Course Registration Cancellation Due to Non-Payment

Course Registration Cancellation Due to Non-Payment

This email sends out to the client if you require payments and they try to schedule into a course that has a price associated with it but don't submit payment within 90 minutes. You can manage your payment setting under Payments > Payment Settings. If you don't require payment upon booking, then there is no chance for an appointment to get cancelled due to non payment because it's not required that they pay in the first place. If you're a business that doesn't require payments in TimeTap, then you can ignore this template all together.

The default criteria that TimeTap provides for this template is:


Subject Line: Registration cancellation: Payment not received for your registration for %REASON%

Email Body:

Your registration for %REASON% has been cancelled due to non-payment!

Payment is required upon registering in the set %SET_NAME% for %REASON% with %PROFESSIONAL_FULLNAME%. Your registration was put on hold for 90 minutes awaiting payment. Since payment has not been received at this time, your registration has been cancelled. 
If you need to re-register, please visit our scheduler at %MINI_WEBSITE_URL%.
Registration ID: %RECURRING_APPT_ID%

The tags used in this template are:

%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%The email address of the client that is stored in the email field on the client's profile
%REASON%The name of the service/class/course that the clients appointment was cancelled for
%SET_NAME%The name of the set that the clients registration was cancelled for
%CLIENT_FIRSTNAME%The first name of the client as stored in the first name field on the client's profile
%PROFESSIONAL_FULLNAME%The full name of the staff member that was assigned to the appointment (can also be %STAFF_FULLNAME%)
%MINI_WEBSITE_URL%This is url to your business's scheduler where your client can book another appointment
%BUSINESS_NAME%This is the name of your business as stored under your account settings
%RECURRING_APPT_ID%The unique id of the course registration (this can be used to look up the appointment when you are logged into TimeTap's back office)

To learn more about tags and how to use/create them, please visit our documentation on tags.

In editing this template, here are some general things to consider:

  • The situation: This template is generated when the client has attempted to register for a course session through your scheduler and has been prompted to submit payment but hasn't gone through and entered in their credit card info. Depending on what warning you give the client on the welcome screen or in the final page, the client may or may not have been aware that they needed to submit payment. It may be a good idea to provide them with options here like "Did you want to make an appointment but don't like submitting payment online? Call our office and we'll schedule it for you." or something like that.
  • Options for rescheduling: You may want to send a link to reschedule in the cancellation email. You could say something like "If you just couldn't get to your wallet in time, you can access our scheduler here to make another appointment: %MINI_WEBSITE_URL%.". The %MINI_WEBSITE_URL% tag will fill in with your mini website address. Alternatively, you could use either %STAFF_PRIVATE_URL%, %LOCATION_PRIVATE_URL%, or %REASON_PRIVATE_URL% to fill in the private booking url for the staff, location, or reason that got cancelled.
  • Template elements: As with all the appointment templates sent from your account, this email will have the email header and the staff signature in the footer. We recommend putting standard contact information in the staff signature section and to customize your header under your messaging settings to be what you'd like for all of your emails (helps to keep them cohesive).
  • The last thing they see: After clients enter their name and information on the client information panel of the scheduling flow, they click "Save" and are taken to the confirmation screen. If you have payments required turned on then the last message they see before submitting payment is whatever you have plugged into your Payments > Payment Settings "Confirmation Title" and "Confirmation Message" fields. You can always try playing around with those as well to give clients a greater sense of what to expect with paying and how much time they have.