null,
    "serviceText": null,
    "serviceTitle": "Service",
    "shortDayList": null,
    "shortMonthList": null,
    "showAltTimeslot": 0,
    "showBookAnother": true,
    "showClassOnLocationTab": false,
    "showClassRoomOnTimePanel": null,
    "showClientInvoices": false,
    "showDuration": true,
    "showLocationGroup": false,
    "showLocationMap": true,
    "showOnlyStartTime": true,
    "showOpenSlots": true,
    "showPoweredBy": true,
    "showServiceGroup": false,
    "showServiceSuperGroup": false,
    "showStaffGroup": false,
    "smsHint": null,
    "staffGroupText": null,
    "staffGroupTitle": null,
    "staffNoPreference": -1,
    "staffText": null,
    "staffTitle": "Staff",
    "thanksCourses": "<p><strong>Your registration for %REASON% is successful</strong><br/> <br />Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br />Set: %SET_NAME%<br /> <br />Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br />%LOCATION_ADDRESS%</p>",
    "thanksInfo": "<br><br><b>Your appointment has been scheduled!</b><br> <br>Staff:  %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br>Time: %APPT_DATE_TIME%<br>Service: %REASON%<br> <BR>Location:  %LOCATION_NAME%<br>%LOCATION_ADDRESS%<BR>",
    "thanksInfoConfirm": "Your appointment is awaiting staff confirmation. You will receive an email shortly to let you know whether the staff person has confirmed or declined your appointment request.",
    "thanksInfoPayment": "<br><br><b>Your appointment is not yet scheduled.</b><br> <br>Please click on the button below to make payment. Failure to do that will result in cancellation of your appointment.<br>%PAYMENT_BUTTON%",
    "thanksPaymentTitle": "Pay Now",
    "thanksTitle": "Thank You!",
    "thanksWaitListTitle": "You are on the Waitlist",
    "timeFormat24Hrs": false,
    "timeText": null,
    "timeTitle": "Time",
    "timezone": null,
    "titleBgColor": null,
    "titleFontColor": null,
    "upcomingApptBtnLabel": "Upcoming",
    "viewApptLabel": "View Appointments",
    "viewInvoiceLabel": "View Invoices",
    "waitListAcceptScreenHeader": "Claim Appointment",
    "waitListAcceptScreenText": "If you would like to claim the appointment with %STAFF_FULLNAME% at %LOCATION_NAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%, please click the confirm button.",
    "waitListFirstAvailable": false,
    "waitListFirstAvailableText": "Click here to get notified on first available opening",
    "waitListSuccessText": "You have been added to the waiting list. Should an appointment become available you will be contacted by email or phone.",
    "waitListText": "Click here to join the Wait List for another date/time.",
    "welcomeText": "<font size='5'>Please click through the next few screens to select an appropriate time slot for your appointment.<BR/> Once your appointment is set, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also get a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.<BR/> Thank You!<BR/></font>",
    "welcomeTitle": "Welcome",
    "width": null
PUT /schedulerPreference
    "acceptPaymentOnBooking": true,
    "additionalGuestText": "Additional Guests",
    "addressReq": -1,
    "allowTZChange": 1,
    "animate": true,
    "appMode": 1,
    "appointmentDetailText": null,
    "appointmentFieldList": null,
    "apptDayMax": 90,
    "apptHrMin": 1,
    "askClientSMSRemind": true,
    "autoAdvanceWhenSingle": false,
    "bookNewApptLabel": "Book a New Appointment",
    "businessId": 43111,
    "calendarEngine": 5,
    "cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
    "cancelHrs": 1,
    "cancelReasonOptional": null,
    "cancelledApptBtnLabel": "Cancelled",
    "cancelledApptTitle": "Cancelled Appointments",
    "classCalendar": true,
    "classDayMax": 90,
    "classHrMin": 1,
    "classMaxSeat": 40,
    "classMinSeat": 0,
    "clientBlacklistError": "The email address you have entered has been put on our list of blocked clients. At this time, you cannot create an appointment with our office. Thank you",
    "clientBlacklistMode": "GOBBLE",
    "clientCancelTimeframeError": null,
    "commentsReq": 0,
    "companyReq": -1,
    "completedApptBtnLabel": "Completed",
    "completedApptTitle": "Completed Appointments",
    "continueShoppingUrl": null,
    "countyReq": -1,
    "couponReq": 0,
    "createdDate": 1522268785000,
    "createdUser": null,
    "currency": null,
    "debug": false,
    "defaultScheduler": true,
    "emailReq": 1,
    "expiredInvitationText": null,
    "filterButton": "Search",
    "filterHint": null,
    "filterLabel": "Filter by zip code:",
    "filterMode": 2,
    "firstDayOfWeek": 1,
    "fullNameShow": false,
    "height": null,
    "hidePrice": false,
    "hintMobile": null,
    "hintPhone": null,
    "infoBookingSummary": null,
    "infoBookingSummaryWaitList": null,
    "infoText": null,
    "infoTitle": "Your Information",
    "labelBack": "Back",
    "labelBookAnother": "Book another appointment",
    "labelCompany": "Company",
    "labelCreditCard": "Pay Now",
    "labelEmail": "Email",
    "labelFirstName": "First Name",
    "labelJson": null,
    "labelLastName": "Last Name",
    "labelMap": null,
    "labelName": "Full Name",
    "labelNext": "Next",
    "labelNoPreference": "* No Preference *",
    "labelSave": "Save",
    "labelState": null,
    "labelZip": null,
    "locationGroupText": null,
    "locationGroupTitle": null,
    "locationSuperGroupText": null,
    "locationSuperGroupTitle": null,
    "locationText": "<p>test</p>",
    "locationTitle": "Location",
    "loggedInWelcomeText": "<div style='text-align:center;'><p>Now that you've logged into our scheduler, you can:↵<ul><li>Schedule a new appointment</li><li>View and manage past and future appointments</li></p><p>Select a button below to get started:</p></div>",
    "loggedinWelcomeScreen": false,
    "loginReq": 0,
    "logoutLabel": "Logout",
    "lookBusy": false,
    "maxActiveApptClient": -1,
    "maxAdditionalGuests": 0,
    "maxClasses": null,
    "maxClientRescheduleCount": null,
    "mobileReq": 0,
    "modifiedDate": 1542386234000,
    "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "name": "Default",
    "newCustomFields": true,
    "noAppointmentText": "All appointment times are currently reserved. Please check back again later.",
    "noStaffError": "There is currently no availability for you to make an appointment through this scheduler. Please check back again later.",
    "noshowApptBtnLabel": "No Show",
    "noshowApptTitle": "No Show Appointments",
    "onlyAllowBookingByInvitation": false,
    "openApptTitle": "Open appointments",
    "payByCreditCard": false,
    "phoneReq": 0,
    "poweredBy": null,
    "preventDupClassBooking": null,
    "quotaFullMsg": null,
    "recurringClass": false,
    "rescheduleBtnLabel": "Reschedule",
    "rescheduleHrs": 1,
    "restrictReschedToSameStaff": false,
    "schedButtonsTopNav": false,
    "schedulerLink": null,
    "schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnList": [{schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId: 375724, businessId: 43111, code: "UDF", dataType: "TXT",…},…],
    "schedulerPrefernceId": 36450,
    "selectStaffSorted": false,
    "serviceGroupText": null,
    "serviceGroupTitle": "Service Group",
    "serviceSuperGroupText": null,
    "serviceSuperGroupTitle": null,
    "serviceText": null,
    "serviceTitle": "Service",
    "shortDayList": null,
    "shortMonthList": null,
    "showAltTimeslot": 0,
    "showBookAnother": true,
    "showClassOnLocationTab": false,
    "showClassRoomOnTimePanel": null,
    "showClientInvoices": false,
    "showDuration": true,
    "showLocationGroup": false,
    "showLocationMap": true,
    "showOnlyStartTime": true,
    "showOpenSlots": true,
    "showPoweredBy": true,
    "showServiceGroup": false,
    "showServiceSuperGroup": false,
    "showStaffGroup": false,
    "smsHint": null,
    "staffGroupText": null,
    "staffGroupTitle": null,
    "staffNoPreference": -1,
    "staffText": null,
    "staffTitle": "Staff",
    "thanksCourses": "<p><strong>Your registration for %REASON% is successful</strong><br/> <br />Staff: %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br />Set: %SET_NAME%<br /> <br />Location: %LOCATION_NAME%<br />%LOCATION_ADDRESS%</p>",
    "thanksInfo": "<br><br><b>Your appointment has been scheduled!</b><br> <br>Staff:  %STAFF_FULLNAME%<br>Time: %APPT_DATE_TIME%<br>Service: %REASON%<br> <BR>Location:  %LOCATION_NAME%<br>%LOCATION_ADDRESS%<BR>",
    "thanksInfoConfirm": "Your appointment is awaiting staff confirmation. You will receive an email shortly to let you know whether the staff person has confirmed or declined your appointment request.",
    "thanksInfoPayment": "<br><br><b>Your appointment is not yet scheduled.</b><br> <br>Please click on the button below to make payment. Failure to do that will result in cancellation of your appointment.<br>%PAYMENT_BUTTON%",
    "thanksPaymentTitle": "Pay Now",
    "thanksTitle": "Thank You!",
    "thanksWaitListTitle": "You are on the Waitlist",
    "timeFormat24Hrs": false,
    "timeText": null,
    "timeTitle": "Time",
    "timezone": null,
    "titleBgColor": null,
    "titleFontColor": null,
    "upcomingApptBtnLabel": "Upcoming",
    "viewApptLabel": "View Appointments",
    "viewInvoiceLabel": "View Invoices",
    "waitListAcceptScreenHeader": "Claim Appointment",
    "waitListAcceptScreenText": "If you would like to claim the appointment with %STAFF_FULLNAME% at %LOCATION_NAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%, please click the confirm button.",
    "waitListFirstAvailable": false,
    "waitListFirstAvailableText": "Click here to get notified on first available opening",
    "waitListSuccessText": "You have been added to the waiting list. Should an appointment become available you will be contacted by email or phone.",
    "waitListText": "Click here to join the Wait List for another date/time.",
    "welcomeText": "<font size='5'>Please click through the next few screens to select an appropriate time slot for your appointment.<BR/> Once your appointment is set, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also get a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.<BR/> Thank You!<BR/></font>",
    "welcomeTitle": "Welcome",
    "width": null

Scheduler Preference Object Values

Property nameTypeDescription
acceptPaymentOnBookingbooleanIndicates whether or not business is set to accept payment on booking.
allowTZChangeintegerDisplays as what is set for Client Timezones under Time Setting - a value of -1 indicates that it is set to "Allow clients to change timezones", a level of 0 that it's set to "Do not allow clients to change timezones", and a level of 1 that it's set to "Do not show timezones to clients".
appointmentDetailTextstringDisplays as what is set to show on the Appointment Detail Page under Mini Website Design.
appointmentFieldListarrayDisplays an array of strings that have been added to the Appointment List Columns under Mini Website Design.
autoAdvanceWhenSinglebooleanIndicates whether or not the Auto Advance box is checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic.
bookNewApptLabelstringDisplays as what is set as the Book a New Appointment Button Label under Mini Website Design.
businessIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID of the business that has specified scheduler preferences.
cancelBtnLabelstringDisplays as what is set as the Cancel Button Label under Mini Website Design.
cancelHrsintegerDisplays as the number of hours prior to an appointment that clients can cancel.
cancelReasonOptionalbooleanIndicates whether or not the Cancel Reason Optional box is checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic.
cancelledApptBtnLabelstringDisplays as what is set to show on the Cancelled Appointments Button under Mini Website Design.
cancelledApptTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Cancelled Appointments Title under Mini Website Design.
classDayMaxintegerDisplays as the maximum number of days that a class can be set up to elapse.
classMaxSeatintegerDisplays as the maximum number of seats available for classes.
classMinSeatintegerDisplays as the minimum number of seats available for classes.
clientBlacklistErrorstringDisplays as what is set as Client Blacklist Mode under Client Info Settings. Has available options "GOBBLE" and "BLOCK".
clientBlacklistModestringDisplays as what is set as Client Blacklist Mode under Client Info Settings.
completedApptBtnLabelstringDisplays as the what is set to show on the Completed Appointment Button under Mini Website Design.
completedApptTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Completed Appointments Title under Mini Website Design.
createdDateintegerDisplays as date specified business was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.
filterButtonstringDisplays as what is set to show on the Filter Search Button under Scheduler Rules & Logic.
filterHintstringDisplays as what is set as the Filter Hint under Scheduler Rules & Logic.
filterLabelstringDisplays as what is set as the Filter Label under Scheduler Rules & Logic.
heightintegerDisplays as the number of pixels that the scheduler height is set to.
hidePricebooleanIndicates whether or not the Hide Price box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings.
labelBackstringDisplays as what is set as the 'Back' Button Label under Mini Website Design.
labelNextstringDisplays as what is set as the 'Next' Button Label under Mini Website Design.
locationGroupTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Location Group Header Text under Location Panel Settings.
locationGroupTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Location Group Panel Title under Location Panel Settings.
locationSuperGroupTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Location Super Group Header Text under Location Panel Settings.
locationSuperGroupTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Location Super Group Panel Title under Location Panel Settings.
locationTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Header Text under Location Panel Settings.
locationTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Panel Title under Location Panel Settings.
loggedInWelcomeTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Logged In Header Text under Mini Website Design.
logoutLabelstringDisplays as what is set as the Logout Button Label under Mini Website Design.
modifiedDateintegerDisplays as date specified business was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.
modifiedUserstringDisplays as username of user who last modified specified business.
noAppointmentTextstringDisplays as what is set as the "No appointments error message" under Time Panel Settings.
noStaffErrorstringDisplays as what is set as the No Staff Error Message under Staff Panel Settings.
noshowApptBtnLabelstringDisplays as the label appearing on the No Show Appointment Button under Mini Website Design.
noshowApptTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the No Show Appointments Title under Mini Website Design.
onlyAllowBookingByInvitationbooleanIndicates whether or not the Booking by Invitation Only box has been checked under Scheduler Rules & Logic.
openApptTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Open Appointments Title under Mini Website Design.
rescheduleBtnLabelstringDisplays as what is set as the Reschedule Button Label under Mini Website Design.
restrictReschedToSameStaffbooleanIndicates whether or not scheduler preference is set to restrict rescheduled appointments to the same staff.
schedulerPrefernceIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for specified scheduler preferences.
serviceGroupTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Group Panel Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings.
serviceGroupTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Group Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings.
serviceSuperGroupTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Super Group Panel Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings.
serviceSuperGroupTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Super Group Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings.
serviceTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Header Text under Service & Class Panel Settings.
serviceTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Panel Title under Service & Class Panel Settings.
showDurationbooleanIndicates whether or not the Display Duration box is checked under Service & Class Panel Settings.
staffNoPreferenceintegerIndicates whether it is set to Show or Hide 'No Preference' Option under Staff Panel Settings.
staffTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Header Text under Staff Panel Settings.
staffTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Panel Title under Staff Panel Settings.
thanksInfoPaymentstringDisplays as what is set as the Confirmation Message under Payment Settings.
thanksPaymentTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Confirmation Title under Payment Settings.
thanksWaitListTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Waitlist Confirmation Panel Title under Waitlist Settings.
timeFormat24HrsbooleanIndicates whether or not specified the 24 Hour Format box is checked under Time Panel Settings.
timeTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Header Text under Time Panel Settings.
timeTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Panel Title under Time Panel Settings.
timezoneobjectDisplays the timezone object for timezone of business - for more info, see Timezones API page.
viewApptLabelstringDisplays as what is set as the View Appointments Button Label under Mini Website Design.
viewInvoiceLabelstringDisplays as what is set as the View Invoices Button Label under Mini Website Design.
waitListAcceptScreenHeaderstringDisplays as what is set as the Waitlist Appointment Landing Page Header under Waitlist Settings.
waitListAcceptScreenTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Waitlist Appointment Landing Page Screen Text under Waitlist Settings.
waitListFirstAvailablebooleanIndicates whether or not specified scheduler preference is set to Allow Waitlist First Available.
waitListFirstAvailableTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Waitlist First Available Text Description under Waitlist Settings.
waitListSuccessTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Waitlist Confirmation Message under Waitlist Settings.
waitListTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Join Waitlist Link Text under Waitlist Settings.
welcomeTextstringDisplays as what is set as the Welcome Message under Mini Website Design.
welcomeTitlestringDisplays as what is set as the Welcome Panel Title.
widthintegerDisplays as the number of pixels that the scheduler width is set to.
  • No labels