Business Keys

Business Keys

The Business Keys API is used to access the different business keys on your business' account. The business keys act as stand-ins for the different business configurations used on your business' account.

On this page

Business Keys API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that are available under the /businessKeys path, which lists all the different business keys that are available on your business' account.



GET /businessKeys

Returns all businessKeys objects on your business' account in array format. 

POST /businessKeys

Updates the specified businessKeys object.

Request body/payload: Must pass a businessKeys object in the request body/payload.

For these calls, you need to pass a businessKeys object with all the required fields and any fields you want to updated filled in in the body of the payload. We have an example of a businessKeys object in the responses section below.

Business Keys API Parameters

There are no parameters included with businessKeys calls.

Business Keys API Request Body/Payloads

The objects below represent the minimum viable objects to pass that are needed to update a businessKeys object. Check whether or not a property can be written to by looking at the Object Values table below to see if the property is writable.

POST /businessKeys
    "annualRevenue": null,
    "anyPaymentGatewaySetup": true,
    "appointmentTemplate": null,
    "appointmentTemplateClient": null,
    "archiveLocationDays": 90,
    "authNetApiLoginId": null,
    "authNetTransKey": null,
    "authnetSetup": false,
    "autoArchiveLocations": false,
    "billingProcessor": null,
    "billingToken": null,
    "bulkTextGateway": null,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "callRejectMsg": null,
    "cayanSetup": false,
    "checkedInApptTemplate": null,
    "clientPayAuthOnly": false,
    "courseInvoiceDescription": "%REASON% - %SET_NAME%",
    "createdDate": 1536168780000,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "cronofyServiceAccessToken": null,
    "cronofyServiceAccountId": null,
    "cronofyServiceRefreshToken": null,
    "customCode": null,
    "cyberSourceAccessKey": null,
    "cyberSourceProfileId": null,
    "cyberSourceSecretKey": null,
    "cyberSourceSetup": false,
    "defaultExtCalDownload": true,
    "defaultExtCalDownloadDetails": true,
    "defaultExtCalIncludeFreeEvents": true,
    "defaultExtCalReasonIdList": [255178],
    "defaultExtCalUpload": false,
    "defaultExtCalUploadBody": "Client Phone #: %CLIENT_PHONE%-1\nClient Email: %CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%\n%CLIENT_ADDRESS1%\n%CLIENT_CITY%\n%CLIENT_STATE% %CLIENT_ZIP%\nCustom Fields: %CUSTOM_FIELDS%",
    "defaultExtCalUploadSubject": "%CLIENT_FULLNAME% for %REASON% #1",
    "defaultExtCalUploadWhere": "%LOCATION_NAME% #2",
    "defaultGateway": "STRIPE",
    "emailGateway": null,
    "exactSetup": false,
    "excludeEmailCategoryIdList": [],
    "excludeSecurityRoleIdList": null,
    "firstInvoiceDate": null,
    "flexOffersAid": null,
    "globalRelay": false,
    "hubspotConfigJson": null,
    "hubspotConfigMap": null,
    "infusionsoftAPIKey": "q2",
    "infusionsoftAccessToken": null,
    "infusionsoftAction": null,
    "infusionsoftGroupId": 55,
    "infusionsoftId": "13",
    "infusionsoftNoShowGroupId": null,
    "infusionsoftRefreshToken": null,
    "invoiceDescription": "For %REASON% with %PROFESSIONAL_FULLNAME% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%",
    "invoiceFrequency": null,
    "invoiceNumberPrefix": null,
    "invoiceTemplate": null,
    "invoicedLocations": null,
    "invoicedStaff": null,
    "ipAddressWhitelist": null,
    "locationCategoryList": null,
    "lumaPayAccountId": null,
    "lumaPaySetup": false,
    "lumapayFlatRate": 0.3,
    "lumapayRate": 2.9,
    "modifiedDate": 1679936012000,
    "modifiedUser": "Downgrade",
    "mstenantid": null,
    "mwGeniusIP": null,
    "mwMerchantKey": null,
    "mwMerchantName": null,
    "mwSiteId": null,
    "nextInvoiceChargeDate": null,
    "paymentByLocation": false,
    "paymentConfirmUrl": null,
    "paymentMethods": ["Check", "Visa", "Master card", "Amex", "Discover"],
    "paymentReq": false,
    "paymentThankYouPage": null,
    "paymentThankYouScript": null,
    "paypalId": "JoeSchmo@test.com",
    "paypalSetup": true,
    "pendingCancelMinutes": null,
    "postmarkApiKey": null,
    "restrictIpAddress": false,
    "restrictLoginHours": false,
    "salesforceAccessToken": null,
    "salesforceAccountJson": null,
    "salesforceAddClient": null,
    "salesforceAddOpportunity": false,
    "salesforceClientSearchFields": null,
    "salesforceContactJson": null,
    "salesforceEventJson": null,
    "salesforceInstanceUrl": null,
    "salesforceLeadJson": null,
    "salesforceOpportunityJson": null,
    "salesforcePersonJson": null,
    "salesforceRefreshToken": null,
    "saml2Endpoint": null,
    "samlMetadataUrl": null,
    "samlx509Cert": null,
    "sendApptWebhook": null,
    "sendClientWebhook": null,
    "sendPaymentWebhook": null,
    "sendgridKey": null,
    "snsTopic": null,
    "squareAccessToken": null,
    "squareDefaultLocationId": null,
    "squareMerchantId": null,
    "squareSetup": false,
    "squareTokenExpires": null,
    "staffCoordSecurityRoleIdList": null,
    "stripeAccountId": "acct_1BB4YNJDL97oy2LN",
    "stripeBusinessLogo": null,
    "stripePublishableKey": "pk_test_E0qAgmhveERwu8UQ26LXdtTy",
    "stripeRefreshToken": "rt_BYBe2nVZGXtdhTiZ2zUSmP77hUuBqkKr4BTPubY1BFFI6zpR",
    "stripeSecretKey": "sk_test_35AxIp4JwOFEYgA9QbN8G7YF",
    "stripeSetup": true,
    "tax1Name": null,
    "tax1Rate": 7,
    "tax2Name": "tax 2 rate",
    "tax2Rate": 5,
    "test": true,
    "textGateway": null,
    "textRejectMsg": null,
    "transactionFeeAmount": 1,
    "transactionFeeDescription": null,
    "transactionFeeRate": 2,
    "twilioAuthToken": null,
    "twilioSID": null,
    "webhookAuthJson": null,
    "webhookMap": null,
    "webhookUrl": "https://en4fhbxn8czrwci.m.pipedream.net",
    "xactLoginId": null,
    "xactResponseKey": null,
    "xactTxnKey": null

Business Keys API Responses

GET /businessKeys
    "annualRevenue": null,
    "anyPaymentGatewaySetup": true,
    "appointmentTemplate": null,
    "appointmentTemplateClient": null,
    "archiveLocationDays": 90,
    "authNetApiLoginId": null,
    "authNetTransKey": null,
    "authnetSetup": false,
    "autoArchiveLocations": false,
    "billingProcessor": null,
    "billingToken": null,
    "bulkTextGateway": null,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "callRejectMsg": null,
    "cayanSetup": false,
    "checkedInApptTemplate": null,
    "clientPayAuthOnly": false,
    "courseInvoiceDescription": "%REASON% - %SET_NAME%",
    "createdDate": 1536168780000,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "cronofyServiceAccessToken": null,
    "cronofyServiceAccountId": null,
    "cronofyServiceRefreshToken": null,
    "customCode": null,
    "cyberSourceAccessKey": null,
    "cyberSourceProfileId": null,
    "cyberSourceSecretKey": null,
    "cyberSourceSetup": false,
    "defaultExtCalDownload": true,
    "defaultExtCalDownloadDetails": true,
    "defaultExtCalIncludeFreeEvents": true,
    "defaultExtCalReasonIdList": [255178],
    "defaultExtCalUpload": false,
    "defaultExtCalUploadBody": "Client Phone #: %CLIENT_PHONE%-1\nClient Email: %CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%\n%CLIENT_ADDRESS1%\n%CLIENT_CITY%\n%CLIENT_STATE% %CLIENT_ZIP%\nCustom Fields: %CUSTOM_FIELDS%",
    "defaultExtCalUploadSubject": "%CLIENT_FULLNAME% for %REASON% #1",
    "defaultExtCalUploadWhere": "%LOCATION_NAME% #2",
    "defaultGateway": "STRIPE",
    "emailGateway": null,
    "exactSetup": false,
    "excludeEmailCategoryIdList": [],
    "excludeSecurityRoleIdList": null,
    "firstInvoiceDate": null,
    "flexOffersAid": null,
    "globalRelay": false,
    "hubspotConfigJson": null,
    "hubspotConfigMap": null,
    "infusionsoftAPIKey": "q2",
    "infusionsoftAccessToken": null,
    "infusionsoftAction": null,
    "infusionsoftGroupId": 55,
    "infusionsoftId": "13",
    "infusionsoftNoShowGroupId": null,
    "infusionsoftRefreshToken": null,
    "invoiceDescription": "For %REASON% with %PROFESSIONAL_FULLNAME% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%",
    "invoiceFrequency": null,
    "invoiceNumberPrefix": null,
    "invoiceTemplate": null,
    "invoicedLocations": null,
    "invoicedStaff": null,
    "ipAddressWhitelist": null,
    "locationCategoryList": null,
    "lumaPayAccountId": null,
    "lumaPaySetup": false,
    "lumapayFlatRate": 0.3,
    "lumapayRate": 2.9,
    "modifiedDate": 1679936012000,
    "modifiedUser": "Downgrade",
    "mstenantid": null,
    "mwGeniusIP": null,
    "mwMerchantKey": null,
    "mwMerchantName": null,
    "mwSiteId": null,
    "nextInvoiceChargeDate": null,
    "paymentByLocation": false,
    "paymentConfirmUrl": null,
    "paymentMethods": ["Check", "Visa", "Master card", "Amex", "Discover"],
    "paymentReq": false,
    "paymentThankYouPage": null,
    "paymentThankYouScript": null,
    "paypalId": "JoeSchmo@test.com",
    "paypalSetup": true,
    "pendingCancelMinutes": null,
    "postmarkApiKey": null,
    "restrictIpAddress": false,
    "restrictLoginHours": false,
    "salesforceAccessToken": null,
    "salesforceAccountJson": null,
    "salesforceAddClient": null,
    "salesforceAddOpportunity": false,
    "salesforceClientSearchFields": null,
    "salesforceContactJson": null,
    "salesforceEventJson": null,
    "salesforceInstanceUrl": null,
    "salesforceLeadJson": null,
    "salesforceOpportunityJson": null,
    "salesforcePersonJson": null,
    "salesforceRefreshToken": null,
    "saml2Endpoint": null,
    "samlMetadataUrl": null,
    "samlx509Cert": null,
    "sendApptWebhook": null,
    "sendClientWebhook": null,
    "sendPaymentWebhook": null,
    "sendgridKey": null,
    "snsTopic": null,
    "squareAccessToken": null,
    "squareDefaultLocationId": null,
    "squareMerchantId": null,
    "squareSetup": false,
    "squareTokenExpires": null,
    "staffCoordSecurityRoleIdList": null,
    "stripeAccountId": "acct_1BB4YNJDL97oy2LN",
    "stripeBusinessLogo": null,
    "stripePublishableKey": "pk_test_E0qAgmhveERwu8UQ26LXdtTy",
    "stripeRefreshToken": "rt_BYBe2nVZGXtdhTiZ2zUSmP77hUuBqkKr4BTPubY1BFFI6zpR",
    "stripeSecretKey": "sk_test_35AxIp4JwOFEYgA9QbN8G7YF",
    "stripeSetup": true,
    "tax1Name": null,
    "tax1Rate": 7,
    "tax2Name": "tax 2 rate",
    "tax2Rate": 5,
    "test": true,
    "textGateway": null,
    "textRejectMsg": null,
    "transactionFeeAmount": 1,
    "transactionFeeDescription": null,
    "transactionFeeRate": 1,
    "twilioAuthToken": null,
    "twilioSID": null,
    "webhookAuthJson": null,
    "webhookMap": null,
    "webhookUrl": "https://en4fhbxn8czrwci.m.pipedream.net",
    "xactLoginId": null,
    "xactResponseKey": null,
    "xactTxnKey": null

Business Keys Object Values

Property name



annualRevenuestringDisplays as the amount of revenue the account brings in in a year.


booleanIndicates whether or nor any payment gateway has been added on the account.
authNetApiLoginIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric API Login ID provided from Authorize.net account to link it to TimeTap.


archiveLocationDaysintegerProvides the number of days that can elapse before locations of the specified business will be archived if unused.
authNetTransKeystringProvides unique alphanumeric Transaction Key ID provided from Authorize.net account.
authnetSetupbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business has Authorize.net set up as a payment gateway.
autoArchiveLocationsbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to automatically archive locations after a period of non-use.
billingProcessorstringDisplays as the billing processor that is set up for the specified business. Possible values include "RECURLY" and "INVOICE".
billingTokenstringDisplays as the billing token for the specified business.

businessIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the specified business.
callRejectingMsgstringIf the specified business has a dedicated Twilio number, this property displays the programmed response that will be read to anyone who calls that number.
cayanSetupbooleanIndicates whether or not the the specified business has Cayan set up as a payment gateway.

clientPayAuthOnlybooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business wants to capture the card and authorize it but not charge it at the time of booking - only applicable to payment gateway of Authorize.net at this point in time.
courseInvoiceDescriptionstringDisplays as description that applies to an invoice line item when a course registration is added to an invoice.
createdDateintegerDisplays as date the specified business was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.
createdUserstringDisplays as the username of the user who created the specified business.

cronofyServiceAccountIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the specified business' Cronofy account.


cyberSourceAccessKeystringDisplays as the access key for the specified business' Cybersource account.
cyberSourceProfileIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the specified business' Cybersource account.
cyberSourceSecretKeystringDisplays as the secret key for the specified business' Cybersource account.
cyberSourceSetupbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business has a Cybersource account set up.
defaultExtCalDownloadbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to download from the external calendar under default calendar sync settings.
defaultExtCalDownloadDetailsbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to download details under the default calendar sync settings.
defaultExtCalIncludeFreeEventsbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to download free events under default calendar sync settings.
defaultExtCalReasonIdListarrayDisplays as an array of reasonIds of reasons uploaded for default calendar sync settings.
defaultExtCalUploadbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business is set to upload appointments under default calendar sync settings.
defaultExtCalUploadBodystringDisplays as uploaded event description under the default calendar sync settings.
defaultExtCalUploadSubjectstringDisplays as uploaded event title under the default calendar sync settings.
defaultExtCalUploadWherestringDisplays as uploaded event location under default calendar sync settings.
defaultGatewaystringDisplays as what the specified business has set as its default payment gateway.
emailGatewaystringDisplays as what the specified business has set as its email gateway.
exactSetupbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business has E-xact set up as a payment gateway.
excludeEmailCategoryIdListarrayIf there are any email categories that you want to disable, add their emailCatagoryId to this comma-separated ID list as an array and they will not be triggered for your account.
excludeSecurityRoleIdListarrayIf there are any of the default security roles that you do not want to show when adding/editing staff, put the securityRoleId for that security role in this comma-separated list as an array and they will not be shown.




infusionsoftApiKeystringDisplays as what is set as the specified business' Infusionsoft API key.
infusionsoftAccessTokenstringDisplays as alphanumeric hash access token the specified business has set for Infusionsoft.
infusionsoftActionstringDisplays as the action to be taken in Infusionsoft when appointment is added in TimeTap (i.e. 'ADD_CONTACT').
infusionsoftGroupIdintegerDisplays as what the specified business has set as its Infusionsoft group ID/tag.
infusionsoftIdstringDisplays as what the specified business has set as its Infusionsoft ID.
infusionsoftNoShowGroupIdintegerOptional override for the group to place data in Infusionsoft if appointment is marked as "no show" instead of another status.
infusionsoftRefreshTokenstringDisplays as alphanumeric hash refresh token the specified business has set for Infusionsoft.
invoiceDescriptionstringDisplays as what the specified business has set as appointment invoice description.
invoiceFrequencystringFor invoiced accounts, displays the frequency that the account gets invoiced


invoicedLocationsintegerProvides the number of locations that the specified business is being invoiced for.
invoicedStaffintegerProvides the number of staff that the specified business is being invoiced for.
ipAddressWhiteListstringIf the specified business is set to restrict login by IP address, set the allowed IP addresses here.

lumaPayAccountIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the specified business' LumaPay account.
lumaPaySetupbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business has a LumaPay account set up as a payment gateway.

modifiedDateintegerDisplays as date the specified business was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.

mwGeniusIpstringDisplays as the IP address for Cayan Genius payment gateway hardware.
mwMerchantKeystringDisplays as alphanumeric key for the Cayan account connected to the specified business.
mwMerchantNamestringDisplays as business name for the specified business, as stored in Cayan.
mwSiteIdstringProvides site ID for the Cayan account of the specified business. 
nextInvoiceChargeDatedateCan be used with Authorize.net payment portal to set a date in the future when all invoices that still have payment due should be charged and auto-settled using the card on file.
paymentByLocationbooleanCan be used with PayPal and Square payment portal to segment invoices on a per-location basis.
paymentConfirmUrlstringCan be used to redirect clients after they finish paying on the selected payment portal to a different landing page than the mini website they booked from.
paymentMethodsarrayDisplays as an array of all available payment methods.
paymentReqbooleanIndicates whether or not an appointment is placed in PENDING status at the end of the scheduling flow for clients to await confirmation of funds received from payment portal.
paypalIdstringDisplays as alphanumeric ID provided by Paypal to link it to TimeTap.
paypalSetupbooleanindicates whether or not the specified business has Paypal set up as a payment gateway. 
pendingCancelMinutesintegerProvides the number of minutes that may elapse before an appointment with a status of Pending becomes cancelled.
postmarkApiKeystringIf the specified business uses Postmark to send emails, this displays as their Postmark API key.
restrictIpAddressbooleanindicates whether or not the specified business is set to restrict login by IP address.
restrictLoginHoursbooleanindicates whether or not the specified business is set to restrict login by hours of the day.
salesforceAccessTokenstringDisplays as token provided from Salesforce that grants TimeTap access to read and write from the Salesforce account.
salesforceAddOpportunitybooleanIndicates whether or not when an appointment is added in TimeTap if TimeTap should then update & add an opportunity to the connected Salesforce account with salesforceOpportunityJson set up.
salesforceContactJsonstringDisplays as a JSON object representing TimeTap client fields to contact profile in Salesforce.
salesforceEventJsonstringDisplays as a JSON object representing TimeTap appointment fields to event profile in Salesforce.
salesforceInstanceUrlstringProvides unique alphanumeric Salesforce account URL.
salesforceOpportunityJsonstringDisplays as a JSON object representing TimeTap appointment, client and payment fields to event profile in Salesforce.
salesforceRefreshTokenstringProvides unique alphanumeric hash used to refresh token with the connected Salesforce account.





sendgridKeystringIf the account uses Sendgrid to send emails, this displays as their Sendgrid API key.

squareAccessTokenstringProvides unique alphanumeric token used to grant access for TimeTap to the connected Square account.
squareDefaultLocationIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric ID of location on Square account that all payments should default to.
squareMerchantIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric ID of merchant from Square account.
squareSetupbooleanIndicates whether or not account has Square set up as a payment gateway.
squareTokenExpiresintegerDisplays as the expiration date for Square token - displays as number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
staffCoordSecurityRoleIdListarrayProvides an array of security role IDs available for coordinator staff.
stripeAccountIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric login ID provided by Stripe to link it to TimeTap.
stripeBusinessLogostringDisplays as the URL for logo for the specified business on Stripe to display on payment screen.
stripePublishableKeystringProvides unique alphanumeric publishable key from Stripe.
stripeRefreshTokenstringProvides the unique alphanumeric token used to refresh token with connected Stripe account.
stripeSecretKeystringProvides the unique alphanumeric key used to connect TimeTap account to Stripe.
stripeSetupbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified business has Square set up as a payment gateway.
tax1NamestringDifferentiating name for the first tax rate that should get applied to invoices/line items on invoices.
tax1RateintegerInteger value for first tax value that should get applied to invoices/line items on invoices.
tax2NamestringDifferentiating name for the second tax rate that should get applied to invoices/line items on invoices (i.e. first tax might be federal and then tax2 may be a local or state tax that has to get applied).
tax2RateintegerInteger value for second tax value that should get applied to invoices/line items on invoices (i.e. first tax might be federal and then tax2 may be a local or state tax that has to get applied).
testbooleanIndicates whether or not the account is set up as a test account. 

textRejectMsgstringUsed with Twilio integration to automatically respond back to any inbound request to Twilio number with whatever string is stored here.
transactionFeeAmountintegerDisplays as the fixed amount to be added to the subtotal of an invoice to offset transaction fees from payment portal to client.
transactionFeeDescriptionstringDisplays as the name given to the transaction fee in the invoice view
transactionFeeRateintegerDisplays as the percentage amount to be added to the subtotal of an invoice to offset transaction fees from payment portal to client.
twilioAuthTokenstringProvides the Twilio authorization token for the specified business. 
twilioSIDstringDisplays as the Twilio String Identifier connected to the specified business.

webhookUrlstringDisplays as what is set as specified business' Webhook URL.
xactLoginIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric login ID provided by E-xact to link it to TimeTap.
xactResponseKeystringProvides unique alphanumeric response key returned from connected E-Xact account.
xactTxnKeystringProvides unique alphanumeric transaction key returned from connected E-Xact account.