Viewing appointments in your availability view

Viewing appointments in your availability view

The availability view provides a snapshot of your staff's availability and how that availability has been allocated. This makes booking new appointments, rescheduling booked appointments, coordinating schedules, and tracking time off quick and easy. This view is perfect for staff members who need to keep up with the flow of the business from day to day. .

In this part of our documentation, we'll cover how to: 

Navigating the availability view

To access the Availability view, click on Appointments in the navigation menu and then click on Availability:

The filter located on the left menu provides a number of ways to customize your availability view. Selecting and deselecting the Locations will change the content of your calendar. We don't have an option to change Reasons because the purpose of this view is to gauge everything that is happening at the selected location(s). Deselecting a reason in this view may provide misleading information regarding staff availability. For an in-depth guide to filtering your booked appointments, check out this article How to Filter Your Booked Appointments

Below is an example of what your availability view may look like:

The color coded boxes in Availability View make it easy to understand what is going on at your selected location(s). Let's look at a few examples. 

White Boxes represent open availability.

Dark Gray Boxes represent a time where the Empower Associate is not working or on break. This information is determined by the Empower Associate's individual meeting availability. For information about how to change staff availability, check out this article Adding Staff Availability Flow.

Color Coded Boxes represent your booked appointments and scheduled group meetings. The left menu tells you what location, Empower Associate or meeting type with each color. There are also dropdown menus that allow you to change how each item is color coded in the calendar.

The Availability View can be displayed in 1, 3, 5, and 7 day view:

The month view will list of the appointments taking place at the locations selected in a list form:

The Availability List View allows you to see your booked time slots within a specific date range, separated by day. The list view will display the amount of appointments you have booked in a percentage format. This number represents what percentage of your availability has been booked for the day.

Note: The service percentage booked does not take in consideration class sessions, only service based appointments scheduled within the staff's service availability.

Viewing appointments details in the availability view

The individual meeting type of appointments that you see displayed on your availability view list first the appointment time, then the Client name, and finally the Meeting name:

Due to size restrictions not all the appointment information will be displayed, move your cursor over any of the appointment to see more information:

 Moving your cursor over a group meeting session will a tooltip with the time when the session is taking place, the name of the group meeting, and attendees/available seats left:

Click on any appointment, time off, or group session to be redirected to the Appointment Details page or Group Meeting Sessions page to view additional details.

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