
A webhook (also known as a web callback or HTTP push API) describes the way that an app can provide other applications with real-time data. A webhook is different from a typical API because webhooks deliver the data immediately. 

On this page

Reports API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that are available under the /reports path, which lists all the different reports you have available on your business' reports page.



GET /reports/categoryReturns all reports category objects on an account in array format.
POST /report/print/file

Reports API Parameters

Data points passed on in the request URL portion of the API call that are used to filter the data being requested. 


TypeEndpoints to be used with


POST /report/print/file
endDatestringPOST /report/print/fileShould be set as the end date of the report to be returned following a GET report call, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. 
formatstringPOST /report/print/fileShould be set as the format of the report to be returned.
locationIdintegerPOST /report/print/fileShould be set as the ID of the location of the report to be returned.
startDatestringPOST /report/print/fileShould be set as the start date of the report to be returned following a GET report call, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. 

Reports API Responses

GET /reports/category
    "0": "closed_appointments",
    "1": "open_appointments",
    "2": "coupon",
    "3": "client_service",
    "4": "cancelled_appointments",
    "5": "classes",
    "6": "by_location",
    "7": "staff",
    "8": "noshow_appointments",
    "9": "booking_site_reports",
    "10": "email_reports",
    "11": "repeating_appointments",
    "12": "working_hours",
    "13": "all_appts",
    "14": "waitlist",
    "15": "client",
    "16": "invoice"

Reports Object Values

Property nameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether or not the specified report is active.
businessIdintegerProvides the unique numeric ID for the business that the specified report belongs to.
categorystringDisplays as the category of the specified report.
createdDateintegerDisplays as the date the specified report was created, in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.
createdUserstringDisplays the username of the user who created the specified report.
modifiedDateintegerDisplays as the date the specified report was last modified, in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.
modifiedUserstringDisplays the username of the user who last modified the specified report.
reportFileNamestringDisplays as the file name of the specified report.
reportIdintegerProvides the unique numeric ID for the specified report.
reportNamestringDisplays as the name of the specified report.
reportTypestringDisplays as the type of the specified report.
securityFunctionsstringDisplays the names of the security role functions required for a staff to be able to access the specified report.