Optional Parameters for Invitation Templates

Optional Parameters for Invitation Templates

If you are sending out an invitation template and using any private urls for location/staff/service, you can optionally pass parameters in the url to make it so that the scheduler on the landing page pulls up the properly selected location/staff/service or other items listed in the parameter table below.

So let's say you set up an invitation template and use the tag %REASON_PRIVATE_URL% in the template. You can add parameters to the url for whatever service/class you select from the send email window to pass information.

Let's say you want to send a client to the private url for a service and make sure that the scheduler selects a specific staff. You could set up the url in your email to be:


Further, let's say you want the scheduler to recognize the client that you are sending to the url. You can add multiple parameters by adding on the additional parameter ids at the end, like:


Below is a table of acceptable parameters that you can pass in the email templates. Just make sure to separate each parameter used with an & symbol.

sid=%STAFF_ID%staff id – if you pass this it will route the scheduler
cid=%CLIENT_ID%client id
ivt=%INVITATION_ID%invitation id – this is to mark the invitation campaign as completed
jrid=%REQ_ID%requisition id - this will assign the requisition number to the appointment