How do I connect TimeTap to a third party application using Zapier?
TimeTap allows you to use webhooks to communicate with Zapier and send client and appointment data to another application. For an in-depth guide on what webhooks are and how they work, click here.
Note: At this time data can only send one way - if the data is updated in the third party application it will not update in TimeTap.
In the following example, we want to send appointment and client information to Zapier and then want Zapier to create a new row in our Google Sheet.
In Zapier, click the "Make A Zap" button:
Next, select the "Webhooks by Zapier" option in the Built-In Apps section:
In the updated window, under the Choose an Event section select the option "Catch Hook" and click Continue:
After you click Continue, Zapier will create a custom webhook URL where TimeTap will send request (data) to. Copy the URL:
Go to your TimeTap account, select Settings > Integration > scroll down to Other Integrations and click on Webhooks. After you've clicked the Webhooks option, click the Activate Webhook button:
Paste the URL you copied in Zapier and click Update Webhook URL:
After the the URL successfully saves, go back to Zapier and click Continue:
When the Test Trigger option appears on the screen, go back to TimeTap and schedule a test appointment - this appointment can be booked in the backoffice or in the scheduler:
After the appointment is booked, go back to Zapier and click the Test Trigger button:
Pressing the Test Trigger button will display all the data that TimeTap sent to Zapier. Click Continue:
Now, we have to tell Zapier what to do with the information that TimeTap sends. In our example, we want to create a spreadsheet row in our Google Sheets spreadsheet, so we'll select Google Sheets:
After selecting Google Sheets, Zapier will display the events that it creates with the data TimeTap is sending - for our example we'll select Create Spreadsheet Row:
After selecting the event, we'll click Continue to begin mapping the data in our spreadsheet:
Select the Google Account where the spreadsheet is created and click Continue:
Next, we select the drive where the spreadsheet is located (1), select the spreadsheet where the information should be populated (2), and then select the worksheet within the spreadsheet (3):
After the spreadsheet is selected, the column labels will be displayed. Click on the column labels and locate the information to be populated in each column. For example, in my column First Name, I want to populate the first name of the client who booked the appointment:
After the information is mapped in the spreadsheet columns, click Continue:
Zapier will display a summary of the zap we created - then you'll need to confirm that the information is mapped correctly and click Test & Continue:
Locate the spreadsheet in the Google Drive and notice that the information we requested is populated in the columns we selected:
Finally, go back to Zapier and click Turn on Zap, this will make it so that when a new client books an appointment, the information we requested will be populated in the columns we mapped:
This is a brief example of how you can send data to a third party app using Zapier. Depending on your Zapier subscription, you will be able to send your appointment information to different applications.