Report Builder
Report Builder
These are the endpoints that are available under the /reportBuilder path, which lists all the different reports you have available on your business' reports page.
Endpoint | Description |
GET /reportBuilder | Returns a list of ReportBuilderReport objects on an account. |
GET /reportBuilder/{reportBuilderId} | Returns the specified report which will return the ReportBuilderReports object for that report. |
POST /reportBuilder | Creates a new user-built report. Request body/payload: Must pass a ReportBuilderReports object in the request body/payload. |
POST /reportBuilder/{reportBuilderId} | Runs a user-built report. Request body/payload: Must pass locationIdList, reasonIdList, and staffIdList parameters in the request body/payload. |
DELETE /reportBuilder/{reportBuilderId} | Deletes a reportBuilder object to remove the specified user-built report from your report builder list. |
Data points passed on in the request URL portion of the API call that are used to filter the data being requested.
Parameter | Type | Endpoints to be used with | Description |
endDate | integer | POST /reportBuilder/{reportBuilderId} | Should be set as the end date of the report to be returned. |
startDate | integer | POST /reportBuilder/{reportBuilderId} | Should be set as the start date of the report to be returned. |
Property name | Type | Description |
active | boolean | Indicates whether or not the specified reportBuilder object is active. |
baseObject | string | Displays as the object that the specified user-built report gathers information about. Possible entries include APPT. |
businessId | integer | Provides the unique numeric ID for the business that the specified reportBuilder object belongs to. |
createdDate | integer | Displays as the date the specified reportBuilder object was created, in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. |
createdUser | string | Displays the username of the user who created the specified reportBuilder object. |
fields | array | Displays an array of all the different fields assigned to the specified user-built report. |
filterCriteria | string | Can be set as a SQL where clause. |
modifiedDate | integer | Displays as the date the specified report was last modified, in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. |
modifiedUser | string | Displays the username of the user who last modified the specified report. |
orderCriteria | string | Displays as the field that the user-built report is ordered by. |
reportBuilderId | integer | Provides the unique numeric ID for the specified reportBuilder object. |
reportName | string | Displays as the name given to the specified reportBuilder object. |
securityFunctions | string | Displays the names of the security role functions required for a staff to be able to access the specified report. |
statusList | array | Displays as an array of appointment statuses to be included in the specified user-built report. Possible entries include OPEN, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, and NO_SHOW. |
useCreatedDate | boolean | Indicates whether you want the date range defined when running the report to calculate based on the date the appointment was created or the date it's scheduled for. |
useModifiedDate | boolean | Indicates whether you want the date range defined when running the report to calculate based on the date the appointment was last modified or the date it's scheduled for. |