

The Events API is comprised of Event Definition, Event Actions, and Event Triggers APIs. These APIs are used to access, create, and modify the eventDefinition, eventActions, and event Triggers objects on your business' account. Also covered on this page is a description of how the two APIs interact both with each other and with the event type table below to successfully create an event.

The event type table that follows acts as a key for the Event Definitions and Event Actions you create on your account. I will use the creation of an Automated Messaging Trigger that sends an email to a client to illustrate how the tables interact. You must first create an event definition that dictates which event action should be taken based on which event type from the table below takes place. Say you want to set up a trigger to send an email to staff automatically whenever an appointment that staff is connected to gets created. Looking at the event type table below, we see that "appointment created" is the first type listed. So the eventDefinition object that gets created has an eventType object with an eventTypeId of 1 on it. While creating the Event Definition you will also create an Event Action, which in this case would be the sending of the email. 

Event type table


On this page

Events API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that are available under the /eventDefinition, /eventTriggers, and /eventAction paths, which are all involved in setting up events. Please note that there is no DELETE call for eventAction objects, instead simply make a POST call to edit it and set the active property to false.



GET /eventDefinition/eventType/{eventTypeId}

Returns all eventDefinition objects that are set to specified eventType in array format.
GET /eventAction/eventDefinition/{eventDefinitionId}Returns all eventAction objects associated with specified eventDefinition in array format.
GET /eventDefinition/INVITATION_CAMPAIGN/{invitationCampaignId}Returns all eventDefinition objects associated with specified invitationCampaign in array format.
GET /eventTriggers/invitation/{invitationUUID}Returns all eventTrigger objects on specified invitation that have either already taken place-such as a status change-or eventTrigger objects that are scheduled to take place-like when you want to send out an automatic reminder.
GET /eventTriggers/CALENDAR/{calendarId}Returns all eventTrigger objects on associated appointment that have either already taken place - such as a status change - or event trigger objects that are scheduled to take place - like when you want to send an automatic reminder.
GET /eventDefinition/{eventDefinitionId}Returns a JSON object for specified event definition.
POST /eventDefinition

Creates a new eventDefinition object or updates an existing eventDefinition object.

Request body: Must pass an eventDefinition object in request body/payload. 

For these calls, you need to pass an eventDefinition object with all required fields set in the body of the payload; make sure to include eventType object with eventType set to the proper event type from the table provided at the top of page. If you are updating an object, you must include the eventDefnId in the payload. We have an example of a eventDefinition object in the responses section below.

POST /eventAction

Creates a new eventAction object or updates an existing eventAction object.

Request body: Must pass an eventAction object in request body/payload. 

For these calls, you need to pass an eventAction object with all required fields set in the body of the payload; make sure to fill the eventDefinitionId property with the ID of the event definition that the event action is tied to. If you are updating an object, you must include the eventActionId in the payload. We have an example of a eventAction object in the responses section below.

DELETE /eventDefinition/{eventDefinitionId}Removes an eventDefinition object from view by setting its active property to false.

Events Parameters

There are no parameters included with eventDefinition, eventAction, or eventTriggers calls.

Events API Request Body/Payloads

The objects below represent the minimum viable objects to pass that are needed to create or update an eventDefinition or eventAction object. Check whether or not a property can be written to by looking at the Object Values table below to see if the property is writable.

POST /eventDefinition
    "active": true,
    "allOrNoneSelect": {
        "disclaimerForms": {
            "value": "all"
        "locations": {
            "label": "All Locations"
        "value": "all"
        "reasons": {
            "label": "All Services & Classes",
            "value": "all"
        "staff": {
            "label": "Select Tutors",
            "value": "select"
    "businessId": 43111,
    "description": "beebop",
    "disclaimerFormIdList": null,
    "eventType": {
        "eventTypeCode": "APPT",
        "eventTypeDesc": "Appointments",
        "eventTypeId": 3,
        "eventTypeIds": [
            "0": 1,
            "1": 2,
            "2": 3
    "groupIdList": null,
    "locationIdList": null,
    "newStatus": null,
    "newStatusObject": {
        "label": "Any Status",
        "value": "*"
    "objectType": "CALENDAR",
    "oldStatus": null,
    "oldStatusObject": {
        "label": "Any Status",
        "value": "*"
    "professionalIdList": [
        "0": 81651
    "reasonIdList": null,
    "templateActions": [{
        "0": {
            "actionType": "SEND_EMAIL",
            "active": true,
            "businessId": 43111,
            "categoryForLookup": 76,
            "emailTemplateId": 211640,
            "msgType": {
                "eventTypeCodes": [
                    "0": "APPT",
                    "1": "CLASS",
                    "2": "DISCLAIMER",
                    "3": "INVOICE"
                "label": "Email",
                "value": "email"
            "noTemplatesInCategory": false,
            "recipient": {
                "label": "Student",
                "value": "client"
             "template": {
                "active": true,
                "allowOnline": false,
                "attachFileLibraryUUids": [
                    "0": "839fc50deb3e4d4dac4d70c8853bff83"
                "bccAddress": null,
                "businessId": 43111,
                "ccAddress": null,
                "createdDate": 1671138400789,
                "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
                "emailBecause": null,
                "emailBody": "(HTML text of email body)",
                "emailBodyText": null,
                "emailCategory": {Email categories object for email category of template - for more info, see Email Categories API page},
                "emailTemplateId": 211640,
                "externalName": null,
                "fromAddress": "noreply@timetap.com",
                "fromName": "%BUSINESS_NAME%",
                "language": null,
                "level": 1,
                "location": null,
                "modifiedDate": 1671138456462,
                "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
                "noHeader": null,
                "reasonIdList": null,
                "reasonNameList": null,
                "replyToAddress": "%PROFESSIONAL_EMAIL%",
                "resellerId": 3,
                "s3FileName": "43111/templates/template-76-211640.html",
                "sortOrder": null,
                "subject": "Appointment Notification",
                "templateName": "Clone of Default Template",
                "toAddress": "%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%",
                "toName": "%CLIENT_FULLNAME%"
            "templateOptions": [{
                "0": {
                    "active": true,
                    "allowOnline": false,
                    "attachFileLibraryUUids": [
                        "0": "839fc50deb3e4d4dac4d70c8853bff83"
                    "bccAddress": null,
                    "businessId": 43111,
                    "ccAddress": null,
                    "createdDate": 1671138400789,
                    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
                    "emailBecause": null,
                    "emailBody": "(HTML text of email body)",
                    "emailBodyText": null,
                    "emailCategory": {Email categories object for email category of template - for more info, see Email Catgories API page},
                    "emailTemplateId": 211640,
                    "externalName": null,
                    "fromAddress": "noreply@timetap.com",
                    "fromName": "%BUSINESS_NAME%",
                    "language": null,
                    "level": 1,
                    "location": null,
                    "modifiedDate": 1671138456462,
                    "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
                    "noHeader": null,
                    "reasonIdList": null,
                    "reasonNameList": null,
                    "replyToAddress": "%PROFESSIONAL_EMAIL%",
                    "resellerId": 3,
                    "s3FileName": "43111/templates/template-76-211640.html",
                    "sortOrder": null,
                    "subject": "Appointment Notification",
                    "templateName": "Clone of Default Template",
                    "toAddress": "%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%",
                    "toName": "%CLIENT_FULLNAME%",
    "triggerDays": null,
    "triggerHours": -24,
    "triggerHoursValue": 24,
    "triggerMinutes": null,
    "triggerMinutesValue": null,
    "triggerMonths": null,
    "triggerWeeks": null,
    "triggerWhen": {
        "label": "Before",
        "value": "before"
    "triggeredBy": {
        "eventTypeCodes": [
            "0": "APPT",
            "1": "CLASS"
        "label": "Time",
        "value": "time"
POST /eventAction
    "actionType": "SEND_EMAIL",
    "active": true,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "categoryForLookup": 76,
    "emailTemplateId": 211640,
    "eventDefnId": 203973,
    "msgType": {
        "eventTypeCodes": [
            "0": "APPT",
            "1": "CLASS",
            "2": "DISCLAIMER",
            "3": "INVOICE"
        "label": "Email",
        "value": "email"
    "noTemplatesInCategory": false
    "recipient": {
        "label": "Student",
        "value": "client"
    "template": {Template object for email template of event action - for more info, see Email Templates API page},
    "templateOptions": {Template object for email templates that appear as options here - for more info, see Email Templates API page}

Events API Responses

GET /eventDefinition/eventType/{eventTypeId}
    "active": true,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "createdDate": 1540497914072,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "description": "Trigger for appointment changing from Open to Completed",
    "disclaimerFormIdList": null,
    "eventActions": null,
    "eventDefnId": 77882,
    "eventType": {
        "eventCategory": "EVENT",
        "eventType": "APPT_CHANGED",
        "eventTypeId": 2,
        "objectType": "CALENDAR"
    "groupIdList": null,
    "locationIdList": null,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null,
    "newStatus": "COMPLETED",
    "objectId": null,
    "objectType": "CALENDAR",
    "objectUUId": null,
    "oldStatus": "OPEN",
    "professionalIdList": null,
    "reasonIdList": null,
    "triggerHours": -24,
    "triggerMinutes": 0
GET /eventAction/eventDefinition/{eventDefinitionId}
    "actionType": "SEND_EMAIL",
    "active": true,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "createdDate": 1540497762572,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "emailCategoryId": null,
    "emailTemplateId": 12685,
    "eventActionId": 77979,
    "eventDefnId": 40258,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null
GET /eventDefinition/INVITATION_CAMPAIGN/{invitationCampaignId}
    "active": true,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "createdDate": 1540498382090,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "description": null,
    "disclaimerFormIdList": null,
    "eventActions": null,
    "eventDefnId": 77883,
    "eventType": {
        "eventCategory": "REMINDER",
        "eventType": "INVITE_REMINDER",
        "eventTypeId": 8,
        "objectType": "INVITATION",
    "groupIdList": null,
    "locationIdList": null,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null,
    "newStatus": null,
    "objectId": 126506,
    "objectType": "INVITATION_CAMPAIGN",
    "objectUUId": null,
    "oldStatus": null,
    "professionalIdList": null,
    "reasonIdList": null,
    "triggerHours": 24,
    "triggerMinutes": 0
GET /eventTriggers/invitation/{invitationUUId}
    "businessId": 43111,
    "completedTime": 1540588201725,
    "createdDate": 1540498382645,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "eventDefnId": 77883,
    "eventTriggerId": 230330,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null,
    "objectId": null,
    "objectType": "INVITATION",
    "objectUUId": "ivt8de5eade77dd4c47b3c2322726848e88",
    "scheduledTime": 1540584782077,
    "status": "COMPLETED"
GET /eventTriggers/CALENDAR/{calendarId}
    "businessId": 43111,
    "completedTime": 1540825802267,
    "createdDate": 1540744427301,
    "createdUser": "event_trigger",
    "eventDefnId": 77911,
    "eventTriggerId": 235312,
    "modifiedDate": 1540744533717,
    "modifiedUser": "event_trigger",
    "objectId": 18445056,
    "objectType": "CALENDAR",
    "objectUUId": null,
    "scheduledTime": 1540024900000,
    "status": "COMPLETED"
GET /eventDefinition/{eventDefinitionId}
    "active": true,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "createdDate": 1540498382090,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "description": null,
    "disclaimerFormIdList": null,
    "eventActions": null,
    "eventDefnId": 77883,
    "eventType": {
        "eventCategory": "REMINDER",
        "eventType": "INVITE_REMINDER",
        "eventTypeId": 8,
        "objectType": "INVITATION",
    "groupIdList": null,
    "locationIdList": null,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null,
    "newStatus": null,
    "objectId": 126506,
    "objectType": "INVITATION_CAMPAIGN",
    "objectUUId": null,
    "oldStatus": null,
    "professionalIdList": null,
    "reasonIdList": null,
    "triggerHours": 24,
    "triggerMinutes": 0
POST /eventDefinition
    "active": true,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "createdDate": 1540998926569,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "description": "Test Time trigger",
    "disclaimerFormIdList": null,
    "eventActions": null,
    "eventDefnId": 80551,
    "eventType": {
        "eventCategory": null,
        "eventType": null,
        "eventTypeId": 1,
        "objectType": null,
    "filterTagMapJson": null,
    "groupIdList": null,
    "locationIdList": null,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null,
    "newStatus": null,
    "objectId": null,
    "objectType": "CALENDAR",
    "objectUUId": null,
    "oldStatus": null,
    "professionalIdList": [
        "0": 80891,
        "1": 81651
    "reasonIdList": null,
    "triggerHours": 24,
    "triggerMinutes": 0
POST /eventAction
    "actionType": "SEND_EMAIL",
    "active": true,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "createdDate": 1540998926675,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "emailCategoryId": null,
    "emailTemplateId": 13789,
    "eventActionId": 80617,
    "eventDefnId": 80551,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": null

Events Object Values


Property nameTypeRequiredDescription
activebooleanYesIndicates whether or not the specified event definition should return on GET calls.
businessIdintegerYesProvides unique numeric ID of the business to which the specified event definition belongs.
Displays as date the specified event definition was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. 
Displays as username of the user who created the specified event definition.
Displays as the internal description set for the specified event definition.
Displays as an array of disclaimerFormIds of disclaimer forms selected for the specified event definition.
eventActionsarrayYesDisplays as an array of eventActions objects for the event actions connected to the specified event definition.
eventDefnIdintegerYes, for updatesProvides unique numeric ID for the specified event definition.
Displays as eventType object associated with the specified event definition.
Displays as a JSON of all filter tags associated with the specified event definition.
This property is not being used by the back end database to route events at this time.
Displays as an array of locationIds of locations selected for the specified event definition.
Displays as date the specified event definition was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. 
Displays as username of the user who last modified the specified event definition.
Displays as what the status changes to if trigger is status change. * indicates that it could be any status, and any other statuses are the values that returned after GET /status calls.
Provides unique numeric ID for the object connected to the specified event definition.
objectTypestringYesDisplays as type of object connected to the specified event definition. Has available options "CALENDAR", "INVITATION_CAMPAIGN", "RECALL", and "CLASS_SCHEDULE".
Provides unique alphanumeric ID for the object connected to the specified event definition.
Displays as what the status changes from if trigger is status change. * indicates that it could be any status, and any other statuses are the values that returned after GET /status calls.
Displays as an array of professionalIds of staff selected for the specified event definition.
Displays as an array of reasonIds of services selected for the specified event definition.
triggerHoursintegerYesProvides the number of hours before or after an event that the event action will be triggered.
triggerMinutesintegerYesProvides the number of hours before or after an event that the event action will be triggered.


Property nameTypeRequiredDescription
actionTypestringYesDisplays as the type of action to be taken when the event type is triggered. Has available options "SEND_EMAIL".
activebooleanYesIndicates whether or not the specified event action should return on GET calls.
businessIdintegerYesProvides unique numeric ID of the business to which the specified event action belongs.
Displays as date specified event action was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. 
Displays as username of the user who created the specified event action.
Provides unique numeric ID for any email category connected to the specified event action.
emailTemplateIdintegerYesProvides unique numeric ID for email template connected to the specified event action.
eventActionIdintegerYes, for updatesProvides unique numeric ID for the specified event action.
eventDefnIdintegerYesProvides unique numeric ID for the event definition connected to the specified event action.
Displays as date the specified event action was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. 
Displays as username of the user who last modified the specified event action.

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