

The Business API is used to access and modify the business object on your business' account. 

On this page

Business API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that are available under the /business path, which provides information about the account settings on your business account.



GET /business

Returns business object that represents a business' account.

PUT /business

Updates specified business object. 

Request body/payload: Must pass a business object with all desired changes made in the request body/payload.

For these calls, you need to pass a business object with all required fields and any fields you want to update filled in the body of the payload - make sure to include the proper businessId. We have an example of a business object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page.

Business API Parameters

There are no parameters included with business calls.

Business API Request Body/Payloads

The objects below represent the minimum viable objects to pass that are needed to update a business object. Check whether or not a property can be written to by looking at the Object Values table below to see if the property is writable.

PUT /business
    "acceptOnlineAppointments": false,
    "autoCompleteOpenAppt": 7,
    "autoWaitListInviteBackoffice": false,
    "autoWaitListInvites": false,
    "billingInfoAdded": false,
    "billingProcessor": "RECURLY",
    "billingToken": "3iviXdJCNLwnr46YTtQbTKhmhwH8hwQY",
    "businessId": 43111,
    "businessInfo": (Text for business info),
    "businessName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "checkinScreenJson": null,
    "clientRemindHrs": 24,
    "clientTags": null,
    "clientTextRemindHrs": 24,
    "country": {Country object for country of business - for more info, see Country API page},
    "createdDate": 1522268785000,
    "currency": {Currency object for currency of business - for more info, see Currency API page},
    "daysTrialExpires": null,
    "domain": "timetap.com",
    "domains": null,
    "emailFooter": "<p>%LOCATION_NAME% %LOCATION_ADDRESS% %STAFF_MOBILE%</p>",
    "emailHeader": "<h1 style=\"font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:28px;color:#333333;font-weight:bold\">%BUSINESS_NAME%</h1>",
    "embedURL": "https://www.timetap.com/emb/43111",
    "externalId": null,
    "externalUrl": null,
    "internalDisplayName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "internalName": null,
    "invoiceAddress": "Address goes here",
    "invoiceDescription": null,
    "locale": "en-US",
    "localeObj": {code: "en-US", locale: "English (United States)"},
    "logo": null,
    "miniWebsiteURL": "https://morgankearney.timetap.com",
    "parentBusinessId": null,
    "plan": {
        "addOnsAllowed": false,
        "annualCost": null,
        "annualPlan": false,
        "baseAnnualAccountCost": null,
        "baseAnnualAddOnCost": null,
        "baseMonthlyAccountCost": null,
        "baseMonthlyAddOnCost": null,
        "changesToMoveToPlan": null,
        "monthlyCost": null,
        "optional": 0,
        "plan": "TimeTap Comp",
        "planCode": "TTCOMP",
        "planDescription": "TimeTap Comp - unlimited everything",
        "planEndDate": null,
        "planId": 11,
        "planOrder": 0,
        "planStartDate": 1418323587000,
        "resellerId": 3,
        "selected": false,
        "trial": 0
    "requireStaffConfirmation": false,
    "resellerId": 3,
    "roomNumberOnWorkingHours": null,
    "sandbox": null,
    "schedulerVersion": 5,
    "sendEmailAutoComplete": false,
    "sendIcs": true,
    "sendWaitListInviteText": true,
    "staffRateLevelList": ["newbie", "experienced", "premium"],
    "staffRemindHrs": 24,
    "staffTextRemindHrs": 0,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "styleUrl": null,
    "teamName": null,
    "timeZone": {Timezone object for timezone of business - for more info, see Timezones API page},
    "twilioSendNumber": null,
    "useLocationGroup": true,
    "useLocationSuperGroup": null,
    "useReasonGroup": true,
    "waitListInviteUnavailable": false,
    "waitListInviteWaitHours": 0,
    "waitListKeepOpenOnBooking": null,
    "webHandle": "JoeSchmo"

Business API Responses

GET /business
    "acceptOnlineAppointments": false,
    "autoCompleteOpenAppt": 7,
    "autoWaitListInviteBackoffice": false,
    "autoWaitListInvites": false,
    "billingInfoAdded": false,
    "billingProcessor": "RECURLY",
    "billingToken": "3iviXdJCNLwnr46YTtQbTKhmhwH8hwQY",
    "businessId": 43111,
    "businessInfo": (Text for business info),
    "businessName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "checkinScreenJson": null,
    "clientRemindHrs": 24,
    "clientTags": null,
    "clientTextRemindHrs": 24,
    "country": {Country object for country of business - for more info, see Country API page},
    "createdDate": 1522268785000,
    "currency": {Currency object for currency of business - for more info, see Currency API page},
    "daysTrialExpires": null,
    "domain": "timetap.com",
    "domains": null,
    "emailFooter": "<p>%LOCATION_NAME% %LOCATION_ADDRESS% %STAFF_MOBILE%</p>",
    "emailHeader": "<h1 style=\"font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:28px;color:#333333;font-weight:bold\">%BUSINESS_NAME%</h1>",
    "embedURL": "https://www.timetap.com/emb/43111",
    "externalId": null,
    "externalUrl": null,
    "internalDisplayName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "internalName": null,
    "invoiceAddress": "Address goes here",
    "invoiceDescription": null,
    "locale": "en-US",
    "logo": null,
    "miniWebsiteURL": "https://morgankearney.timetap.com",
    "parentBusinessId": null,
    "plan": {
        "addOnsAllowed": false,
        "annualCost": null,
        "annualPlan": false,
        "baseAnnualAccountCost": null,
        "baseAnnualAddOnCost": null,
        "baseMonthlyAccountCost": null,
        "baseMonthlyAddOnCost": null,
        "changesToMoveToPlan": null,
        "monthlyCost": null,
        "optional": 0,
        "plan": "TimeTap Comp",
        "planCode": "TTCOMP",
        "planDescription": "TimeTap Comp - unlimited everything",
        "planEndDate": null,
        "planId": 11,
        "planOrder": 0,
        "planStartDate": 1418323587000,
        "resellerId": 3,
        "selected": false,
        "trial": 0
    "requireStaffConfirmation": false,
    "resellerId": 3,
    "roomNumberOnWorkingHours": null,
    "sandbox": null,
    "schedulerVersion": 5,
    "sendEmailAutoComplete": false,
    "sendIcs": true,
    "sendWaitListInviteText": true,
    "staffRateLevelList": ["newbie", "experienced", "premium"],
    "staffRemindHrs": 24,
    "staffTextRemindHrs": 0,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "styleUrl": null,
    "teamName": null,
    "timeZone": {Timezone object for timezone of business - for more info, see Timezones API page},
    "twilioSendNumber": null,
    "useLocationGroup": true,
    "useLocationSuperGroup": null,
    "useReasonGroup": true,
    "waitListInviteUnavailable": false,
    "waitListInviteWaitHours": 0,
    "waitListKeepOpenOnBooking": null,
    "webHandle": "JoeSchmo"
PUT /business
    "acceptOnlineAppointments": false,
    "autoCompleteOpenAppt": 7,
    "autoWaitListInviteBackoffice": false,
    "autoWaitListInvites": false,
    "billingInfoAdded": false,
    "billingProcessor": "RECURLY",
    "billingToken": "3iviXdJCNLwnr46YTtQbTKhmhwH8hwQY",
    "businessId": 43111,
    "businessInfo": (Text for business info),
    "businessName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "checkinScreenJson": null,
    "clientRemindHrs": 24,
    "clientTags": null,
    "clientTextRemindHrs": 24,
    "country": {Country object for country of business - for more info, see Country API page},
    "createdDate": 1522268785000,
    "currency": {Currency object for currency of business - for more info, see Currency API page},
    "daysTrialExpires": null,
    "domain": "timetap.com",
    "domains": null,
    "emailFooter": "<p>%LOCATION_NAME% %LOCATION_ADDRESS% %STAFF_MOBILE%</p>",
    "emailHeader": "<h1 style=\"font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:28px;color:#333333;font-weight:bold\">%BUSINESS_NAME%</h1>",
    "embedURL": "https://www.timetap.com/emb/43111",
    "externalId": null,
    "externalUrl": null,
    "internalDisplayName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "internalName": null,
    "invoiceAddress": "Address goes here",
    "invoiceDescription": null,
    "locale": "en-US",
    "logo": null,
    "miniWebsiteURL": "https://morgankearney.timetap.com",
    "parentBusinessId": null,
    "plan": {
        "addOnsAllowed": false,
        "annualCost": null,
        "annualPlan": false,
        "baseAnnualAccountCost": null,
        "baseAnnualAddOnCost": null,
        "baseMonthlyAccountCost": null,
        "baseMonthlyAddOnCost": null,
        "changesToMoveToPlan": null,
        "monthlyCost": null,
        "optional": 0,
        "plan": "TimeTap Comp",
        "planCode": "TTCOMP",
        "planDescription": "TimeTap Comp - unlimited everything",
        "planEndDate": null,
        "planId": 11,
        "planOrder": 0,
        "planStartDate": 1418323587000,
        "resellerId": 3,
        "selected": false,
        "trial": 0
    "requireStaffConfirmation": false,
    "resellerId": 3,
    "roomNumberOnWorkingHours": null,
    "sandbox": null,
    "schedulerVersion": 5,
    "sendEmailAutoComplete": false,
    "sendIcs": true,
    "sendWaitListInviteText": true,
    "staffRateLevelList": ["newbie", "experienced", "premium"],
    "staffRemindHrs": 24,
    "staffTextRemindHrs": 0,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "styleUrl": null,
    "teamName": null,
    "timeZone": {Timezone object for timezone of business - for more info, see Timezones API page},
    "twilioSendNumber": null,
    "useLocationGroup": true,
    "useLocationSuperGroup": null,
    "useReasonGroup": true,
    "waitListInviteUnavailable": false,
    "waitListInviteWaitHours": 0,
    "waitListKeepOpenOnBooking": null,
    "webHandle": "JoeSchmo"

Business Object Values

Property nameTypeRequiredWritableDescription
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business is set up to accept appointments online. If false, the mini website/scheduler will not be an active link.
YesDisplays as the number of days after an appointment that it should auto complete; if set to null, appointments will not be auto marked as completed.
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business auto invites waitlisted clients when a staff member cancels an appointment that other clients were waitlisted for.
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business auto invites waitlisted clients when a client cancels an appointment that other clients were waitlisted for.

Indicates whether or not the specified business has its billing information added to the account.

Displays as the billing processor that is set up for the specified business. Possible values include "RECURLY" and "INVOICE".

Displays as the billing token used by the specified business.
Provides unique numeric ID for the specified business.
YesDisplays as what is set to display on text info & scheduler of the specified business.
businessNamestringYesYesDisplays as the name of the specified business.

Displays the contents of the check-in screen in JSON form.
YesDisplays as the default value for how many hours before an appointment the reminder email is set to send to clients.

Displays a string of all client tags on the specified business.
YesDisplays as the default value for how many hours before an appointment the reminder text message is set to send to clients.
countryobjectYesYesDisplays as the country the specified business is set to - for more info, see Country API page.

Displays as date the specified business/account was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.
currencyobjectYesYesDisplays as the currency the specified business is set to use - for more info, see Currency API page.

Provides the number of days until the specified business' trial period expires. 

Displays as the domain used by the specified business. Should display as "timetap.com" under normal circumstances.

Displays as the domains used by the specified business if there are more than one. Should display as null under normal circumstances.
YesDisplays as what is sent in the email footer for all emails sent by the specified business.
YesDisplays as what is sent in the email header for all emails sent by the specified business.

Displays as embeddable URL for the responsive scheduler.
YesCan be set to unique alphanumeric ID for any external account belonging to the specified business.

Displays as the external URL for the specified business.
internalDisplayNamestringYesYesIf businessName is filled out but internalName is empty, internalDisplayName would be the same as the businessName; if the internalName is not empty, then the internalDisplayName would be the same as the internalName.
YesDisplays as the business name that staff of the specified business see.
YesDisplays as the address set for invoices of the specified business.
YesDisplays as the description for line items added to invoices of the specified business.
localestringYesYesDisplays as the locale the specified business is set to - for more info, see Locale API page.
YesDisplays as the logo of the specified business (should be formatted as a URL with https).
Displays as the URL of the specified business' TimeTap-provided web scheduler. This property cannot be written over. Please see webhandle property below in this table for information on how to set this value.

Provides unique numeric ID for any parent business the specified business falls under.

Displays as the plan of the specified business.
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to require staff confirmation of any appointments requests made through the scheduler.

Provides unique numeric ID of the specified business' reseller.


Provides the scheduler version that the specified business uses.
YesIndicates whether or not emails will be automatically sent out by the specified business. Works with autoCompleteOpenAppt property also on business object and will send the email out when the appointment auto completes.
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to send an ICS file attachment with appropriate appointment template emails (such as confirmation, reschedule).
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to send text message waitlist invites.
YesDisplays as a list of the names set for the different levels for staff members. 
YesDisplays as the default value for how many hours before an appointment the reminder email is set to send to staff.
YesDisplays as the default value for how many hours before an appointment the reminder text message is set to send to staff.

Displays as the status of the specified business account.
YesOptional stylesheet url that can be applied to header of scheduler to override default styles; must be set to an HTTPS URL.
YesDisplays as what is set as the specified business' team name.
timeZoneobjectYesYesDisplays as the timezone the specified business uses - for more info, see Timezones API page.

Displays as the Twilio number that reminder text messages are sent from that's associated with the specified business.
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to use location groups.
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to use location super groups.
YesIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to use reason groups.

Indicates whether or not the specified business has waitlist invites available.
YesDisplays as the number of hours a waitlist hold will stay on the calendar for clients who were invited to claim the waitlist slot before it is removed and the slot is opened back up for public booking.
YesIndicates whether after a waitlist registrant claims an appointment from a waitlist invitation, their waitlist registration should remain Open instead of Booked; If property set to true then the waitlist registration will remain open and if/when the other times the client is waitlisted for become available they will receive invitations for those times as well. If false then once a client claims an appointment from 1 time they were waitlisted for within a waitlist registration set, then that waitlist registration will be set to a status of Booked and they will no longer be notified if other times they waitlisted for become available.
YesDisplays as the prefix for the business's miniWebsiteURL property above; if you want to change it, make a call to POST business/validate/webHandle and pass what you want to change it to in the body of the post. That call will return whether or not the requested webhandle is available or if it is already being used by another account on TimeTap. If it is valid, then you can update the business object with the new webhandle string set within this property.

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