If you are a TimeTap Business or Professional user, you can edit the templates for each of the appointment emails that are sent out from your account. While these emails are sent out at strategic times during the appointment booking process, you can edit the base templates under Messaging → Appointment Templates and whatever you update will be reflected when the emails do get sent:

In this documentation, you'll find:

Client Emails

The emails that are sent out are separated based on whether they are sent to the client who booked with you or the staff who the appointment is assigned to. The emails to the client that you can edit include:

Staff Emails

The emails to the staff that you can edit include:

Customizing Emails

Again, you'll find where you can edit these templates under Messaging → Appointment Templates. To edit a template, click View next to the name of the template from the template list:

Click View under the Action column:

Once in the template profile, click Edit in the Template section (located on the bottom half of the page):

You'll notice that the templates all make use of tags, which are the items between the percentage signs (%), to relay dynamic information about the appointment that the email is being sent out about. In the screenshot above, for instance, the tag %CLIENT_FIRSTNAME% in the intro to the email will be replaced with the first name of the client who booked the appointment. We have a separate piece of documentation which goes over all of the tags that you can place in your emails

Once you've pressed "Edit Template" on your email template, you'll notice that the From Name field, To field, CC field, Bcc field, Reply to address field, Subject field, and email body all become editable:

Make whatever changes you want to the template and press "Save" at the top of the screen:

Once you've customized an email template and pressed the button to "Save" you'll see that two things happen:

  1. Your email template will get a little "Custom" label next to the State field to let you know that this email is not the default email any more
  2. If you go to edit your email template again at a later date, you'll always have the option to return the template to the default setting and start over in the editing process