Account Settings & Billing Info
Account Settings & Billing Info
If you are the Account Owner of your TimeTap account, you will have access to your Account Settings, Change Plans page, Billing Info page, or to Hibernate/Cancel your account at any time. To get to these options, just click your Name dropdown in the top right of the application:
From this dropdown, users of all security types (Account Owners, Administrators, Location Super Users, and Users) will have links to get to:
- Your Staff Profile (called "My Profile" in this dropdown) which will take you to your specific profile page
- The Help Docs - which will take you to this documentation site
- Log out - which, as the name implies, will log you out of the application
Account Owners will also have access to:
- Account Settings - this is where some general settings for your account are (like business name, default time zone, currency, etc.)
- Change plans - this will allow you to switch between the different versions of TimeTap
- Billing Info - if you are on a version of TimeTap other than TimeTap Free, you'll be able to access your billing information and past invoices from here
- Hibernate/Cancel Account page where you can hibernate or cancel your TimeTap account
In this section of our documentation site, we will go through how to update your account settings, change plans as well as how to cancel your account.
Other relevant documentation may include how to navigate this documentation site to find the info you're looking for.