Adding a One-Off Candidate

While majority of candidate uploading will be done via Excel sheet, there may be times where you need to manually add one to the system. It's simple to add more candidates to your account on the fly by using the "Add New Candidate" feature on your candidate list.

To use this option, click on the button at the top of your candidate list that reads "Add New Candidate":

This will bring up the "Candidate Quick Add Form" where you can enter in the information on the candidate based on how you have your candidate fields configured under Settings → Candidate Information → Define Field Labels.

Once you finish adding in the candidate details, you can click "Save New Candidate" and add them to your list. Alternatively, if you have other candidates that you want to add, you can first check off the "Add another" checkbox and then press "Save New Candidate" which will save the candidate you just created to your candidate list and bring up the Candidate Quick Add Form again so you can create another candidate record:

Regardless of whether you check off the "Add Another" checkbox, you will see the new candidate you added among your candidate list once you dismiss the Candidate Quick Add Form: