Uploading a Customer List

Uploading a Customer List

Let's say you're going to a fair or conference of some kind and plan on having a sign up sheet set out at your booth to collect new leads. It would be nice to offer these new leads an option to come book with you on your scheduler.

One easy way to do this is by using TimeTap's customer upload feature to import those new leads into your account. So long as you have a spreadsheet of the new leads' information, we can take that and easily create customer records out of them that you can email to come book with you.

For this documentation, let's say we've just been to a fair for Monroe County employees. While we were there we collected a few names of potential leads interested in some of the products we offer. We've gone ahead and transferred everyone's name we collected to an Excel spreadsheet file.

First things first, let's take a look at how your spreadsheet needs to be formatted before we import it into TimeTap. In the screenshot below, you'll notice that our spreadsheet has a header row which labels the column beneath it:


You'll notice the last column in this spreadsheet is "Tag". If you want to know more about using Tags to sort your customer list, read our documentation on tagging here: Tagging Customers for Custom List Views

As we upload the customer spreadsheet to TimeTap, we'll be asked to map the columns to their respective TimeTap fields. Let's start that process.

Go to the Customers menu in the top navigation and choose "More Options" > "Upload Customer List":

On the "Upload Customer List" page, the first thing you'll be prompted to do is to browse and upload the Excel spreadsheet file you created:

Once you've uploaded the spreadsheet, you'll see the left hand column in step 2 fill in with the column headers from your spreadsheet:

On the right hand side you'll see dropdowns of all of your TimeTap fields:

Now, just select the proper TimeTap field on the right for whatever the corresponding column on the left should be mapped to. Once you've mapped the column headers on the left to the proper TimeTap fields on the right, click the green "Done with field mapping" button:

Once you've clicked that you're done with field mapping, you'll get a preview of the customer list and how it will be imported at the bottom of the page. If everything looks good to you there, go ahead and click the Confirm button to finish the import process:

Depending on how big your list of customers was to import, the import process can take up to a minute to complete. Once it does, however, you can come back to your customer list and click into any of the customers that were created:

On their customer profile, you'll see all the details that you imported about them:

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