
This Appointment API is used to create new appointments on the business’ account based on the provided details. This API is limited in scope and does not allow the majority of overridable data, settings, etc. For a administrative workflow utilize this documentation instead: Appointments .

These are the endpoints that are available under the /scheduling/appointments path.





POST /scheduling/appointments

Creates a new appointment object on an account.

Request body/payload: Must pass an appointment object.

For these calls, you need to pass an appointments object with all required fields and any fields you want to set filled in the body of the payload. We have an example of an appointments object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page.

The objects below represent the minimum viable objects to pass that are needed to create or update an appointment object. Check whether or not a property can be written to by looking at the Object Values table below to see if the property is writable.

{ "status": "OPEN", "subStatus": "OPEN", "fields": [ { "schedulerPreferenceFieldDefnId": 29268, "businessId": 20344, "code": "UDF", "dataType": "AREA", "mode": "APPT", "label": "Comments", "hint": null, "fieldValues": null, "sortOrder": 24, "required": false, "visible": true, "userDefinedField": false, "visibleOnScheduler": true, "filterByService": false, "serviceIds": null, "active": true, "tagName": null, "oldFieldIds": null, "validationRegex": null, "validationError": null, "mask": null, "createdUser": "Mo122", "createdDate": 1659375013000, "modifiedUser": "Mo122", "modifiedDate": 1659375013000, "defaultValue": null, "defaultNullValue": null, "internalLabel": null, "depFieldDefnId": null, "depType": null, "depValue": null, "depCondition": null, "depAction": null, "depSetValue": null, "depError": null, "allowClientEdit": true, "requiredJSON": null, "styleJSON": null, "value": null, "extendedValue": null, "valueMap": null, "valueList": null, "errorMessage": null, 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Appointments API Responses

{ "calendarId": 672612887, "businessId": 20344, "status": "OPEN", "subStatus": "OPEN", "staffTimeText": null, "reason": { "reasonId": 99753, "businessId": 20344, "visitMinutes": 60, "reasonDesc": "Test Service", "reasonDetail": null, "price": null, "originalPrice": null, "depositAmount": null, "imageUrl": null, "numberSessions": null, "reasonType": "SERVICE", "requireStaffConfirmation": null, "bookMultipleAppts": false, "allowWaitList": false, "requirePreAuthPayment": false, "requirePayment": false, "showPayNowButton": null, "screeningQuestion": null, "durationList": null,