Waitlist New Appointment Times Available Text Message

Waitlist New Appointment Times Available Text Message

This text message sends to a client when a time that they joined the waitlist for frees up and is available for booking. This is an automated, to disable it go to Settings → Waitlist → Send Waitlist Registrants Text Notifications. If this boxed is checked, when a time becomes available that a client waitlisted for, then if they checked off that they want to receive a text message notification they'll get invited to take the available time via text message.  To find more information about how the waitlist feature works click here to read the documentation. 

The default criteria that TimeTap provides for this template is:


Text Message Body:

%BUSINESS_NAME% just released appointment times for %REASON%: %WAITLIST_LIST_ACCEPT_URL%


The tags used in this template are:

%CLIENT_MOBILE%The mobile phone number of the client that is stored in the cell phone field on the client's profile
%REASON%The name of the service/class/course that the clients appointment was cancelled for
%BUSINESS_NAME%The name of the business as stored on your account's account settings page
%WAIT_LIST_ACCEPT_URL%A link dedicated for the client to accept the new time slot available and book an appointment

To learn more about tags and how to use/create them, please visit our documentation on tags.

In editing this template, here are some general things to consider:

  • The situation: This template is generated when a time that the client joined the waitlist for frees up and is available for booking. When joining the waitlist your client must check the box "Send me a text reminder" and enter their mobile phone number in order to receive this notification when a time slot becomes available. If you wish to add a client to the waitlist in the backoffice and would like them to receive  this notification when a time slot becomes available, you must go to that client's profile and check the box next to "Waitlist text message", if this box is not checked the client will not receive a text notification even if they have been added to the waitlist. When editing this template keep in mind that you're limited to 160 characters. 
  • Template elements: As with all the appointment templates sent from you account, this email will have the email header and the staff signature in the footer. We recommend putting standard contact information in the staff signature section and to customize your header under your messaging settings to be what you'd like for all of your emails (helps to keep them cohesive).