1.17.0 Release Notes

1.17.0 Release Notes

Our release of version 1.17.0 involved the release of the ability to see upcoming appointments when adding time off or booking a one time appointment along with being able to export custom fields in the appointment lists, class lists, and class attendees lists. Bug fixes ranged from multiple day events created in Google not saving in TimeTap, unresponsive Accept and Decline button in the Pending appointments lists, to errors appearing in the scheduler if the Appointments Require Staff Confirmation was active. 

Improvements and New Features:

Bugs Fixed:

  • Selecting a different language other than American English it would make the first day of any month a Monday
  • Saving events in Google expanding more than one day would not transfer to TimeTap
  • When hiding a field then going back to the Define Field Labels screen the hidden field would reappear
  • Approve or Decline buttons were unresponsive when viewing pending appointments
  • Error would appear in scheduler when booking an appointment if Appointments Require Staff Confirmation was active
  • Password reset link in created in Resend Welcome Email directs users to change account owner's password
  • If time off is enter for less than a day it doesn't block booking for classes
  • All day events added in Google appeared in a solid bar covering all day in TimeTap, now they appear in the all day section of the calendar

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