Waitlist Appointment Hold Time

Waitlist Appointment Hold Time

If a client cancels an appointment for a time that other client(s) have waitlisted for, TimeTap will hold that time for the amount of hours you enter in this section before releasing it back to your general availability for any client viewing your scheduler to book. In this page we will cover how the time slot on hold will look to you in the backoffice. Begin by going to Settings → Waitlist:

Determine for how long you want to hold the available time slot until is available to other clients to book, in the example below I've selected the hold the time slot for 24 hours:

In the example below, the appointment is taking place on January 3rd at 9:00 am - 10:00 am was cancelled and now the clients who had registered to be in the waitlist for this time and date or first available time slot have been notified of the available time slot, this time slot is now on hold for the waitlist registrant for 24 hours: 

If you would like to release this time slot for other clients to book, click on the time slot, this will take you to the Waitlist Detail screen and press Remove Waitlist Hold:

Confirm that you want to remove the waitlist hold. Keep in mind that if a waitlist registrant was notified of the available time slot and wants to claim it via text message or email he/she will no longer be able to do so:

Notice that the release time slot is now available for other clients to book in the scheduler:

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