Each email that is sent out from TimeTap can make use of tags which can fill the email with dynamic information about the appointment.

For instance, obviously all of your appointments couldn't happen on the same date and time so it would be impossible to hard code a date and time into your email template. Instead, we make use of tags so that the emails that are sent out dynamically reflect the proper information for that appointment. In this case, you would what to put in the tag %APPT_DATE_TIME% (which will reflect the appointment date and time in the client's time zone) in order for the email to constantly be sent with the proper date and time indicated.

We've got a list of all of these tags below. If you are a TimeTap Professional user and can edit your email templates, then to use these tags all you need to do is copy the entire tag (from percentage sign % to percentage sign %) and paste it into your email template. 

Here is a list of tags relating to the specific appointment & appointment time:

%APPT_DATE_TIME%Date and Time of the Appointment for client's timezone
%APPT_DATE_TIME_STAFF%Date and Time of the Appointment for staff's timezone
%APPT_DATE%Appointment Date (without time)
%APPT_START_TIME%Appointment Start Time in client's timezone
%APPT_START_TIME_STAFF%Appointment Start Time in staff's timezone
%APPT_END_TIME%Appointment End Time in client's timezone
%APPT_END_TIME_STAFF%Appointment End Time in staff's timezone
%APPT_ID%Appointment ID Number
%CUSTOM_FIELDS%Appointment fields set up under Define Field Labels
%APPT_SEATS%Total number of seats (for class based bookings)
%MANAGE_APPT_URL%A link to a dedicated page where client can cancel or reschedule appointment
%APPOINTMENT_NOTE%New appointment note entered when creating appointment
%COMPLETED_NOTE%Note entered by staff after marking an appointment as Completed
%CHANGE_NOTE%Note entered by staff after editing/rescheduling an appointment
%CHANGE_SUMMARY_CLIENT%Summary of rescheduling or editing changes made to the appointment sent in client's timezone
%CHANGE_SUMMARY_STAFF%Summary of rescheduling or editing changes made to the appointment sent in staff's timezone
%CANCEL_NOTE%Note entered by client/staff when canceling appointment
%NOSHOW_NOTE%Note entered by staff after marking an appointment as No Show
Repeating Appointment Email Tags
%RECURRING_APPT_STARTDATE%The start date for the repeating appointment series
%RECURRING_APPT_ENDDATE%The end date for the repeating appointment series
%FREQUENCY%How often the appointment takes place (ie every "week", "2 weeks", "3 weeks", "month")
%DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK%Which days of the week the appointment is taking place on
%WEEK_OF_THE_MONTH%If repeating appointment is set on a monthly basis, this will fill in whether it is happening on the 1st,
2nd, 3rd, or 4th week. So if the appointment is on the first Tuesday, it would fill in with "1st" 

Here is a list of tags relating to the staff that is assigned to render the appointment:

%STAFF_FULLNAME%Name of the Staff
%STAFF_FIRSTNAME%First name of staff member
%STAFF_DESCRIPTION%Staff's bio in their Staff Profile
%STAFF_EMAIL%Staff's Email
%STAFF_SKYPE_ID%The staff's skype id stored in their staff profile
%STAFF_MOBILE%Staff's Phone Number listed in Staff Profile under Settings → Staff
%STAFF_PRIVATE_URL%Private URL for Staff Member

Here is a list of tags relating to the location you've set up in TimeTap:

%LOCATION_NAME%Location Name
%LOCATION_ADDRESS%Location's address or description (if it's a virtual location)
%LOCATION_DIRECTIONS%Directions (From Settings → Locations → Location Profile)
%LOCATION_OFFICEPHONE%Phone number for location in the location's profile
%LOCATION_EMAIL%Email address stored in the location's profile
%LOCATION_PRIVATE_URL%Private URL for Location

Here is a list of tags relating to location groups or location super groups that you've set up in TimeTap:

Location Group Name%LOCATION_GROUP_NAME%
Location Group Description%LOCATION_GROUP_DESCRIPTION%
Location Group Directions%LOCATION_GROUP_DIRECTIONS%
Location Super Group Name%LOCATION_SUPER_GROUP_NAME%
Location Super Group Description%LOCATION_SUPER_GROUP_DESCRIPTION%
Location Super Group Directions%LOCATION_SUPER_GROUP_DIRECTIONS%

Here is a list of tags relating to the address and info the client may have entered

%CLIENT_FULLNAME%Full name of client
%CLIENT_FIRSTNAME%Just the client Client's First Name
%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%Client's Email address
%CLIENT_PHONE%All Client's phone numbers (home, mobile & work)
%CLIENT_HOME_PHONE%Client's home phone number
%CLIENT_MOBILE_PHONE%Client's mobile/cell phone number
%CLIENT_WORK_PHONE%Client's work phone number

Company Name

Here are some tags relating to the service and your business:

%REASON%Service or Class Name
%REASON_DESCRIPTION%Service or Class Description from Service or Class Profile
%APPT_AMOUNT%Service or Class Session Price
%CLASSROOM%Class room field in class session details
%REASON_PRIVATE_URL%Private URL for Service or Class

Special instructions about service or class, this instructions can be

added in the service or class profile: Settings → Services and Classes → View Details


Special instructions about service or class, this instructions can be

added in the service or class profile: Settings → Services and Classes → View Details

%CLASS_CURRENT_CAPACITY%Current capacity of the class (for class based bookings)
%CLASS_MAX_CAPACITY%Max capacity of the class that a client has booked (for class based bookings)
%BUSINESS_NAME%Name of the Business