Adding a new Meeting Purpose to a Plan Type

If you create a new meeting purpose on your account, you'll need to add that meeting purpose to the plan type(s) you want it to be included as part of. This is because on the Participant Booking Page, the participant first selects a location, then selects a plan, and then sees the meeting purposes that are part of that plan. The selection of the plan type essentially acts as a filter for what meeting purposes should show.

Adding a meeting purpose to an existing plan type is easy. Just follow these steps.

First, go to Settings > Meetings > Plans and click "View" next to the plan type that you want the meeting purpose to be included as part of:

On the Plan Profile, click the "Edit" button next to the "Meetings in Plan" section:

Click the checkbox next to the new meeting purpose you want to include as part of the plan and click "Save":

Once you've done that, that meeting purpose will now show up if it is selected to show on your custom booking site and your participant selects the plan type when going through the scheduling flow.