Removing/Deleting a plan type from your account

If you are no longer offering a certain plan on your account, you can remove it from your account so it will no longer show up on any of your booking sites or be an option for participants.

Important Notes:

  • Please make sure that you really want to remove the plan type from your account. It may be that you just wish to edit one of your custom booking site and remove it from that booking site but it should still be available on other booking sites. If that's the case, I'd recommend reading our documentation on editing booking sites.
  • Deleting a plan type from your account is an action that can only be taken by Admins and Managers. The security role that RPAs are assigned to does not give this permission.

To delete a plan type, go to Settings > Meetings > Plans:

Find the plan you'd like to delete and click the "Delete" button next to its name:

That will give you a quick confirmation window to confirm you really want to delete the plan. Click the Confirm & Delete button from that window and the plan will get removed:

Please note: if you have created any custom booking sites where you have selected that only the plan that you just deleted should show, then that booking site could break by deleting this plan. If that's the case, you will want to go back and edit that booking site to make sure that other plans can potentially show in it.