My Report Runner

Business Level Feature 

My Report Runner allows you to create your own appointment-based reports that you can save and run whenever you need them.

How to create a report

To create a report using My Report Runner go to Dashboard > Reports:

Once in Reports, select My Report Runner:

In the My Report Runner section, select Build Reports:

Once on the Build Reports page, select the Add New Reports button:

You will then be taken to the Report Builder Setup page where you will need to name your report and then select the information you want to be included in that report:

The Report Details panel is composed of the following sections:

  • Report Name: This is the name that will appear in the dropdown for you and your staff to select when exporting this report

  • Statuses: These are the appointment statuses that you want included in the report

  • Define Date Range by Created Date: Check this off if you want the date range that you define when running the report to calculate based on the date the appointments were created instead of the date the appointment is scheduled to take place

  • Appointment Info Fields: These are all the appointment specific fields that can be included in the report

  • Appointment Custom Fields: These are the fields that you have defined under Settings > Define Field Labels and applied to the Appointment Detail page

  • Client Info Fields: These are the fields you defined user Settings > Define Field Labels and applied to the Client Profile page

Once you've chosen the information you would like to include in your report, select the Save button to confirm that report:

After you've clicked the Save button, the Report Details screen will change to a read-only mode - if you need to add additional information select the Edit button. Otherwise, select the Reports on the left side menu to run your newly created report:


How to export a report

On the Reports page, select the My Report Runner tab. Then select your report from the Type dropdown, choose the Date Range for the report, confirm the Locations/Staff/Reasons to be included in the report, and select the Download Report button:

After selecting the Download Report button, the report will be downloaded to your computer in .xls format.


How to edit a report

If you need to add or remove information from any reports you have created, go to Dashboard > Reports > My Report Runner and select the Build Reports tab to view a list of your existing reports:

Once in the list of your reports, you'll see the option to (1) Add New Report, (2) View the details selected in a report, and (3) Delete a report.

Select View next to the report you want to update:

After selecting the View button, you'll be taken to the Report Builder Setup page where you can select the Edit button to then add or remove information from the existing report: 

Once the Report Details panel goes into Edit mode, select or unselect the fields you want in your report and then select Save to confirm those changes:

After you've clicked the Save button, the Report Details screen will change to a read-only mode.