5.15.0 Release Notes

These release notes cover 5.15.0

Features & Improvements: 

  • Sort clients in client list by status.

  • Created date uniformity when export client list.

  • Added comment field when scheduling recurring appointments in the backoffice.

Bugs Fixed: 

  • Fixed amount coupons were not applied properly when clients scheduled multiple appointments.

  • Client were not able to join waitlist for first available time slot.

  • Ampersands and apostrophes were not rendered correctly when used in reason’s name.

  • Custom fields assigned to client profiles were not displayed Waitlist Lists.

  • Mask formatting was not being applied if client had auto fill enabled when scheduling appointments.

  • Custom booking site didn’t save when created in location’s profile.

  • Cell spacing, padding, and text alignment changes didn’t save.

  • Cancellation dropdown list was required even if it was set to optional.

  • Blacklisted client was able to login to scheduler and book appointments.

  • Corrected field some conditions.

  • Corrected date of birth date issue when displayed in email templates.

  • Clients were not able to claim appointment if the time selected was part of a repeating appointment series.

  • Custom field tags didn’t display information entered in Final Confirmation panel.

  • Correct day displayed in email template when scheduling repeating appointments in the backoffice.

  • Disable features when users choose to switch lower tier plans.