Client Scheduler Availability
Andrew Forster
The Availability API is used to display a list of dates and times that are available for a service or class to be booked for a Staff, Reason, and/or Location.
These are the endpoints that are available under the /scheduling/availability path, which lists all the availability for the provided filters.
Endpoint | Description |
Endpoint | Description |
POST /scheduling/availability/month/{year}/{month} | Returns availability for provided parameters for a month. |
POST /scheduling/availability/day/{year}/{month}/{day} | Returns availability for provided parameters for a day. |
Data points passed in the request URL or post body portion of the API call that are used to filter the data being requested.
Parameter | Type | Endpoints to be used with | Description |
Parameter | Type | Endpoints to be used with | Description |
year | integer | ALL | Parameter provided in the URL to limit the year that availability is being searched on. |
month | integer | ALL | Parameter provided in the URL to limit the month that availability is being searched on. |
day | integer | POST /scheduling/availability/day/{year}/{month}/{day} | Parameter provided in the URL to limit the day that availability is being searched on. |
staffIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Staff IDs to limit the availability search. |
reasonIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Reason IDs to limit the availability search. **Required |
locationIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Reason IDs to limit the availability search. |
locationGroupIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Location Group IDs to limit the availability search. |
reasonGroupIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Reason Group IDs to limit the availability search. |
classScheduleIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Classs Schedule IDs to limit the availability search. |
locationSuperGroupIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Location Super Group IDs to limit the availability search. |
reasonSuperGroupIdList | integer array | ALL | List of Reason Super Group IDs to limit the availability search |
locale | String | ALL | Displays as general preferred country and language of specified staff person; by default this value is read from their browser settings - for more info, see Locale API page. |
clientTimeZone | String | ALL | The timezone of the client to search availability. |
duration | Integer | ALL | The duration of the appointment to search availability. |
"businessId": 43111,
"currentMonth": 1675209600000,
"endDate": {
"date": 1708041600000,
"dateId": null,
"day": 16,
"dayOfWeek": 5,
"month": 2,
"openSlotCount": 0,
"year": 2024
"filledDays": [],
"locationList": null,
"month": 2,
"openDays": [{
"date": 1676592000000,
"dateId": null,
"day": 17,
"dayOfWeek": 5,
"month": 2,
"openSlotCount": 0,
"year": 2023,
"staffList": null,
"startDate": {
"date": 1676505600000,
"dateId": null,
"day": 16,
"dayOfWeek": 4,
"month": 2,
"openSlotCount": 0,
"year": 2023
vacationDays: [],
year: 2023
"clientEndDate": "2023-02-21",
"clientEndTime": 1450,
"clientStartDate": "2023-02-21",
"clientStartTime": 1400,
"endTime": 1450,
"staffEndDate": "2023-02-21",
"staffEndDateTimeUTC": 1677009000000,
"staffEndTime": 1500,
"staffStartDate": "2023-02-21",
"staffStartDateTimeUTC": 1677006000000,
"staffStartTime": 1400,
"startTime": 1400,
"timeString": "14:00 - 14:50 America/New_York (14:00 - 14:50 ET)",
"units": [{
"bundleResourceIdList": [2556],
"locationId": 282639,
"professionalId": 298660,
"reasonId": 159330,
"resourceId": 16450,
"roundRobin": false,
"tandemStaffIdList": null