The confirmation message that clients receive after booking their appointment is a great place to summarize the details of when, where, and what their appointment will be. 

One great way to do that (particularly if you have multiple services that they could have booked or a complicated location to get to) is to use tags. Tags essentially go into the appointment record and pull out the specific information that the tag is defined to. These tags will stand out to you on the default confirmation message that is on your acccount because they are wrapped in percentage signs:


The Confirmation Panel Settings area shown in the screenshot above can be found under the Settings Client Information page in your Back Office application. Below is a list of tags and their definitions that you can use in this appointment save message area. Just copy and paste the text that is wrapped in percentage signs into the editing area of your appointment saved message. 

Here is a list of tags relating to the staff that is assigned to render the appointment:

%STAFF_FULLNAME%Name of the Staff
%STAFF_EMAIL%Staff's Email
%STAFF_MOBILE%Staff's Phone Number listed in Staff Profile under Settings → Staff
%STAFF_SIGNATURE%Signature list in Staff Profile under Settings → Staff


Here is a list of tags relating to the specifc appointment & appointment time:

%APPT_DATE_TIME%Date and Time of the Appointment for client's timezone
%APPT_DATE_TIME_STAFF%Date and Time of the Appointment for staff's timezone
%APPT_DATE%Appointment Date (without time)
%APPT_START_TIME%Appointment Start Time in client's timezone
%APPT_START_TIME_STAFF%Appointment Start Time in staff's timezone
%APPT_END_TIME%Appointment End Time in client's timezone
%APPT_END_TIME_STAFF%Appointment End Time in staff's timezone
%APPT_ID%Appointment ID Number


Here is a list of tags relating to the location you've set up in TimeTap:

%LOCATION_NAME%Location Name
%LOCATION_DIRECTIONS%Directions (From Setup->Locations)


Here is a list of tags relating to the address and info the client may have entered

%CLIENT_FIRSTNAME%Client's First Name
%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%Client's Email address
%CLIENT_PHONE%Phone Number

Company Name

%APPOINTMENT_NOTE%Comments entered by client


Here are some tags relating to the service or class and your business:

%REASON%Service or Class Name
%BUSINESS_NAME%Name of the Business