Check In Screen

Check In Screen

The Check In Screen is a tool that can be setup on a designated kiosk in your space so that your clients can enter their Name or Appointment ID to find their appointment and check themselves in for their appointment.

By default, new appointments are created in an Open status. You have the option to mark an appointment as Checked In as clients arrive for their appointments, which will time stamp the start time of the appointment and display it on the Audit Trail. An appointment can be moved to a Checked In status either by the staff in the Backoffice or from a designated kiosk using the Check In Screen described below.

This help doc covers:

Setting up the Check In Screen

To configure the Check In Screen, select Dashboard > Check In Screen from the top Backoffice menu:


The Configure you Check In Screen page has the following setup options:

  1. Check In Title: This is what appears at the top of your check in form

  2. Appointment ID Search: If selected, this will allow clients to search for their appointments in the check in screen using their Appointment ID

  3. Appointment ID Placeholder: This is what appears in the search field if you have Appointment ID search turned on

  4. Appointment ID Result Fields: This is the information about the appointment that will display in the results after the client searches by Appointment ID

  5. Client Search: If selected, this will allow clients to enter their name, email, phone, etc, and pull up a list of appointments scheduled for them

  6. Client Search Placeholder: This is what appears in the search field if you have Client Search turned on

  7. Client Search Result Fields: This is the client information that appears in the results table if you have Client Search turned on

  8. Action Items: These are the buttons that will appear in the search results for your clients to use. Based on your selection, you can allow your clients only Check In or Print their appointment details

  9. Seconds before check in dismisses: After your client checks in, you can determine how long the confirmation message stays on screen before disappearing by entering how many seconds the confirmation message should stay in the screen in this field. If you are asking your clients to print their ticket, it's a good idea to leave the confirmation message on the screen a little longer.

  10. Password to exit Check In View: If you enter into the Check In Only View, this will be the password you will have to enter to return to the Backoffice

  11. Enter Check In Only View button: Click this button to enter the Check In Screen

  12. Preview: After you have made your selections to configure your check in screen and clicked the Update Settings

Example Setup

In this example:

  1. The Check In Screen Title has been changed to read only "Check In"

  2. Client Search has been enabled so that clients can search appointments by their name

  3. The Client Search Placeholder has been changed to "Enter your name"

  4. After searching for their appointment, clients will see their name, the staff name (who will be assisting them), and their appointment's date and time

  5. Clients are only allowed to check in and not print their appointment information

  6. The confirmation message is set to stay in the screen for 7 seconds

After the necessary changes have been made, select Update Settings to see a preview of the Check In Screen under the Preview section.


Enabling the Check In Only View

To enter the Check In view, select the Enter Check In Only View button:

You will then be redirected to the Check In Only View:


The next section covers how this setup can be used to allow clients to check in for their service appointments.

How clients can check in for appointments for services

For this example, a retirement consulting firm takes 1-on-1 appointments and also organizes seminars where multiple clients can come in at once. They have a dedicated kiosk setup in the office lobby to allow clients to check in when they arrive at the office, which will allow staff members to focus on wrapping up their current appointments. After the Check In Screen has been set up and the Check In Only View has been enabled, clients will now be able to type their name in the Client Search field and select the Search icon to see their appointment information:

After the client selects the Search icon, the appointment information will appear below. At this point the client can select the Check In button:

After the client has checked in, a message will appear to confirm that they have successfully checked in and will stay in the screen for the amount of seconds that was set in the Seconds before check in dismisses field:

After the client has checked in, a check mark icon will be added to their appointment in the Calendar view of the Backoffice:

The Appointment Detail page for that appointment also shows the updated Checked In status and displays the date and time when the client checked in:

The Checked In information can also be viewed from the Appointments > Appointment Lists page:


After the appointment has taken place, you can mark it as Complete from the Appointment Detail page by selecting the Status button and choosing Completed:


How clients can check in for appointments for classes

Clients can also check in for appointments that are part of a class session as well. In this case, a financial education seminar has been scheduled with a maximum capacity of 10 attendees. This time clients will be able to search for their appointment using their appointment ID (1) (which they can find in their appointment confirmation email and reminder), or name (2). The option for clients to Print their appointment information at the time of check in has been enabled, and the Seconds before check in dismisses setting has been increased to 15 seconds to give the clients enough time to select the Print button(3). These changes can be made under Dashboard > Check In Screen:

After the changes have been made, the Check In Only View can be enabled on the kiosk that is set up for the clients. Now when a client enters their appointment ID or name, they will have the option to check in first:

Once they've checked in, they will have the option to print their appointment information:


Note: Allowing clients to print their appointment information is not limited to checking in for appointments that are part of class sessions, the same function can be applied when client are checking in for their service appointments. 


This will bring up a new window with a preview of their appointment details and an icon to print in the top right:

If you go to the Class Session Details screen, you will be able to see which clients have checked in for that session:

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