Viewing appointments in your appointment lists
There are times when a calendar view just won't cut it for getting you a good idea of what you've got on your schedule in a given time period. You don't want to see a week view or day view or even a month view. You want to see a time frame that's really specific.Or perhaps you want to be able to re-categorize appointments in bulk. Instead of just clicking into an individual appointment from your calendar to mark it as completed or cancelled, you'd prefer to mass select a group of appointments and change their status all at once.
The Appointment Lists views are a great way to accomplish seeing a custom time range of your appointments in a given status as well as changing the statuses of appointments in bulk.
In this part of our documentation, we'll cover:
Your account has 6 appointment lists available to you:
Waitlist: If the waitlist feature has been enabled for your individual meetings and group sessions and would like to see the participants who you have added to the waitlist or have added themselves to, this is the list where you can find them.
Pending appointments: If this feature has been enabled for your individual meetings and group sessions, and would like to see which participant's appointment are awaiting your approval, this is the list where you can find them.
Open appointments: When an appointment is first created, it is placed in Open status. This typically means that the appointment has yet to happen and thus there's no need to mark it as Checked In or Completed yet. After the appointment date passes, if you don't mark the appointment as completed or no show, it will stay in open status (unless your administrator have it set to auto-complete after a certain time period). The Open Appointments list shows your Open appointments and Checked In appointments. From the Open Appointments list, you can move appointments to any other status: Checked In, Completed, Cancelled, or No Show. You can also Export the Open Appointments list view over any time period.
Checked In appointments: As participants come in for their appointment, you can mark their appointment as Checked In. You can mark either Open appointments or No Show appointments as Checked In. To provide a little more color on this one, Checked In is sort of a half way status. It is still technically an Open appointment and thus it's not a status that stands on it's own. Checked In appointments can be viewed separately from or together with Open appointments. As appointments are marked as Checked In, their check in time is stamped on the status of the appointment. You can see this check in time on the audit trail or in light blue on the appointment detail page in the status itself:
Completed appointments: An appointment that's in Completed status means that the participant has come in and the service for the appointment has been successfully rendered. Appointments can move to "Completed" status from any other status and the completed time will be marked in the audit trail for the appointment. Usually once appointments are marked as completed, that is the end of the appointment's life cycle. It may, however, be Re-Opened or you can change the status to Cancelled or No Show if you accidentally marked it as Completed by mistake.
Cancelled appointments: Either a Participant or a Staff person can mark an appointment as "Cancelled". A participant can do so by logging into the scheduler to manage his/her appointments or by clicking on the link in the New Appointment email they receive or the Appointment Reminder email. Marking an appointment as Cancelled clears it from your calendar view to open that time-slot up for another person looking to schedule with you. All canceled appointments can be found by going to Appointments → Appointment Lists → Cancelled. It can also send out an email to the participant and the staff about the cancelled appointment. Cancelled appointments can be Re-Opened if a participant cancelled in error, or they can be marked as Completed or No Show if you as a staff person accidentally categorized them incorrectly.
No Show appointments: It the participant does not end up showing up for his/her appointment time, you can mark the appointment as No Show. This does not clear it from your calendar view like a cancelled appointment, but it does categorize it in a different list than the rest of the appointments. From No Show status, appointments can be Re-Opened or Checked In in case the participant just arrived late for his/her appointment. It can also be marked as Completed or Cancelled in case you incorrectly categorized the appointment as a No Show. Participants whose appointments get marked as No Show will receive a No Show email if you want to send them one.
Time Off: If you've added any time off periods to your schedule (maybe for a vacation or maybe just for a 2 hour doctor's appointment), you can see and manage your Time Off entries from the Time Off list. These entries also display on your calendar view as they are blocking off your availability for scheduling. You can Edit and Delete time offs, but they do not exist in different statuses like the appointments described above. Each of these lists will display any appointments with the respective status whose appointment date falls within the date range of the time being viewed.
The appointments that display on the appointment lists described in the section above are filtered not only by status and the selections made in your filter but also by the Date Range selector shown at the top of each list view:
This filters the list you are viewing to appointments that are set for dates that fall within the range selected. There are a number of preset options you can choose to view such as Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, Next 7 days, Next 14 days, This Month, 2 months, 3 month, and 4 months
You can also select a custom range to display by selecting two dates in the calendar window, after the dates are selected click Apply and your list will re-filter to display only appointments that fall between the 2 dates:
On each of the list views mentioned in the first section of this documentation, you'll see a dropdown labeled "Status" that allows you to change the status of the selected appointments in that list:
The selections in the dropdown can be used to move appointments from the current list into other list views. All you have to do is select the check boxes next to the appointment(s) that you want to re-categorize and click on the Status dropdown and select a status option to move them to that list:
You'll get a pop up window to confirm that you want to make these changes to the appointments selected. After clicking Confirm from the pop up window, the screen will refresh and you'll see your selected appointments in the new list view.
You can also export your list of appointments by clicking the Export List button, when the button is pressed a new pop up will appear where you'll have the chance to choose which participant and appointment related information you want to export:
Lastly, you can choose to hide or display additional participant and appointment related information by clicking the column button (
) next to the Print option. When this button is pressed a list of available information to display will appear, make your selections, and your list of appointments will update showing you information you chose:All of your open, closed, and cancelled group meetings can be found under the Class Lists view in the Appointments menu. Under this tab, you'll see four separate lists:
- Open Class Sessions list: all the sessions that display in the open class sessions list are in "Open" status which means that the group meetings session is still available for participants to enroll in.
- Closed Class Sessions list: all the sessions that display in the closed class list are no longer open for public enrollment. The staff can still click through to the Group Meeting Sessions Details screen and add attendees to the class session, but it is not longer available for participants to book using the scheduler. A class is closed automatically based on a business's Latest Class setting (set by administrator) but can be re-opened manually from the back office app.
- Cancelled Class Sessions list: all class sessions in the cancelled class session list view have been removed from the schedule by a TimeTap staff member. A class session is cancelled if it's just no longer being held and you want to send out a cancellation notice to all registered participants. This is the only place where you will be able to access your cancelled class sessions as no appointment or session in cancelled status displays on your main Calendar view.
4. Open Sets Sessions list: If you have any class sets currently with an "Open" status they will appear here (similar to Open Class Sessions).
The Class Lists work very similarly to the Appointment Lists, only each entry in the Class Lists is for a class session which can have multiple appointments in it depending on the capacity that the session is set to.
To navigate Class Lists, first click on the tab that represents the status of the class session you are trying to find: