What the Booking Site looks like for Participants

What the Booking Site looks like for Participants

After following the steps to create a booking site for a location, you'll have established a landing page for Participants to go to to choose a time to meet with you. This documentation page goes through the basics of what that landing page will look like. Every account can be customized, however, so your account's landing page may not look exactly the same or have the same exact flow depending on what your set up is.

Page 1: The Welcome Message

First the participant will read a brief welcome message which can be used to describe the booking process:

Page 2: The Locations Selection

If your landing page is customized for just 1 location, this page may be passed over and the 1 location may get auto selected. If you have established a landing page for multiple locations, the participant can choose which location from the list they want to meet with you at based on what's most convenient for them:

Page 3: The Plan Selection

If your account has more than 1 plan that a participant could choose to talk to you about, then they can choose from among the plans you offer as to which one they want to meet with you in regards to. If your account only has 1 plan, then this will get auto selected for the participant and move them ahead to the next page without making them manually select it.

Page 4: Choosing the Meeting Purpose

Participants can choose from a range of topics as to why they would want to meet with you. Each of these topics have their own duration which the meeting defaults to. If you want to after the appointment is booked, you can change the default duration for the appointment to make it block off more or less time on your calendar at your discretion:

Page 5: Choosing the Date and Time

On the next page the participant will be shown the dates and times that you have to offer for appointments at the location that they selected. This will be broken down into timeslots based on the duration of the meeting purpose they selected from page 4.

Page 6: Entering Participant Information

On the last step of the scheduling flow, participants will enter in their name, email, and zip as required fields. They may also enter their company name, phone numbers, and last 4 of the SSN. These fields will be used (along with the plan name they selected in page 3 of the scheduling flow) to map back to their contact record within Salesforce. If a contact record cannot be found within Salesforce based on the information they entered, then a lead record will be created for them.

Once they click save on the page above, they will be shown a confirmation message which summarizes their booking.

Again, the screenshots shown above are just a sample of how the page can be set up. Other customizations can be made to the scheduler as well on an account by account basis. For instance, as you can see in the screenshot below we can add a logo to the landing page specific to your account or helpful text on the left hand side of the scheduler:

We can also:

  • Vary the flow of pages on the scheduler
  • Change the titles of any of the pages
  • Add text to any of the pages
  • Add additional fields to the participant information form

And much more. If your team needs changes, please reach out to support@timetap.com to see if we can accommodate them.

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