

The Miniwebsite API is used to access and modify the miniwebsite object on your business' account. 

The miniwebsite object acts as the skin that shows around the scheduler on your business' scheduling page.

On this page

Miniwebsite API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that are available under the /miniwebsite path, which lists all the different miniwebsites you have added to your business account. 



GET /miniwebsite

Returns a miniwebsite object for the business.

PUT /miniwebsite

Updates the miniwebsite object on your business' account.

Request body/payload:  Must pass a miniwebsite object in the request body/payload. 

For these calls, you need to pass a miniwebsite object with all required fields, including the proper businessId property, and any fields you want to update filled in the body of the payload. We have an example of a miniwebsite object in the responses section below.

Miniwebsite API Parameters

There are no parameters associated with miniwebsite calls.

Miniwebsite API Request Body/Payloads

The objects below represent the minimum viable objects to pass that are needed to update a miniWebsite object. Check whether or not a property can be written to by looking at the Object Values table below to see if the property is writable.

PUT /miniwebsite
    "businessId": 43111,
    "businessInfoColor": "#ecf0f1",
    "businessInfoText": "(Text for business info as shown on miniwebsite)",
    "businessInfoVisible": true,
    "createdDate": 1546456949209,
    "createdUser": null,
    "customJs": null,
    "footerBackgroundColor": "#fffff",
    "footerLinkColor": "#e74c3c",
    "footerTextColor": "#34495e",
    "googleAnalyticsCode": null,
    "googleTagManagerCode": null,
    "headerColor": "#ffffff",
    "headerText": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "iframeHeight": 500,
    "invitationDeclineHeader": null,
    "landingPageStylesJSON": ""{\"body\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#34495e\",\"color\":\"#1b700c\"},\"businessLogo\":{\"alignment\":\"center\"},\"businessInfo\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#ecf0f1\"},\"policy\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#ecf0f1\"},\"schedulerHeaderText\":{\"color\":\"#ffffff\"},\"footerTimeTapLink\":{\"color\":\"#e74c3c\"},\"footer\":{\"color\":\"#34495e\"}}"",
    "landingPageStylesMap": {},
    "logoAlign": "center",
    "logoUrl": null,
    "metaDescription": "Schedule an appointment online!",
    "modifiedDate": 1548183787701,
    "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "navigationBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
    "pageTitle": "Dog Groomers Anonymous",
    "policyBackgroundColor": "#ecf0f1",
    "policyText": "<h4>Policies & Procedures</h4> <p>Cancellations are allowed up to 24 hours before the appointment start time.</p>",
    "policyVisible": false,
    "popupHtml": null,
    "popupJson": null,
    "popupUrl": null,
    "websiteBackgroundColor": "#34495e"

Miniwebsite API Responses

GET /miniwebsite
    "businessId": 43111,
    "businessInfoColor": "#ecf0f1",
    "businessInfoText": "(Text for business info as shown on miniwebsite)",
    "businessInfoVisible": true,
    "createdDate": 1522268786000,
    "createdUser": null,
    "customJs": null,
    "footerBackgroundColor": "#fff",
    "footerLinkColor": "#e74c3c",
    "footerTextColor": "#34495e",
    "googleAnalyticsCode": null,
    "googleTagManagerCode": null,
    "headerColor": "#ffffff",
    "headerText": "Dog Groomers Anonymous",
    "iframeHeight": 500,
    "invitationDeclineHeader": "<p>We're sorry, you've been declined. Buh-bye!</p>",
    "landingPageStylesJson": ""{\"body\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#34495e\",\"color\":\"#1b700c\"},\"businessLogo\":{\"alignment\":\"center\"},\"businessInfo\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#ecf0f1\"},\"policy\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#ecf0f1\"},\"schedulerHeaderText\":{\"color\":\"#ffffff\"},\"footerTimeTapLink\":{\"color\":\"#e74c3c\"},\"footer\":{\"color\":\"#34495e\"}}"
    "logoAlign": "center",
    "logoUrl": null,
    "metaDescription": "Schedule your pooch primping online",
    "modifiedDate": 1681915303731,
    "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "navigationBackgroundColor": "#e3dcdc",
    "pageTitle": "Dog Groomers Anonymous",
    "policyBackgroundColor": "#ecf0f1",
    "policyText": "<h4>Policies & Procedures</h4> <p>Cancellations are allowed up to 24 hours before the appointment start time.</p>",
    "policyVisible": false,
    "popupHtml": null,
    "popupJson": null,
    "popupUrl": null,
    "websiteBackgroundColor": "#1aa12e"
PUT /miniwebsite
    "businessId": 43111,
    "businessInfoColor": "#ecf0f1",
    "businessInfoText": "(Text for business info as shown on miniwebsite)",
    "businessInfoVisible": true,
    "createdDate": 1522268786000,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "customJs": null,
    "footerBackgroundColor": "#fff",
    "footerLinkColor": "#e74c3c",
    "footerTextColor": "#34495e",
    "googleAnalyticsCode": null,
    "googleTagManagerCode": null,
    "headerColor": "#ffffff",
    "headerText": "Dog Groomers Anonymous",
    "iframeHeight": 500,
    "invitationDeclineHeader": "<p>We're sorry, you've been declined. Buh-bye!</p>",
    "logoAlign": "left",
    "logoUrl": "https://d2ikv6uc9yqmkt.cloudfront.net/business_43111/businesslogo1441501580.jpg",
    "metaDescription": "Schedule your pooch primping online",
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null,
    "navigationBackgroundColor": "#e3dcdc",
    "pageTitle": "Dog Groomers Anonymous",
    "policyBackgroundColor": "#ecf0f1",
    "policyText": "<h4>Policies & Procedures</h4> <p>Cancellations are allowed up to 24 hours before the appointment start time.</p>",
    "policyVisible": false,
    "websiteBackgroundColor": "#1aa12e"

Miniwebsite Object Values

Property nameTypeRequiredWritableDescription


Provides unique numeric ID for business that hosts the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used to display business info on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as text of business info as shown on the specified miniwebsite.
Yes Indicates whether or not business info is set as visible on the specified miniwebsite.

Displays as the date the business account was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.

Displays the username of the user who created the business account.
YesDisplays as what is set as the Custom Javascript call for the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used for the background of the footer on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used for the link featured in the footer on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used for the text in the footer on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as what is set as the Google Analytics code for the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as what is set as the Google Tag Manager code for the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used for the header on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as text displayed on the header on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as what is set as the Scheduler height of the specified miniwebsite, in number of pixels.
YesDisplays as what is set as the header of the Invitation Campaign Declined Message on the specified miniwebsite.

Displays the stylesheet for the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as the direction that logo will be aligned to on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as the URL representing the logo featured on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as what is set as the SEO / Meta Data fields description for the specified miniwebsite.

Displays as the date the business' miniwebsite was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.

Displays the username of user who last modified the business' miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used for the background navigation on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as the text displayed on the page title on the specified miniwebsite.
YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used for the background of the policy displayed on the specified miniwebsite. 
YesDisplays as the text for the policy displayed on the specified miniwebsite.
YesIndicates whether or not the policy text is made visible on the specified miniwebsite.



YesDisplays as a hexadecimal code representing the color used for the background of the specified miniwebsite.