

The Emails API is used to access the emails objects on your business' account and to send emails out from your business' account. The Emails API is connected to the Email Templates and the Email Categories APIs, as emails use email templates which are grouped into email categories.

On this page

Emails API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that are available under the /emailCategories path, which lists all the different email categories on your business' account.

GET /emails

Returns all email sent objects by a business' account in array format.

GET /emails/{emailId}Returns a JSON object for the specified email sent.
GET /emails/emailTemplates/{emailTemplateId}Returns all email sent objects out that use specified email template in array format.
GET /emails/calendar/{calendarId}Returns all email sent objects for specified appointment in array format.
GET /emails/recurringAppointment/{recurringAppointmentId}Returns all email sent objects for specified recurring appointment in array format.
GET /emails/calendar/{calendarId}/recurringAppointment/{recurringAppointmentId}Returns all email sent objects for specified appointment and any email objects sent for the recurring appointment series it belongs to in array format.
GET /emails/client/{clientId}Returns all email sent objects to specified client in array format.
GET /emails/invoice/{invoiceId}Returns all email sent objects for specified invoice in array format.
GET /emails/invitation/{invitationUUId}Returns all emails sent out for specified invitation.
GET /emails/disclaimerForm/{disclaimerFormUUId}/DISCLAIMER_FORM_CLIENTReturns email with proper link for client to click when they receive it to fill in specified disclaimer form.
GET /emails/status/bouncedReturns all email sent objects that have status = BOUNCED.
GET /emails/waitlist/{waitlistId}/{emailTemplateCode}Returns an email object for a person to edit before it gets sent out for the specified waitlist ID. 
POST /emailDelivery

Returns all emailDelivery objects on the sent email. 

Request body/payload: Must pass the sendId from the email send object in request body/payload.

POST /email/calendar/{calendarId}/{emailCategoryCode}Returns an email set object with status sent to "QUEUED" and body property merged with correct values from specified calendarId.
POST /emails

Sends an email out to one appointment.

Request body/payload: Must pass an email sent object in request body/payload. 

For these calls, you need to pass an email sent object with all required fields and any fields you want to set filled in the body of the payload, and with the calendarId property set to match the ID of the appointment it is sending for. We have an example of an email sent object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page.

POST /emails/calendar/{calendarIdList}

Sends an email out to multiple recipients.

Request body/payload: Must pass an email sent object in request body/payload. 

For these calls, you need to pass an email sent object with all required fields and any fields you want to set filled in the body of the payload, and with the commaSeparatedCalendarIdList property set to match the IDs of the appointments it is sending for. We have an example of an email sent object in the responses section below and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page.

POST /emails/invoice/{invoiceId}

Sends an email out for specified invoice.

Request body/payload: Must pass an email template object in request body/payload. 

For these calls, you need to pass an email template object with all required fields and any fields you want to set filled in the body of the payload, and with the calendarId property set to match the ID of the appointment it is sending for. We have an example of an email template object in the responses section of the Email Templates API page and have indicated the required fields in the object values table at the bottom of this page.

Emails API Parameters

Data points passed on in the request URL portion of the API call that are used to filter the data being requested. 

ParamaterTypeEndpoints to be used withDescription
pageNumberintegerGET /emails, GET /emails/status/bouncedWorks with the pageSize parameter to determine how emails get returned following a GET emails/status/bounced call. The pageNumber value represents the number of pages on which the emails that get returned appear.
pageSizeintegerGET /emails, GET /emails/status/bouncedWorks with the pageNumber parameter to determine how emails gets returned following a GET emails/status/bounced call. The pageSize value represents the number of emails appearing on each page that gets returned.

Emails API Request Body/Payloads

The objects below represent the minimum viable objects to pass that are needed to create or update an emails object. Check whether or not a property can be written to by looking at the Object Values table below to see if the property is writable.

POST /emails/calendar/{calendarIdList}
    "active": true,
    "addressCountsInvalid": false,
    "allowOnline": false,
    "attachFileLibraryUUids": null,
    "bccAddress": null,
    "bccAddressCharCountInvalid": false,
    "body": "(HTML coding for body of email)",
    "businessId": 43111,
    "ccAddress": null,
    "ccAddressCharCountInvalid": false,
    "createdDate": 1677615117543,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "emailBecause": null,
    "emailBody": "(HTML coding for body of email)",
    "emailBodyText": null,
    "emailCategory": {Email category object for email category of specified email - for more info, see Email Categories API page},
    "emailTemplateId": 214720,
    "externalName": null,
    "fromAddress": "noreply@timetap.com",
    "fromName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous!",
    "language": null,
    "level": 1,
    "location": null,
    "modifiedDate": null,
    "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "noHeader": null,
    "reasonIdList": null,
    "reasonNameList": null,
    "replyToAddress": "noreply@timetap.com",
    "resellerId": 3,
    "s3FileName": "43111/templates/template-18-214720.html",
    "sendCompletedTemplate": {Email template object - for more info, see Email Templates API page},
    "sortOrder": null,
    "subject": "[Appointment] %STAFF_FULLNAME% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%",
    "templateName": "Default Template",
    "toAddress": "%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%",
    "toAddressCharCountInvalid": false,
    "toName": "%CLIENT_FULLNAME%"
POST /emails/invoice/{invoiceId}
    "active": true,
    "addressCountsInvalid": false,
    "allowOnline": false,
    "attachFileLibraryUUids": null,
    "bccAddress": null,
    "bccAddressCharCountInvalid": false,
    "body": "(HTML coding for body of email)",
    "businessId": 43111,
    "ccAddress": null,
    "ccAddressCharCountInvalid": false,
    "createdDate": 1539011086954,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "emailBecause": null,
    "emailBody": "(HTML coding for body of email)",
    "emailBodyText": null,
    "emailCatagory": {Email category object for email category of specified email - for more info, see Email Categories API page},
    "emailTemplateId": 70722,
    "externalName": null,
    "fromAddress": "noreply@timetap.com",
    "fromName": "%BUSINESS_NAME%",
    "language": null,
    "level": 1,
    "location": null,
    "modifiedDate": 1539014322304,
    "modifiedUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "noHeader": null,
    "reasonIdList": null,
    "reasonNameList": null,
    "replyToAddress": "%PROFESSIONAL_EMAIL%",
    "resellerId": 3,
    "s3FileName": "43111/templates/template-63-70722.html",
    "sortOrder": null,
    "subject": "Invoice Summary Of Charges",
    "templateName": "Default Bulk Invoice Template",
    "toAddress": "%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%",
    "toAddressCharCountInvalid": false,
    "toName": "%CLIENT_FULLNAME%"

Emails API Responses

GET /emails
    "attachFileLibraryUUids": null,
    "attachFileLibraryList": null,
    "attachments": null,
    "bccAddress": null,
    "body": null,
    "businessId": 43111,
    "calendarId": 18310417,
    "ccAdress": null,
    "classScheduleId": null,
    "clientAccountId": null,
    "clientId": null,
    "createdDate": 1539356286584,
    "createdUser": "JoeSchmo",
    "dateProcessed": 1539356286927,
    "disclaimerFormUUid": null,
    "emailBecause": null,
    "emailCategory": {Email category object for email category of specified email - for more info, see Email Categories API page},
    "emailFinal": (HTML coding for final part of email),
    "emailFooter": null,
    "emailId": 33384373,
    "emailStatusId": 5,
    "emailTemplateId": 11635,
    "fromAddress": "noreply@timetap.com",
    "fromName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous",
    "gateway": null,
    "icalText": null,
    "invitationUUId": null,
    "invoiceId": null,
    "jobRequisitionId": null,
    "locale": "en-US",
    "location": null,
    "modifiedDate": 1539356613885,
    "msgType": "EMAIL",
    "noHeader": null,
    "packageSoldId": null,
    "postmarkAPIKey": null,
    "professionalId": 77961,
    "recurringAppointmentId": null,
    "replyToAddress": "joeschmo@email.com",
    "s3FileName": null,
    "s3FinalFileName": "prod/43111/2018/final-bcee1b115ffe452fa061610f542167c8.html",
    "s3ICSFileName": "43111/2018/ical-ca892f3aflo092ecad73e78a9ccca8a7.ics",
    "sendError": null,
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    "sendgrisAPIKey": null,
    "sentAge": "2 hours ago",
    "status": "OPENED",
    "subject": "[Appointment] Jane Deer on Tuesday, Oct 16, 2018 at 8:00 AM EDT",
    "templateName": null,
    "textBody": null,
    "textMessage": false,
    "toAddress": "joeschmo@email.com",
    "toName": "Joe Schmo",
    "twilioAuthtoken": null,
    "twilioSID": null,
    "waitListId": null,
    "waitListInviteUUId": null
GET /emails/{emailId}
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    "createdUser": "ApptRemindStaffJob",
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    "emailBecause": null,
    "emailCategory": {Email category object for email category of specified email - for more info, see Email Categories API page},
    "emailFinal": (HTML coding for final part of email),
    "emailFooter": null,
    "emailId": 3383012,
    "emailStatusId": 5,
    "emailTemplateId": 4860,
    "fromAddress": "noreply@timetap.com",
    "fromName": "Dog Groomers Anonymous",
    "gateway": null,
    "icalText": (ical text),
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    "invoiceId": null,
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    "modifiedDate": 1539694066629,
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    "postmarkAPIKey": null,
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    "replyToAddress": "joeschmo@email.com",
    "s3FileName": null,
    "s3FinalFileName": "prod/43111/2018/final-2c68973fbc854882a471203b8fba7d73.html",
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    "subject": "[Appointment Reminder]  on Wednesday, Oct 17, 2018 at 8:00 AM EDT",
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    "toAddress": "client@email.com",
    "toName": "Client Name",
    "twilioAuthToken": null,
    "twilioSID": null,
    "waitListId": null,
    "waitListInviteUUId": null
GET /emails/emailTemplates/{emailTemplateId}
    "attachFileLibraryUUids": null,
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    "emailBecause": null,
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    "emailFinal": (HTML coding for final part of email),
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    "s3FileName": null,
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    "s3ICSFileName": "43111/2018/ical-85a75bad624b4d46a1cf304fdcfcda42.ics",
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    "toName": "Jane Deer",
    "twilioAuthToken": null,
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    "waitListInviteUUId": null
GET /emails/calendar/{calendarId}
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GET /emails/recurringAppointment/{recurringAppointmentId}
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GET /emails/calendar/{calendarId}/recurringAppointment/{recurringAppointmentId}
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GET /emails/client/{clientId}
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GET /emails/invoice/{invoiceId}
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    "s3FinalFileName": "prod/43111/2018/final-33534841.html",
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GET /emails/invitation/{invitationUUId}
    "businessId": 43111,
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    "createdUser": "COCOMOE",
    "description": "Campaign for Beach, Coco moe, Guided meditation sent on 08/08/2019 @ 1:53PM",
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GET /email/disclaimerForm/{disclaimerFormUUid}/DISCLAIMER_FORM_CLIENT
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    "toName": "Jay Kay",
    "twilioAuthToken": null,
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    "waitListId": null,
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GET /emails/status/bounced
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    "s3ICSFileName": "43111/2018/992c0b837b04b13bc0846dd71532743.ics",
    "sendError": "The server was unable to deliver your message.",
    "sendId": "8b386f11-fba1-4922-9dc0-8508673e83c0",
    "sendgridAPIKey": null,
    "sentAge": "2 months ago",
    "status": "BOUNCED",
    "subject": "[Appointment] Joe Schmo on Thursday, Aug 30, 2018 at 10:00 AM EDT",
    "templateName": null, 
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    "toAddress": "jair@email.com",
    "toName": "Joan Air",
    "twilioAuthToken": null,
    "twilioSID": null,
    "waitListId": null,
    "waitListInviteUUId": null
GET /email/waitlist/{waitlistId}/{emailTemplateCode}
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    "toName": "Joel Test",
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POST /emailDelivery
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POST /email/calendar/{calendarId}/{emailCategoryCode}
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    "sentAge": "2 months ago",
    "status": "BOUNCED",
    "subject": "[Appointment] Joe Schmo on Thursday, Aug 30, 2018 at 10:00 AM EDT",
    "textBody": null,
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    "toName": "Joan Air",
    "waitListId": null,
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Emails Object Values


Property NameTypeDescription
atachFileLibraryUUidsarrayDisplays as an array containing all UUIds of attachments for the specified email.
bccAddressstringDisplays as the Bcc of the specified email.
bodystringDisplays as the HTML coding for Body of the specified email.
businessIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the business to which the specified email belongs.
calendarIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the appointment connected to the specified email.

Displays as the Cc of the specified email.

clientIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the client connected to the specified email.
classScheduleIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the class schedule connected to the specified email.
clientAccountIdintegerIf the client connected to the specified email has registered on the scheduler or you have provided the client with a password to the scheduler, this would provide their unique numeric ID for the scheduler login. 
createdDateintegerDisplays as date the specified email was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. 
createdUserstringDisplays the username of user who created the specified email.
dateProcessedintegerDisplays as date the specified email got processed in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. 
disclaimerFormUUidstringProvides unique alphanumeric ID of any disclaimer form connected to the specified email.
emailBecausestringDisplays as the reason the specified email was sent.
emailCategoryobjectDisplays as email category object of the specified email.
emailFinalstringDisplays as the final part of the specified email.
emailFooterstringDisplays as the Footer of the specified email.
emailIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the specified email.
emailStatusIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the email status connected to the specified email.
emailTemplateIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for the email template connected to the specified email.
fromAddressstringDisplays as the From Address of the specified email.
fromNamestringDisplays as the From Name of the specified email.
gatewaystringDisplays as unique email sending provider/gateway if default (Postmark) is not used.
icalTextstringSet to the HTML value for any .ics file attachment sent with the specified email.
invitationUUIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric ID for any invitation connected to the specified email.
invoiceIdintegerDisplays as unique numeric ID of any invoice connected to the specified email.
jobRequisitionIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for any job requisitions connected to the specified email.
localestringDisplays as language/locale of the specified email.
locationstringDisplays as the Location of the specified email.
modifiedDateintegerDisplays as date the specified email was last modified in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form. 
msgTypestringDisplays as the message type of the specified email. Has available options "EMAIL" and "SMS".
noHeaderbooleanIndicates whether or not the specified email uses no header.
packageSoldIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID for any packages sold connected to the specified email.
postmarkAPIKeystringIf the account uses Postmark to send emails, this displays as the Postmark API key connected to the specified email.
professionalIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID of any staff connected to the specified email.
recurringAppointmentIdintegerDisplays as unique numeric ID of any recurring appointment series the specified email belongs to.
replyToAddressstringDisplays as the Reply to Address of the specified email.
s3FileNamestringDisplays as the location/name of the specified email file as stored in Amazon Web Services repository.
s3FinalFileNamestringDisplays as the final file location/name of the specified email file as stored in Amazon Web Services repository.
s3ICSFileNamestringDisplays as the ICS file name of the specified email file as stored in Amazon Web Services repository.
sendErrorstringDisplays as the Send Error of the specified email.
sendIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric ID for sent email.
sendgridAPIKeystringIf the account uses Sendgrid to send emails, this displays as the Sendgrid API Key connected to the specified email.
sentAgestringDisplays as how long ago the specified email was sent.
statusstringDisplays as status of the specified email. Has available options "DELIVERED", "OPENED", "FAILED", "BOUNCED".
subjectstringDisplays as the Subject of the specified email.
toAddressstringDisplays as the To Address of the specified email.
toNamestringDisplays as the To Name of the specified email.
twilioAuthTokenstringProvides the Twilio auth token connected to the specified email.
twilioSIDstringDisplays as the Twilio String Identifier connected to the specified email.
waitListIdintegerProvides unique numeric ID of any waitlist connected to the specified email.
waitListInviteUUIdstringProvides unique alphanumeric ID of any waitlist invite connected to the specified email.


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
Gives greater description as to the bounce type reason
Indicates whether the bounce was a permanent bounce, transient bounce, or if it was undetermined
Displays as date the specified email delivery was created in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC form.
Displays as reason the specified email delivery was unable to send.
Displays as email address the specified email delivery was sent to.
Provides unique numeric ID for the specified email delivery.
Provides unique numeric ID for email connected to the specified email delivery.
Displays as JSON text for the specified email delivery.
Provides unique alphanumeric ID for the specified email delivery.
Displays as type of notification connected to the specified email delivery.

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