

With TimeTap Online Scheduling, you have the option of collecting payments for your appointments or for the charges acquired while in office.

Under the Payments menu, you can set up a payment processing provider (like PayPal, Authorize.net, Cayan, etc) as well as configure the settings for your business for clients taking appointments with you.

In this section of our documentation, we'll go through how to:

  1. Configure your Payment Settings
  2. View and manage your business's invoices
  3. Add coupons which you can distribute to clients for discounts on services

Payments have a far reaching effect within TimeTap. Besides just the Payments menu item at the top of TimeTap, you'll also see payment pop up in the following places:

  1. If you're on an appointment's detail screen you'll see the option for "Invoices" at the bottom which you can use to create an invoice for that specific appointment
  2. If you're on a client's profile you'll see a tab called "Payments" which will list all of that client's invoices and any uninvoiced charges or credits they've had on their account
  3. On a service's or class's profile screen you'll see lines items for price and deposit amounts. These are associated with what a client will have to pay when they book through your scheduler

The payments feature is only available to our TimeTap Professional level users.

Click the links above or use the left hand navigation menu to go to any of the sub documentation about the specific payment features you're interested in learning more about.

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