Billing Information

Billing Information

By default, only the Account Owner has access to view or edit Billing Info.

This help doc covers:

Viewing Billing Information

To view your Billing Info page, click your Staff Profile Name in the top right corner and select Billing Info from the drop-down menu. Then select the View Billing Information button.


After selecting the View Billing Information button, you will be able to view your current subscription, past invoices, the current card on file, and any account balance.


Updating the Credit Card or Billing Address

Select Edit in the Billing Information section to enter new credit card details & billing address information.


Once you've completed all required fields, click Update to confirm that change


Updating the Billing Email

The email used when creating your account is what also gets set as the default email on your billing profile. The email set on the billing profile determines the recipient for invoice emails and subscription updates.

Although the Account Owner's profile and the billing email share the same address at the start, they are two independent fields and are updated separately. You can update the billing email if you wish to direct billing communications to a different address than is listed on the Account Owner's profile.

To update the billing email, while select the Name in the top right of the Billing Info page and choose Change Email from the dropdown menu.


Enter the new billing email address on the Change Your Email panel.

Select Submit to confirm that update.

If you would like to make additional updates to your billing profile or want to send billing communications to additional email addresses, please reach out to our team at support@timetap.com and we’d be happy to assist.


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