Recurring Class Schedule
These are the endpoints that are available under the /recurringclassschedule path, which shows any schedules you have set up for recurring class sessions you offer.
Endpoint | Description |
GET /repeatingClassScheduleList/report | Returns all repeatingClassSchedule objects for a location, staff or class. |
POST /recurringclassschedule | Updates a recurringclassschedule object This is the method used to change a recurring class schedule's status from Open to Closed or Cancelled. Request body/payload: Pass a recurringclassschedule object with the classScheduleId included. For these calls, you need to pass a recurringclassschedule object with all required fields and any fields you want to update filled in the body of the payload - make sure the multipleSessionBuffer property is filled. We have an example of a recurringclassschedule object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page. |
PUT /recurringclassschedule | Creates a recurringclassschedule object as part of a recurring class schedule. Request body/payload: Pass a recurringclassschedule object with all required objects defined. For these calls, you need to pass a recurringclassschedule object with all required fields and any fields you want to set filled in the body of the payload - make sure the multipleSessionBuffer property is filled. We have an example of a recurringclassschedule object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page. |
Data points passed on in the request URL portion of the API call that are used to filter the data that is being requested. To aid with page load time, we have included pageNumber and pageSize parameters for server side pagination.
Parameters | Type | Endpoints to be used with | Description |
pageNumber | integer | GET /recurringclassschedule | Works with the pageSize parameter to determine how data gets returned following a GET call. The pageNumber value represents the number of pages on which the class sessions that get returned appear. |
pageSize | integer | GET /recurringclassschedule | Works with the pageNumber parameter to determine how data gets returned following a GET call. The pageSize value represents the number of class sessions appearing on each page that gets returned. |
statusList | string array | GET /recurringclassschedule | Comma-separated list of statuses of the class schedules you want returned. Has acceptable values of "Open", "Closed", and "Cancelled". |
bufferAfter | integer | PUT /recurrringclassschedule | Displays how much of a buffer you choose to add after each class session if you have multiple sessions between the startTime and endTime. |
clone | integer | PUT /recurrringclassschedule | If you choose to add multiple class sessions between the startTime and endTime this will register as 1. Otherwise it is 0. |
duration | integer | PUT /recurringclassschedule | Displays the number of minutes taken by the class session that is being edited or created. |
The objects below represent the minimum viable objects to pass that are needed to create or update a recurringclassschedule object. Check whether or not a property can be written to by looking at the Object Values table below to see if the property is writable.
Property name | Type | Required | Description |
active | boolean | Yes | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule should return in any GET calls. |
allowWalkIns | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule allows walk-in clients. | |
bookable | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is bookable. | |
businessId | integer | Yes | Provides unique numeric ID of the business to which the specified recurring class schedule belongs. |
coordinatorStaff | object | Displays staff object for the staff member that was the coordinator staff for the specified recurring class schedule. The coordinator staff's schedule is not blocked - for more info, see Staff API page. | |
courseClassSessions | string | If the specified recurring class schedule is assigned to a reason that is of reasonType COURSE instead of reasonType CLASS, then the courseClassSessions is set to the names of the class sessions that make up this course. | |
courseSetName | string | If the specified recurring class schedule is assigned to a reason that is of reasonType COURSE instead of reasonType CLASS, then the courseSetName is set to the name of the set the course is part of. | |
createdDate | integer | Displays as date the specified recurring class schedule was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. | |
createdUser | string | Displays the username of the user who created the specified recurring class schedule. | |
currentCapacity | integer | Displays current number of client slots filled for the specified recurring class schedule. | |
endDate | string | Provides a string representation of the date the specified recurring class schedule ends written as YYYY-MM-DD; if set to null then the schedule will repeat indefinitely. | |
endTime | integer | Yes | Provides the time the specified recurring class schedule ends, displayed in military format. |
everyXMonths | integer | Displays as number of months the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on. (Required if type is set to "M") | |
everyXWeeks | integer | Displays as number of weeks the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on. (Required if type is set to "W") | |
fields | array | Displays an array of any custom field objects you have added during the class schedule setup. | |
fri | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on Fridays. | |
location | object | Yes | Displays the location object assigned to the specified recurring class schedule - for more info, see Locations API page. |
locationGroup | object | If you assign the specified recurring class schedule to a specific location group, then this would be the object of that location group - for more info, see Groups API page. | |
locationSuperGroup | object | If you assign the specified recurring class schedule to a specific location super group, then this would be the object of that location super group. | |
maxCapacity | integer | Yes | Displays the maximum number of slots open for the specified recurring class schedule. |
modifiedDate | integer | Displays as date the specified recurring class schedule was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. | |
modifiedUser | string | Displays the username of the user who last modified the specified recurring class schedule. | |
mon | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on Mondays. | |
reason | object | Yes | Displays the reason object assigned to the specified recurring class schedule - for more info, see Services API page. |
recurringScheduleId | integer | Yes, on POST calls | Provides a unique numeric ID for the specified recurring class schedule. |
resource | object | Displays the resource object assigned to the specified recurring class schedule - for more info, see Resources API page. | |
roomNumber | string | If there is a specific room or place at the location where the specified recurring class schedule is held, this field will contain that value. | |
sat | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on Saturdays. | |
staff | object | Yes | Displays the staff object assigned to the specified recurring class schedule. |
startDate | string | Yes | Provides a string representation of the date the specified recurring class schedule starts written as YYYY-MM-DD. |
startTime | integer | Yes | Provides the time the specified recurring class schedule starts displayed in military format. |
status | string | Displays the status of the specified recurring class schedule. Has acceptable values "Open", "Closed", or "Cancelled". | |
sun | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on Sundays. | |
thu | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on Thursdays. | |
tue | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on Tuesdays. | |
type | string | Yes | Displays "W" or "M" according to whether the specified recurring class schedule repeats weekly or monthly, respectively. |
wed | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified recurring class schedule is set to repeat on Wednesdays. |