By setting up a web hook, TimeTap can send you notifications anytime your clients or staff members book an appointment for your business.

Our Notification service consists of a 3-step process:

  1.  A client or staff member books an appointment
  2.  TimeTap posts the notification with the appointment information as a JSON object to your webserver endpoint
  3.  Your webserver application processes the JSON object


  • A webserver running an endpoint application capable of receiving a POST request

In this guide, we'll cover the steps to:

Webserver Requirements

To receive a notification from TimeTap, you'll need to set up an endpoint to handle a POST request from our system. The post request will contain a JSON object (example shown below) with appointment data.

Example Appointment JSON Object

When you're endpoint is setup, simply contact us to provide the URL, and we'll set up the POST.

Here's an example of what the Appointment Notification JSON object looks like:

			"email": ""
				"notes":"Jon would like a notification before his appointment.",