Adding Appointments

Adding Appointments

Adding Appointments with the Add Appointment button:

To add an appointment using the "Add Appointment" button, simply click the green "Add Appointment" button just above the Calendar:

And choose the type of appointment you'd like to add. Your choices are "One-Time" or "Repeating"


One-time appointments are a single, one-time appointment, whereas a Repeating appointment repeats on a given frequency (every Monday at 12pm for example).

Click here to see the guide for Adding a One-Time Appointment

Click here to see the guide for Adding a Repeating Appointment

Adding a One-Time Appointment

After we click "Add One Time Appointment" from the Add Appointment menu, we'll see our appointment form, as shown below:

Let's walk through each selection to see how we complete our form and save our new appointment.

The first step is choosing our location:

Now, as we're only booking for our Studio, this selection is made for you, and there are no other options to choose from.

Next, we'll choose the staff member who will take the appointment:

Then we'll select the type of appointment we want to make from the Reason Group list:

Our selection here determines the services we'll see in the Service & Class list:

Next, we'll select our duration, which also tells us our rate level and price:

Then we'll add our client. We can search for the client, typing at least the first 3 letters of their first or last name. If the client is currently in our client list, their name will show up in the dropdown list. Otherwise, we can click "Add New Client" and a form will appear for adding the client to our client list:

Next we'll use the date picker to select our date, and the dropdown list to select the time:

Finally, click the green Save Appointment button:

After clicking the Save Appointment button, a form will appear with a few more items to complete to finish adding the appointment:

The checkboxes at the top allow us to send an email confirmation of the appointment to the client and/or staff member handling the appointment.

The Notes section gives us a space to add any notes.

The Forms section is where we send the client the Waiver of Liability Agreement. Clicking the link will populate the email template for sending the form. You can edit the template if needed. Otherwise, just press Send:

In the Package section, we can choose to apply this appointment to a customer's purchased package if they have one:

As we can see in the image above, the package status is Open, and the client has used 0 of 7 appointments in the package. Here we could also choose to apply this appointment to a package owned by another client if that client wanted to share one of their remaining appointments.

The bottom section contains Email and Text reminder options for the staff member and client. These settings are set elsewhere on the system, and do not need to be chosen here. You can skip ahead and click Save Appointment:

We should now see the appointment we added on the Calendar at the date and time we selected.

Adding a Repeating Appointment

The process for adding a Repeating appointment is just like adding a one-time appointment, with the exception that we must set the frequency on which the appointment will repeat. From the Add Appointment screen, after we've selected our staff member, service, and client, we'll see the remainder of the form deals with setting our frequency:

The first item we'll set is the start date for the recurring appointment, i.e. the date of the first appointment.

Next, we'll select the date of the final appointment in the series. If the client does not want to set an end date, select Never and TimeTap will continue to schedule appointments based on the frequency. Otherwise, TimeTap will schedule appointments until the end date.

Third we can set the frequency of the appointments:

Next we can select the days of the week that the client wants to repeat their appointments on.

And finally, we set the start and end times for our appointment. The end time is automatically set based on the start time and duration for the appointment. In most cases, you won't need to change the end time.

Finish adding the appointment in the same manner that you add a one-time appointment.

Using the "Quick Add" menu

To quickly add a new appointment, you can simply click the Calendar on the date and timeslot on which you want to add the appointment. The quick-add pop-up will appear as an abbreviated version of the Add Appointment screen:

After you make your selections, click the green Save button:

After you click Save, the form will appear for filling in the remaining items, including the link to send the Waiver of Liability form:

After filling out the remaining items, click Save Appointment to add the appointment to the Calendar.

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