Adding Plan-Specific Instructions

Adding Plan-Specific Instructions

If you have information that needs to be included in an email for any appointment scheduled on a particular plan, you can add that information to a field in your plan profile. This is particularly useful for providing plan-specific survey links to send in the follow-up email after an appointment has been completed.

First, go to Settings > Meetings > Plans and click View next to the plan to which you’d like to apply this information.

Once you’re in the Plan Profile, locate the field labeled “Plan Email Instructions”. Adding information to this field will show in any email template into which you to insert the tag %REASON_GROUP_EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS%.

Click Edit, and from here you can type in the plan-specific email instructions, including links, photos, and any text you need to include.

Click Save when you’re finished, and that information will now show in email templates that include the %REASON_GROUP_EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS% tag.

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