Sending Forms to Clients

Sending Forms to Clients

Send form to clients from the client profile

If you've created forms and would like to send them to a specific client, begin by going to your list of clients:

Once in the list of clients you can search for a specific client (1) or click View Profile (2) next to any of your clients:

Once in the client's profile you will notice a message above the client's details, this message box will list all required forms that still need to be submitted by the client:

To view and send your forms to the client click the Forms tab: 

The Forms tab is composed of two sections: "Client Current Form Status" and "Client History for". In this section we will cover the "Client Current Form Status" section:

  1. Form Name: This is the name you assigned to the form. This can be changed in the form's profile.
  2. Required: This column tells you whether the forms is required or optional. A green check mark in this column means that the form is required, the white x mark inside the red circle means that the form is not required.  
  3. Waived: This column tells you whether the form has been waived or not. A green check mark in this column means that the form has been waived, the white x mark inside the red circle mean that the form has not been waived.
  4. Status: This is where you can tell the form has been sent to the client (Sent), received by the client (Received), received and opened by the client (Opened), opened and begun to be filled out but not yet submitted (In Process), or not yet sent (Not Sent).
  5. Date Sent: This is the date when the form was sent to the client
  6. Date Submitted: This is the date when the form was completed and submitted by the client.
  7. Expires By: This is the date when the form expires.
  8. Actions: This is where you have the option to waive a form for the client by clicking the "Mark As Waived" button.
  9. Send Form Email: Click this button to be able to select a form and send it to the client.

Within the Client Current Form Status section, we will send the Disclaimer form to client Richard Williams. Click the Send Form Email button:

A new window will appear where you can select which form to email to the client, in this example I will select the form Disclaimer and click Select Form:

After you've selected the form and click the Send Form button, a new window will open. Here you will see a preview of the email you're sending to the client, this your opportunity to make changes to the email or add a note, click Send Email to send the email to the client. The client will have to click the URL in the email to be able to fill out the form:

After the form has been sent, scroll down to the "Client History for" section and select the form that was sent to the client. The options in the dropdown  :

The information about this for the client will appear below:

  1. Form Name:This is the name you assigned to the form. This can be changed in the form's profile
  2. Waived:This column tells you whether the form has been waived or not. A green check mar in this column means that the form has been waived, the white x mark inside the red circle mean that the forma has not been waived.
  3. Status:This is where you can tell is the form is Open (not expired) or Expired
  4. Date Sent:This is the date when the form was sent to the client
  5. Date Submitted:This is the date when the form was completed and submitted by the client.
  6. Expires By:This is the date when the form expires.
  7. Actions:This is where you can be taken to the form's dedicated link (Form Link), copy the form's link (Copy Link), or Email the form's link to the client (Email Form Link)

If a form is emailed to the client multiple times, each instance will be recorded under the "Client History for" section:

How the client sees the form and submits it

Once the form has been emailed to the client, they will receive an email containing a link that they can click and be taken to the form:

Once the client clicks the link in the email a new tab will open in their browser where they will be able to see, fill, and submit the form:

After the client has filled out the form and clicks the Submit button at the bottom of the screen, the Thank You message set in the form's profile will appear on the screen:

After the form has been submitted by the client you can go back to the client's profile → Forms and see that the status of the form has been updated to "Submitted" in the Client Current Form Status and Client History for sections:

If you would like to see the completed form click view next to the form in the Client Current Form Status or Client History for sections:

After you've clicked the View button a new window will open where you will be able to see the completed form:

Send forms to clients when adding appointments

You can also email forms to clients when adding appointments for them. In the example below, I've chosen to add a new appointment for client Rachel Ayer, I will click the Save Appointment button to have the option to email the form to her:

Once the Save Appointment button has been clicked the Save New Appointment window will appear, within this window you will see a list of all your forms, click any of the Send Form links next to your forms to select the form you want to send to the client:

The Send Email window will appear where you can select the form you want to send and which appointment you want to pull data from if you have used any smart tags in your form, once those selections have been made click the Select Form button:

*Keep in mind if you are making a new appointment and want to pull data from the appointment that is currently being created you must first completely save the appointment and send the form within the appointment detail page. In the example above you are able to pull data from appointments that are currently booked in the system - whether they have or haven't occurred yet.*

After you've selected the form and selected which appointment you want to pull data from and clicked the Select Form button, a new window will open. In this new window you will see a preview of the email you're sending to the client, this your opportunity to make changes to the email or add a note, click Send Email to send the email to the client:

After the email has been sent you will be brought back to the Save New Appointment screen where you can continue saving the appointment:

Send forms to clients when viewing their appointments

One more option to send the a form to the client to fill out is from the client's appointment details screen. Begin by going to the Appointment Details screen, under the client information you will see a list of all your forms (required and not required):

You can then click any of the Send form links next to any of the forms:

A new window will appear where you can select the form you want to email to the client and what appointment you would like to pull data from. Now that this appointment is booked you are able to use assign this appointment's data to the form selected, once you've made a selection click Send Form:

After you've selected the form and clicked the Select Form button, a new window will open. In this new window you will see a preview of the email you're sending to the client, this your opportunity to make changes to the email or add a note, click Send Email to send the email to the client:

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