Webhooks Integration

Webhooks Integration

By setting up a web hook, TimeTap can send you notifications anytime your clients or staff members book an appointment for your business.

Our Notification service consists of a 3-step process:

  1.  A client or staff member books an appointment

  2.  TimeTap posts the notification with the appointment information as a JSON object to your webserver endpoint

  3.  Your webserver application processes the JSON object


  • A webserver running an endpoint application capable of receiving a POST request


  • Any update made to an appointment will cause a webhook to get fired - not just appointment booking but also appointment editing and appointment deletion

  • Webhooks are specific to appointments. Any changes made to staff or client objects not involved with an appointment will not generate a webhook.

In this guide, we'll cover:


Webserver Requirements


To receive a notification from TimeTap, you'll need to set up an endpoint to handle a POST request from our system. The post request will contain a JSON object (example shown below) with appointment data.

Once your endpoint is setup, provide the URL by going to Settings → Integrations in the backoffice, then scroll down to the Other Integrations section and click on the Webhook icon to expand: