Appointment Changed or Rescheduled - To Staff

Appointment Changed or Rescheduled - To Staff

This email is sent to a staff member when one of your staff's appointments is rescheduled by the client through the web scheduler or by a staff member logged into the backoffice. If the staff decided to change or reschedule the appointment through the backoffice, the option "Send Staff an email about the appointment changes" must be checked in order to receive this template.

You can disable the ability for clients to reschedule their own appointments by editing the "Configuration" section found under Settings > Scheduler Rules & Logic. You can also turn off the ability to login from there (learn more about client login options here).

The default criteria that TimeTap provides for this template is:


Subject Line: [Appointment Changed] %CLIENT_FULLNAME% ON %APPT_DATE_TIME%

Email Body:

Appointment Details have changed!


Your %REASON% appointment with %CLIENT_FULLNAME% for %REASON% on %APPT_DATE_TIME% at %LOCATION_NAME% has been rescheduled. The appointment is now set for %APPT_DATE_TIME_STAFF%

Change Summary:



You can contact the client at %CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS% Ph:%CLIENT_PHONE%

If you need to make changes to your appointment, you can login to TimeTap at this link: 


Appointment ID: %APPT_ID%

The tags used in this template are:

%STAFF_EMAIL%The email address of the client that is stored in the email field on the client's profile
%STAFF_FIRSTNAME%The full name of the staff member that was assigned to the appointment (can also be %PROFESSIONAL_FULLNAME% or %STAFF_FULLNAME%)
%APPT_DATE_TIME%The date and time of the appointment in the client's timezone
%CLIENT_FULLNAME%The first and last name of the client as stored in the first and last name field on the client's profile
%LOCATION_NAME%The name of the location for where the appointment is set to take place
%CHANGE_SUMMARY_STAFF%Summary of rescheduling or editing changes made to the appointment sent in staff's timezone
%CHANGE_NOTE%Note entered by staff after editing/rescheduling an appointment
%CLIENT_PHONE%Client's phone number found in client's profile
%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%Client's email address found in client's profile
%REASON%The name of the service/class/course that the clients appointment was cancelled for
%APPT_ID%The unique id of the appointment (this can be used to look up the appointment when you are logged into TimeTap's back office)

To learn more about tags and how to use/create them, please visit our documentation on tags.

In editing this template, here are some general things to consider:

  • The situation: This template is generated when an appointment is rescheduled by either the client or the staff. In order for the %CHANGE_NOTE% to populate in this template a note must be entered at the time the appointment is being changed/rescheduled. 

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