Having your availability setup is crucial to being able to take appointments with TimeTap. Without having availability setup, TimeTap won't know what timeslots to display to the clients who are trying to book with you. 

Your availability can be thought of like the "Open Hours" that hang on the doors to shops and restaurants across the country.

So, if your availability is set to be at 8am-5pm, then TimeTap will look to fit any appointment that a client's trying to schedule with you into that timeframe. This means that if your appointment is set to last 1 hour then the last possible appointment time would be 4pm because TimeTap thinks you want to be closed and heading home by 5pm.

Make sense? Good.

Now that we're familiar with what "Availability" is, let's take a look at how to get your availability set up for the first time. When you login to your account for the first time, you'll be prompted to go through the Setup Wizard. 

You can learn more about adding, editing, and customizing your availability from the documentation pages linked below:

  • Adding to your staff availability
  • Editing your existing availability
  • Removing your availability


First you'll select which type of schedule you're adding 

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