A booking site is where participants will go to make an appointment with one of the Empower Associates on your account. There are a lot of different configurations you can apply to creating a booking site to determine what shows to a participant. This documentation page discusses how to create a booking site and the different configurations that are available.

To start, go to Settings > Custom Bookings Sites and click the "Add New Booking Site" button in the top right:

On the add new booking site page, you'll want to assign the following (the numbers correspond with the numbers in red in the screenshot immediately following):

  1. Internal Name – this is to help you and your teammates discern what this booking site is about. It is not shown to participants. It is only used as a reference point for you in the back office
  2. Webhandle – this is the unique booking link for the landing page you are setting up. It will be available at whatever domain you select from the dropdown next to it. The handle should be kept short (30 characters or fewer).
  3. Locations to Show – this is where you can determine which locations you want to make available at a given URL. If you leave it set to "All Locations", then any location that the "Empower Associates to Show" (item #4 below) assigned to the booking site will show up as bookable at the booking link. If you set it to "Select Locations", then you can choose which locations you specifically want to show (1 or multiple). Again, if you select a location here and it either doesn't have any Empower Associates assigned with availability at it or none of the ""Empower Associates to Show" (item #4 below) that are assigned have availability at that location then the location would not show up at the booking link.
  4. Empower Associates to Show – this is where you can determine which of your Empower Associates/RPAs will be bookable at the given link. If you want all Empower Associates/RPAs that have availability at the "Locations to Show" (item #3 above) assigned to the booking site then leave it set to "All Empower Associates". If you only want certain Empower Associates/RPAs to show, the change it to "Select Empower Associates" and choose which Empower Associates/RPAs you specifically want to show (1 or multiple). If you select an Empower Associate/RPA here and he/she either does not have any availability or if he/she doesn't have availability at the "Locations to Show" (item #3 above) that are assigned to the booking site, then they would not show up at the booking link anyway.
  5. Plans to Show - the plans to show determines which options your participants have to choose from in terms of what plan they might want to discuss with you. For accounts that only have 1 plan anyway, then you really don't need to worry about this option and can just leave it consistently at "All Plans". If you're on an account with more than one plan, however, you may want to designate different booking pages on a per plan basis. If that's the case, you can toggle the dropdown to "Select Plans" and choose which plans you want to allow participants to choose from.
  6. Meetings to Show - this determines what meeting purposes the participant has to choose from on the booking site. If you want them to be able to choose from all meeting purpose types, you can leave it set to "All Meetings". Otherwise if you want to only provide the option to choose from certain meeting purpose types, change it to "Select Meetings" and choose which meetings you want to use.
    1. Additional information for Meetings: Documentation on how to add new meeting purposes to your account is available here. If you add a new meeting purpose, you also need to make sure that it is added to the plans that you are showing on the booking page (item # 5 above) which we have documentation on here.
  7. Publish Booking Site – this determines whether or not the booking site is available for booking or not. If you want to establish the URL for a booking site but don't yet want to make it available for booking, you can deselect this checkbox and the page will be disabled if you try to go to the URL. Otherwise, if you do want to allow participants to book on it, keep the checkbox checked.

Once you are done making your selections, click the "Save Booking Site" button below. If you ever need to come back at any point and make changes to the booking site, be sure to read our documentation on editing an existing booking site.