What access rights do the different staff security levels have?

What access rights do the different staff security levels have?

Security Access: The staff member who originally created your TimeTap account will be listed as the "Account Owner" and has access to every part of your TimeTap account. When you are adding a new staff person to your TimeTap account, you have to select what security role they have. The security role determines what parts of the TimeTap Back Office the staff will have access to. These security roles include:

  • Administrator: Administrators on TimeTap have the same level of access as the Account Owner. The only part of the app that they cannot see are the options to Change Plan, Billing Information, or Cancel Account in the Staff dropdown in the upper right of the app. Other than that, Administrators can view the Settings menu, add new staff, change the scheduler configurations, view all clients, and view all appointments for all other staff.  

  • Location Super User: A Location Super User does not have access to the Settings menu but can see all the appointments and all the clients that have been scheduled at the location they are assigned to.

  • User: User is the most basic security setting on TimeTap. Users are able to set up their own availability but cannot see any of the appointments that have been made with other staff nor any of the clients that have booked with other staff. Basically when they login they can view their schedule, and make any necessary changes to their availability. This is a nice security level if you are worried about the member of your staff making changes to other people's appointments or schedules accidentally. It's kind of our dummy proof security setting.

  • Reports Only: A Reports Only user can only access the Dashboard and run reports from it.

TIMETAP BUSINESS FEATURE As a TimeTap Business subscriber, you also have the ability to customize Security Roles.

The other security measure you can put in place is whether or not the staff can "Accept Appointments". By default this is checked off when you are adding a staff person, but if you are adding an office assistant who just needs access to TimeTap to help manage all other staff's appointments, you can uncheck it. You can set someone to not accept appointments at any security level. It will mean that you cannot select services that the staff can render, add availability for the staff, or sync the staff's account with a Google Calendar.

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