Creating Custom Booking Sites

Creating Custom Booking Sites

Custom booking sites allow you to define which locations, staff, and services you want to show up on the scheduling link that you're creating. In this documentation guide, we'll go through how to create a custom booking site in the following scenarios:

Click on the links from the table of contents above to jump to the section of this documentation page where we cover that topic.

Creating a custom booking site for a set of locations

If you want to create a link that will only show a certain subset of your locations on an account, you can do so under the Custom Booking Site page in your Settings menu. To do this, go to Settings > Custom Booking Sites on the account you want to create the custom booking site on and click the button the "Add New Booking Site":

Fill out the add new booking site form with the following fields:

  • Internal Name: This is the name shown to you and other staff on the account so you can quickly find the booking site among your list of booking sites. It is not shown to customers so you can name it in such a way that it is most clear to you and the rest of your team.
  • Web handle: the is the prefix to the link that will be created for the landing page.
  • Select the location groups (if applicable), locations, staff, and services that you want to include on the page. In this example, I will just select locations since we are making a custom booking site for locations. By leaving the other dropdowns set to "All Staff" and "All Services & Classes" (as shown in the screenshot below), all the staff and services that are available at the selected locations will show up on the scheduling page
  • Leave the "Publish Booking Site" checked. If you uncheck it, it will create the site but the link will not be usable yet. The link must be published in order to be accessible for the customers.

Once you are done filling out the form, click the "Save Booking Site" button:

Once the booking site saves, you'll get redirected to the new booking site's profile. That will show you the details of what you applied to the link as well as show you a clickable link to go to that scheduling page:

If you click that link and go through the scheduler, you'll see the options to book will be just the locations you selected while setting up the booking site:

The other neat thing you can do with custom booking sites is under the "Customizations" tab of the booking site profile. We cover what you can do in that section here.

Creating a custom booking site for a single location

If you want to create a link for just one of your locations, start off by going to the location profile under Settings > Locations and clicking on "View" next to the location in the location list:

If the location does not yet have a custom booking site created for it, you should see a button to "Create Custom Booking Site" on the profile view:

Click on that button and then you'll be taken to the Add Booking Site form page. Fill in the following fields:

  • Internal Name: This is the name shown to you and other staff on the account so you can quickly find the booking site among your list of booking sites. It is not shown to customers so you can name it in such a way that it is most clear to you and the rest of your team.
  • Web handle: the is the prefix to the link that will be created for the landing page.
  • Leave the "Publish Booking Site" checked. If you uncheck it, it will create the site but the link will not be usable yet. The link must be published in order to be accessible for the customers.

You'll see how I've filled this out in the example for Clark County Fire Department location below:

If you compare the add new booking site form shown above to the add new booking site from shown in the documentation for creating a booking site for a set of locations, you'll notice that when you're creating a booking site for a single location you don't have the option to select the location groups, locations, staff or services. This is because the booking site for a specific location should always pick up any of the staff and service that are available at it or any of the groups it is contained within.

Once you save, you'll still have the option to click on the link you created just as you do when creating a booking site for a set of locations:

And if you click through that link, you'll see only the one location shows.

Lastly, you also have the option to go back to the booking site profile, click on the Customizations tab and customize the link to have a different flow, logo, text, etc. Instructions on how to do that are available here.

Customizing your custom booking sites

By default, the custom booking site will just pick up the values that are on the main scheduler on your account, but the Customizations tab of the booking site profile will let you override those default values if you want to change it for just this one scheduler. To get to the booking site profile, go to Settings > Custom Booking Sites and click on the "View" button next to the booking profile you want to customize:

Once in the profile view for that booking site, click on the "Customizations" navigation option:

Let's say you want this booking site to have a different welcome message than your other scheduler. You can click "Edit" on the screen:

Enter in a different welcome text in the welcome text box and click "Save":

And if you refresh the scheduling link page, you should see the new text appear on the first page of the scheduler:

All other links on the account will keep the same welcome message – it is just this link that will be updated.

Converting an old vanity URL to the new custom booking site model

The custom booking sites were officially released on 7/1/2018 so if you have a link you created for a location prior to that date, it was created in our old private URL and vanity URL model. If you want to convert an old vanity URL you were using to a custom booking site, follow the steps below.

Let's say the vanity URL you want to convert to the new custom booking site model was applied to a location. The first thing you'd want to do is go to Settings > Locations and click the "View" button next to the location the vanity URL is applied to:

(Please note: if you are converting the link for a staff, service, or location group, the process works pretty much the same way as below. The only difference is you would do it from those respective profiles instead of the location profile which is what this documentation section goes through).

On the location's profile, note down the URL that you have applied to the location:

Now that I have the URL handle "jacksoncountyelem" written down somewhere, I'm going to click "Delete" next to the existing vanity URL so it frees up that URL to use with the new Custom Booking Site model:

When the pop up appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the vanity URL, click the "Confirm & Delete" button.

Then, the location profile page should refresh automatically and show you the "Create Custom Booking Site" button:

At this point, you'd want to follow the same steps already outlined in our documentation on "Creating custom booking sites for a single location". The only difference will be that in the "Web handle" field of the Add New Booking Site" form, you'll be sure to type in the vanity URL handle that you were previously using on the location's profile:

By converting to the new custom booking site model, you now have the ability to use some of the customization options to differentiate the link for this location from the link for other locations.

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