2.17.0 Release Notes

2.17.0 Release Notes

These release notes cover 2.17.0 and 2.17.1

Features & Improvements:

  • Update client tag(s) if the client is already in your list of clients and a new list where the client is listed is being uploaded
  • Add gift cards to client's profile and redeem it when making payments on invoices

Bugs Fixed:

  • ICS file wasn't attached to email confirmation if appointment was added in the backoffice
  • Able to save coupon without assigning it to a service/class
  • Waitlist time was not displayed correctly in the appointment lists if the client was added to a class waitlist
  • Appointments created from waitlist invite did not have proper location group or reason group assigned to them
  • Quick add/edit pop window was placed behind the date field in the calendar view 
  • Client file upload were not downloadable from the client's profile
  • End time was set the same as Start time if the appointment was for a multi duration service and the times were overwritten
  • Unable to add a coupon if the code is the same as the one of a coupon that was recently deleted
  • Click back to the service panel in the scheduler did not populate all the services
  • Client did not receive text message reminder if the user sent it manually from the Appointment Emails in the appointment detail screen
  • Appointments created by the waitlist did not have correct start/end times based on service buffer

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