Setup Guide

Setup Guide

The Setup Guide provides a list of recommended tasks to help guide you through the initial setup of your account.

The Setup Guide walks you through the following items:

Navigating Setup Guide Page

The Setup Guide is the first screen you will see right after you've completed/skip the Setup Wizard. As you move around the Backoffice you can always get back to the Setup Guide by selecting Dashboard > Setup Guide:

You’ll find these sections on the right side of the Setup Guide:

  1. Account Setup Progress: This progress bar tells you how many more steps you have left to complete the basic setup. The initial Setup Wizard will help put everything in place that is needed for you to start taking appointments, but if you would like to customize TimeTap to fit the needs of your business, then it is recommended that you take time to go through each step of the Setup Guide.

  2. Plan Information: This sections tells you how many days you have left in your free trail and the TimeTap plan you've selected.

  3. Scheduling Page: This shows the URL for your Default Booking Site where your clients can book appointments with you using the Client Scheduler. You can update the first part of this URL here to match your business' branding. 

  4. Embed Scheduler: This bit of code can be used to embed your business' scheduler in your website and allow your clients to book appointments without having to leave your site

  5. Getting Started Guides: Here you will find a link to our video guide on how to get started using TimeTap and if you prefer you can click the link go to our written guide to getting started



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